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.For this reason, pancreatic enzymes are frequently used by Naturopaths to treat a variety ofconditions, including lung infections, tooth infections, bone fractures, and as a body strengthenerbefore surgery.Specifically, pancreatic enzymes have been used by many healers to aid in a vari-ety of disease conditions, including inflammation, viral disease, multiple sclerosis, and cancer.ConclusionAs Dr.Howell said: a person's life span is directly related to the exhaustion of their en-zyme potential.And the use of food enzymes decreases that rate of exhaustion, and thus, re-sults in a longer, healthier, and more vital life.The question for you, then, is how could younot be insisting that everyone you know and love use enzymes every time they eat? How couldCopyright � 1999, 2000, 2002, Jon Barron.All Rights Reserved Lessons from the Miracle Doctors - 28 - Enzymes = Lifeyou not be using them every time you yourself eat? This is a no brainer.In addition to a longer,healthier, and more vital life, you will also experience a number of short-term benefits, including:A significant reduction in indigestion and heartburn problems resulting from too muchacid in the stomach.Since complex carbohydrates are now being substantially digested before they enterthe intestinal tract, you should experience relief from gas and bloating.1Look for improved digestion of dairy products.Diminished food allergies due to more complete protein digestion.Since the digestion of enzyme deficient food is an extremely energy consuming task,within a few days of enzyme supplementation you should notice:An increase in energy levels.Relief from hiatal hernias.Relief from ulcers.2An ExperimentThere is a fun experiment you can perform (that will work with any good digestive enzymeformula) which will actually let you see the benefit of enzyme supplementation in just a fewminutes.1.Make two bowls of instant oatmeal.2.Crush (or mix) the contents of a couple of digestive enzyme capsules into justone of the bowls of oatmeal.3.Wait 45 minutes.4.Now check.If the formula you are using is any good, there should be a pro-nounced difference in the two bowls.The untreated bowl should be as ex-pected: a congealed, lumpy, stick-to-your-ribs consistency.The bowl with the1Some people may actually notice an increase in activity for several days as their digestive systems come alive.2Digestive enzymes help with ulcers in two ways.First, they help digest so much of your meal during the40-60 minutes of predigestion that your body requires less acid in the actual digestion phase.This means that tak-ing digestive enzymes will help lower the levels of acid in your stomach.(Those who suffer from chronic low levelsof acid need not worry.Digestive enzyme supplements help here, too, by breaking down so much food in the pre-digestion phase that less acid is actually required.And over time, decreased demand results in increased reservecapability.)Second, protease will begin breaking down the protective coating of the H.Pylori bacteria responsible for somany ulcers.In other words, it will actually begin to digest it.This is the prime reason digestive enzyme supple-ments are so helpful for those who have ulcers.A cautionary note.There is one concern when using digestive enzymes with ulcers and that's if you have asevere existing ulcer.What happens is that the protease can actually begin to digest severely damaged stomach lin-ing tissue.This can cause noticeable discomfort for several days.To avoid this discomfort, if you have a severe ul-cer, start with small amounts of the supplement with your meals and build up slowly.Copyright � 1999, 2000, 2002, Jon Barron.All Rights Reserved Lessons from the Miracle Doctors - 29 - Enzymes = Lifeenzymes, however, will look quite different.It will be  digested and have theconsistency of watery gruel.Which oatmeal would you rather have workthrough your body: the one that's stuck to the bowl like cement, or the enzymebowl that's predigested? Which oatmeal do you think is less stressful to digest?SummaryAs I mentioned earlier, a person's life span is directly related to the exhaustion of their enzymepotential.And the use of food enzymes decreases that rate of exhaustion, and thus, results in alonger, healthier, and more vital life.At a minimum, you must use a good enzyme supplementwith each and every meal you eat particularly any meal that contains either processed orcooked food.General RecommendationsBut which enzymes should you use? The fact is you'll benefit from any goodvegetarian-based enzyme supplement.But look for one that contains several proteindigestors such as Protease and Papain (to aid in the digestion of protein), Amylase(for the digestion of starches and carbohydrates), Lipase and Bromelain (to digestfats), Cellulase (invaluable in breaking down fiber cellulose into smaller units), andLactase (which works in the digestion of dairy products).You can also identify good enzyme supplements by the inclusion of co-enzyme fac-tors, which serve to substantially increase the efficacy of the supplement.The stan-dard factors you will find include probiotics (such as bifidus), chelated and ionicminerals, and algae (such as spirulina and chlorella).Probiotics can be an effective cofactor, but as I mentioned in the last chapter, theyare subject to a high die-off rate, which means practically no probiotic activity isleft by the time you take your enzyme supplement [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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