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.Gelatins are sometimes used to remove excessastringency from fruit wines.The clay-like material bentonite is used to remove excess protein and improvethe stability of these wines.Sparkolloid and bentonite are the two materials of choice for clarifying mosttypes of fruit wine.Wines are usually fined with Sparkolloid first, then if the wine does not come clear,bentonite is used.Other fining materials like isinglass or casein are also used to clarify both red and whitefruit wines.Most fining materials require from a few days to two weeks to settle to the bottom of thecontainer.Then the clear wine is racked off the sediment, and very little of the fining material remains in thefinished wine.Instructions supplied with fining materials should be followed carefully.Pectic EnzymesPectin makes jam and jelly set.All fresh fruits contain some pectin, and some types of fruit like apples,apricots and plums contain large amounts.Pectin often causes problems for the fruit winemaker.Pectin canhold small particles in suspension, and wines containing excessive pectin often do not clear and remaincloudy. Pectinase is an enzyme that breaks the large pectin molecules into smaller, less-troublesomemolecules, so pectinase is a great help in clarifying cloudy wines containing excessive amounts of pectin.131 Potassium SorbateWines containing residual sugar and less than 16 percent alcohol can start fermenting anytime.Consequently, all off-dry and sweet wines must be stabilized by a special treatment.Potassium sorbateadded to clean, clear wine can prevent fermentation from restarting.However, sorbate will not stop activefermentations, and sorbate cannot stop wines containing many yeast cells from fermenting.Sorbate onlyworks when the wine has been carefully racked or filtered to remove most of the viable yeast cells.Potassium sorbate is not a very stable material, and poorly stored sorbate can deteriorate in a few months.Sulfur DioxideSulfur dioxide is used in wine to inhibit the growth of microorganisms and to help reduce the effects ofoxidation.However, sulfur dioxide is a pungent gas.This material must be carefully measured, and it mustbe used in very small quantities.Potassium metabisulfite (sulfite) crystals are added to juice or wine toprovide the sulfur dioxide gas.Campden tablets are made by compressing sulfite crystals into a pill form, soCampden tablets can also be used to provide sulfur dioxide.Some winemakers believe Campden tablescontain a  filler and the filler causes haze problems in some kinds of wine.Campden tables are easier touse when just a few gallons of wine are being produced.However, when larger quantities of wine aremade, most winemakers prefer to use sulfite crystals.The crystals should be mixed with an ounce or two ofwater before being added to the wine.SugarThe alcohol content of the finished wine depends upon the quantity of sugar in the juice.Sometimes homewinemaking shops recommend special kinds of sugar, but ordinary white household sugar (sucrose) is quitesatisfactory for making fruit wine.The yeast produces the enzymes needed to convert the sucrose intoglucose and fructose.TanninTannin materials give wine its characteristic astringency.Tannin helps a young wine spontaneously clear,and it contributes to the longevity of the wine.Tannin originates in the seeds, stems and skins of fruit.Sometypes of fruit, like bananas, contain very little natural tannin, and producing a balanced wine from fruit low intannin can be difficult.Consequently, winemakers often add extra tannin to fruit musts that lack sufficientnatural astringency.Yeast EnergizerYeast cells need available nitrogen to reproduce and create the large population of cells needed forsuccessful fermentation.Yeast energizers contain food grade diammonium phosphate (DAP), and the DAPprovides extra nitrogen to keep the yeast happy, healthy and reproducing new yeast cells.High alcohollevels seem to prevent yeast from assimilating nitrogen, so nitrogen should be added early in the fermentationcycle before a large amount of alcohol has accumulated.Wine Yeast132 A variety of wine yeasts can be obtained in dry form.Epernay is a very popular yeast for all types of fruitwines.Pasteur Champagne yeast is vigorous and tolerant of sulfur dioxide.Prise de Mouse is an excellent,general purpose wine yeast.Winemakers use many different types of yeasts, but the different yeasts areused for reasons other than creating wine flavors.FRUIT WINEMAKING EQUIPMENTWith one or two exceptions, little special equipment is needed to make fruit wine, and many homewinemakers ferment small quantities of wine each year using implements from the kitchen.However,specialized winemaking equipment can reduce time and labor, and purchasing specialized pieces ofwinemaking equipment may be desirable when large quantities of wine are made.Beginning winemakersshould beware of the gadgets sold in some home winemaking shops.Many of these accessories are poorlydesigned and cheaply made.Like most other things, cheap winemaking equipment is generally a poorvalue.Several basic pieces of fruit winemaking equipment are briefly discussed below.Acid Test KitThe acid content of different kinds of fruit varies widely, and acid content varies from year to year.The onlypractical way of controlling acid balance in the finished wine is to measure and adjust the acid content of themust before fermentation is started.Wine quality improves greatly when the winemaker obtains thenecessary equipment and takes the time to learn how to measure acidity.Acid test kits for measuring theacid content of must, juice or wine can be purchased at most home winemaking shops.Bottle FillerTo reduce wine oxidation, bottles must be filled from the bottom with a minimum of splashing and bubbling.Filling bottles without splashing is difficult with a siphon hose, so an inexpensive wand type bottle fillershould be used.Wand type fillers consist of a length of rigid tubing with a small valve at the bottom end.When the filler is inserted in an empty bottle, the valve presses against the bottom, and the wine starts toflow.The flow stops automatically when the operator raises the tube.Fillers allow bottles to be filled with aminimum of splashing, and wine oxidation is minimized.CorkerDriving a cork into a wine bottle by hand is very difficult, so a corking machine of some kind is neededwhen using cork finished bottles.Inexpensive corking machines are slow and most are difficult to use.Most of the inexpensive machines are not suitable for corking more than a few gallons of wine.A goodcorking machine is indispensable when several cases of wine are produced.Unfortunately, good floorcorkers cost about $100.Corkers are not used very often, and beginners can often borrow a corker froma fellow winemaker.Fermentation LocksFermentation locks are used on closed fermenters to let the carbon dioxide gas escape while keeping air133 from coming in.Rubber stoppers are used to attach the locks to the containers.Fruit Wine ContainersWine must always be protected from air, or the wine will oxidize and become undrinkable.Winemakersuse two kinds of containers.During active fermentation, large amounts of carbon dioxide gas are produced,and the gas effectively excludes the air from the wine [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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