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.The tips of her ears were ever-so-slightly pointed. Oh God, she whispered. It s really true.The makeup lights glinted off her four-leaf-clover necklace.The green amber glowedwarmly.Emma had told her when she was a little girl that amber was really  the blood ofvery old trees, and Kelley had thought that a lovely idea.She frowned at herself in the mirror and reached up under her hair.Before she couldunfasten the clasp, Bob appeared still dressed all in green in the reflection, standingclose behind her.She didn t move as he reached for her hands and gently plucked herfingers away from the catch on the chain. Best listen to your auntie, luv, he whispered in her ear,  and keep that on. Why? Kelley stared at Bob in the mirror, somehow unsurprised to see him there. Because&  He stared back at her, intense, and answered her question with a line fromShakespeare.  Light thickens, and the crow makes wing to th rooky wood.Good thingsof day begin to droop and drowse, whiles night s black agents to their preys do rouse. She blinked. You are the second person I ve heard quote Macbeth in two days.Why do Ikeep getting the feeling I m in the wrong play? Oh& you re not.Quite the contrary you re in exactly the right play, he murmured. It s just that there aren t really any turns of phrase in Midsummer quite so poetic that Icould think of, off the top of my head, to warn you with. Warn me? Watch your back in the days to come, girl.And the nights.Kelley swallowed a sudden lump of fear in her throat. You could have just said that, she whispered.  Thou marvell st at my words; but hold thee still.  Bob smiled mirthlessly, finishing theominous quote.  Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill. And then he was gone.As long as she lived, Kelley would never know how she made it through to the end ofCreate PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) rehearsal without crying or screaming.Emma s words, and Sonny s, ricocheted aroundher skull as the company went through Oberon and Titania s argument scene again.Titania s lines tumbled from her with a ferocity that her previous rehearsals had onlyhinted at.As she ripped into Oberon, Kelley felt as though, somewhere deep inside her,there was thunder stirring. The seasons alter, she cried, an impassioned plea.Her arms spread wide in a gesture thatencompassed the wrongness of it all, her Titania despairing that their conflict had sentnature itself into a perilous spin. The spring, the summer, the childing autumn, angrywinter change& She leveled a devastating sadness at Oberon, whom Titania loved, but whom she could nolonger bear to keep company with. And this same progeny of evils comes from ourdebate, from our dissension; we are their parents and original.Her voice cracked only a little on the word parents.XXS onny walked back to his apartment from the Avalon, head down, shoulders hunched.Along the way, he spotted several Lost Fae: a dryad in an empty lot offeringencouragement to a sickly-looking juniper bush; a winged boy crouched atop a firehydrant who watched him pass with big, glistening eyes; the fruit seller at a corner marketwho hid his taloned, feathered feet beneath an impressive glamour and a long whiteapron&.Where Sonny went, reputation preceded him.As he passed the Fae on the streets, theygave him a wide berth, even though Sonny had no quarrel with them.Most had alreadyhad to fight against the Janus to cross over, and it wasn t an experience any of themwanted to repeat.There were also those of the Otherworld who had been trapped in themortal realm more than a century ago through no fault of their own.Some would evenhave gone back, were it not for Auberon s harsh decree of banishment that hadaccompanied his closure of the Gates: If a Faerie had gotten caught consorting withhumans in the human world then they could stay there.Still, not wanting to appear to his remaining loyal subjects in the Otherworld as overlyvengeful, Auberon had left it to his Janus to decide whether or not a Lost Fae would goon to pose an actual threat to the mortal realm.Most of them didn t, and so the Janus leftthem in peace.Even so, the Lost Fae remained almost universal in their passionate hatred for Sonny skind.He felt a familiar twinge of regret about that as he stood in the swiftly ascendingelevator to his floor.At the entrance to the penthouse, he sensed a presence even before he d turned the handleon the door.It was warm inside, almost oppressively so.Sonny could feel the hair raise upon his arms as he stepped cautiously through the doorway.A Storm Hag hovered a foot and a half off the floor in the middle of his living room. Hag, he hailed her blandly. Watch thy mouth, fleshling, she hissed.Tiny spears of lightning sparked from herfingertips, and her dusky robes billowed around her like gathering thunderheads.Servantsof Mabh, the Storm Hags had long ago been chained to the mortal realm by their harshmistress to carry out her commands.The hags communicated with Mabh, herself confinedto her own grim realm, through enchanted mirrors.They were malicious creatures butCreate PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) because they were Queen Mabh s direct emissaries, answerable only to her and not toAuberon or any of the other Courts they were untouchable; the Janus were forced toleave them in peace.Which made it particularly frustrating when one showed up uninvited in the middle of yourliving room, Sonny thought. Queen Mabh sends a greeting. Queen Mabh sent her ravens first. Sonny crossed his arms and leaned against the bar,not in the mood for this. A greeting might have been welcome before an attack.The Storm Hag s gray lips stretched in a ghastly parody of a smile. Be thou lucky Mabhturns any attention on such a crawly worm as you.She is mighty as she is merciless.She isthe Darkling Queen, the Queen of Air and Darkness, bringer of storm and war  I don t need to hear her resume.Just tell me what she wants and get out. An alliance, the creature snarled. This realm hides something that belongs to Mabh.You know this?The kelpie.Sonny went cold despite the room s temperature.Auberon was right! It wasMabh.He nodded slowly. She wants it back.It should never have been sent here.It was a mistake.Find it.Returnit.And the queen will grant you a boon.Sonny wasn t entirely sure he wanted Mabh s favor.But still, a boon granted by a queenof Faerie& that was a valuable thing.And Sonny had a feeling that such a gift might comein handy.He had to consider Mabh s offer carefully. What say you, fleshling? the Hag hissed wetly. I say call me that again and Mabh will have another minion to put back together with hermagicks.Sonny walked a few steps away, thinking hard.Bargaining with the Faerie was always badbusiness.If a deal was ever broken, the consequences could be dire.An unfulfilledagreement was considered an unforgivable transgression by Faerie laws [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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