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. Not funny. I have to go talk with the day walkers, Christo said as he stood. Play nice, you two.Christo left to go talk with the lone shifters Christian had hired towatch the coven during the day when the vampires slept.Afterfinding out that vampire hunters discovered where they lived and triedto attack, Christian wasn t taking any chances.Christo missed the simple days of fighting and fucking.Thisrogue mess, along with the twins, was giving him a solid headache.* * * *Gavino stood in front of Christian s desk, a pissed-off look on hisface.Christian didn t blame the guy, not after what Gavino had justtold him. How am I to do my job when I have your little brother down inthe sewers eating the rogues? Gavino asked. Ceri is becoming avery big problem.I thought it would be a good thing to have him help 68 Lynn Hagenus, but he came at my team like he wanted to eat us as well.Put aleash on your brother.Christian stood so fast that Gavino was struggling for air before heeven realized that Christian had his hand around the fool s throat.Thesurprise was evident in the man s eyes. Speak to me like that againand Ceri is the least of your problems. My apologies, Prince, Gavino sputtered, but made no attempt toget Christian to release him,  but Ceri is a big problem.Christian knew this.He had to find a way to stop Ceri before hekilled a human.So far his brother was eradicating Christian s rogueproblem, but as the saying goes, be careful what you wish for.Christian released Gavino.The man had been rude, but it wasn t hisfault that Ceri was becoming a liability the vampire community didnot need. I was not trying to be rude, Prince, but Ceri must be dealt with.Today it s the vampire rogues, tomorrow it will be humans.We can tafford for the humans to discover our existence, and in the worstpossible way.They don t take kindly to murder, even if the victimsare the scourge of their society.Very true.Christian knew part of Ceri s problem was his hunger.After being asleep for so long, he was starving.Ceri would eat hisway through the rogue population, and if his thirst wasn t sated, thehumans would be next.It was as if two thousand years hadn t passed.The problems of old were the problems they faced now.Christian rubbed his eyes with the tips of his fingers, wonderingwhy the preternatural world was in chaos.Not only had his twinswoken, but vampire hunters were growing in numbers, the drugLiquid Wrath was mutating, and Yasuko was pregnant again.Heshould have stayed in bed.At least the last problem on his list was agood thing. I ll handle my brother, Gavino.I want you to focus on the jobyou were paid to do. The Dark Side of Love 69Gavino gave a slight bow, but his eyes weren t convinced thatChristian could rein his brother in.Hell, Christian wasn t sure of thateither, unless he did the one thing he was really trying to avoid, andthat was killing Ceri. 70 Lynn HagenChapter SixNathaniel sat on his couch, staring up at Rhys.It had been a weeksince Ceri had come to kill him.Manny was going to be showing upat his door soon to collect what was owed to him, but hell if Nathanielcould get away long enough to go get the money.Rhys hadn t let Nathaniel out of his sight.It was both irritating ashell and comforting knowing Rhys would protect him from Ceri.Nathaniel just wanted his damn life back.Rhys had been taking himto the palace to sleep, and the only reason they were back atNathaniel s apartment was because Nathaniel had lied.He had told Rhys that he was meeting his brother because Vanneeded to borrow some money.Rhys had believed him, which madeNathaniel feel like shit, but Nathaniel knew Manny.If he wasn t hereto pay the man back, Manny would go after Van.That was somethingNathaniel couldn t live with.Rhys stood in Nathaniel s living room, poking at the televisionwith a strange expression on his face when a knock sounded onNathaniel s door.Rhys looked up, a dark look crossing his face. That s Van, Nathaniel said as he smoothed his hands down hisjeans, wondering what in the hell he was going to tell Manny.Rhysstayed where he was, but his expression hadn t changed.Nathanielstayed frozen to the couch, thinking that maybe coming back herewasn t one of his more brilliant ideas. Are you going to welcome him in? Rhys asked as he movedaway from the television, heading toward the door. He is family.Family is always welcome. The Dark Side of Love 71Oh shit.Nathaniel jumped up from the couch, blocking Rhys fromgoing to the door.That wasn t an easy thing to do.Rhys was a verylarge vampire.His shoulders were almost as wide as Nathaniel wastall.Power and authority didn t ooze from the man.He wore it like asecond skin.Rhys was definitely comfortable in who he was.Nathaniel only wished he possessed confidence like that.The knock sounded again, harder this time. Your brother seems to be growing impatient.Give him the coinshe needs so we can be gone from here.Nathaniel could feel panic setting in.He shouldn t have lied toRhys.He knew that now, but telling Rhys he had lied wasn t going togo so well.Nathaniel started to get a headache, right behind his lefteye.It pounded insistently, making him swallow a few times as heglanced at the door.Rhys stepped closer, the dark expression growing as he leaned inand sniffed at Nathaniel s neck. The poison you ingest has come tothe surface, why? he asked as his head slowly rose, the blue in hiseyes bleeding until the whites were no longer visible. Is it yourbrother that feeds you these wicked things? No, Nathaniel answered quickly. Van hates drugs. Then why is the craving in your eyes? Rhys grabbedNathaniel s upper arms, pulling him closer as he licked Nathaniel sneck. I can even taste a slight lingering.Nathaniel was shaking so badly that it felt like Rhys holding himwas the only reason he hadn t fallen apart. What are you afraid of, Nathaniel? Rhys seemed confused, buthis eyes softened slightly. Tell me your fears and I will slay them foryou.If only it were that easy.But the offer touched him& in somederanged sort of way.The knocking sounded as if Manny was trying to break the doordown.Nathaniel knew that knock.Manny was pissed. 72 Lynn HagenNathaniel had seconds to gasp before Rhys slammed his lips ontoNathaniel s.He struggled to pull away, to get free.Visions of whatRhys had looked like when he first saw the vampire chased throughhis mind.Nathaniel didn t want to kiss the man.He wanted to get freeand run as fast and as far as he could.The kiss turned from demanding to exploring in the blink of aneye.Nathaniel stood stiffly, allowing Rhys s tongue to lick across hislips, to trace the lines of his mouth.The tension eased as Nathanielstarted to relax.He never would have thought that an ancient vampirecould kiss like a god.Nathaniel moaned, pulling at his arms.Rhys released them, andNathaniel snaked his arms around Rhys s shoulders.To feel so muchstrength, so much power under his hands was intoxicating.Nathanielsank into the kiss, opening his mouth wide to let Rhys in.Gods, help his insanity, but he wanted Rhys in the worst way.Theman may have been what nightmares were made of when Nathanielfirst laid eyes on the man, but he was a gorgeous warrior inNathaniel s eyes now.The man was muscular, big, and powerful.Thecombination was heady as Nathaniel moaned into the kiss.Rhys pulled Nathaniel closer, his fingers digging into Nathaniel sback as he crushed Nathaniel to him.Nathaniel grew hard, his cockstraining against his jeans.When Rhys pulled back, Nathaniel whimpered and tried to chaseafter Rhys s lips with his own.He didn t want the kiss to end.Hewanted Rhys to grab him and take him to bed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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