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.Best of all,  Ultimate Flashback is so easy to perform you canliterally concentrate 100% of your efforts on the presentation.Without question, there sno finer word and book test anywhere.The late T.A.Waters wrote:  Congratulations on agreat product! This is the book test all the pros are using.Direct! Clean! No addingnumbers! No fishing! Simply great! Including Larry s method on how to change covers onpaperback books.Plus expanded instructions and new routines including the one Larryuses.Twenty-eight pages in all.This is the standing ovation closer for Larry s act.Order now! Immediate delivery! Send check or money-order in the amount of $85.00postpaid via Priority Mail: Larry Becker " P.O.Box 6023 " Carefree, AZ 85377.Visa andMastercard accepted.Overseas, add $18.00 for airmail postage (total: $103.00).478 Commercial Material - Ads & InstructionsUltimate FlashbackEver since I created  Flashback, countless mentalists and magicians have told me it swithout a doubt the fastest, simplest and most direct of all book tests.This  Ultimateversion includes all of the effects possible with the original Flashback plus the vastlyexpanded routines possible with the new version.The  Ultimate Flashback includesfour examinable paperback novels with all-new covers, a dictionary and a fifth bookdesigned to perform an improved version of the Hoy Book Test, called  Hoy Plus. Here sa rundown on some of the effects you ll be able to accomplish with this, the  last word inbook tests.The spectator selects and concentrates on the first word on any page in the book of hischoice and you immediately reveal the word.He can then point to any word in the nextparagraph and you immediately reveal it.Using the  Evelyn Woods scanning procedure ,the spectator concentrates on a proper noun in a line elsewhere on the page and you knowwhat it is.He then thinks of any word on the next line and you ve predicted it s location inan unprepared dictionary.You and the spectator freely select the same word from eachothers book.Three people each think of a word in the book of their choice and you correctlyidentify each word.All that, plus being able to perform the original Hoy Book Test withoutmiscalling the page number.Naturally, you wouldn t do all of the above in a singleperformance, however it demonstrates the extensive variety of effects possible with Ultimate Flashback. I m sure the effect will be around for awhile, so if you like what youread, be sure to obtain a set from me or your favorite magic dealer.The original Flashback enabled a mentalist to hand out two gaffed paperbacks forexamination.Then, without any counting, sleight of hand, the use of prompters, or otherdevices, the performer was able to immediately reveal the first word of the top line on anypage in the book freely and fairly selected by the spectator.The method was deceptivelysimple and beautifully hidden.It was light years ahead of the original idea pioneered byOrville Meyer and others which involved writing the first word on every left hand page,in the upper right hand corner of each facing page.Naturally, the book could not beexamined, but it did permit the performer to riffle the pages of the book, stopping whereverdirected by the spectator.As the spectator looks at and memorizes the first word on thetop line of the page facing him, the performer simultaneously  peeks at the same wordwritten in the upper right hand corner of the facing page.For the sake of completeness,the same principle has been varied to include writing page numbers that appear at thebottom of each page, in the upper right hand corner.This enabled the performer to knowwhich page a spectator is looking at in his book.Routines have also been devised to writein the page, column and line number in a dictionary where the peeked at word can belocated.My improvement was to have paperback novels printed with the prompter word actuallyset in type, second from the end on the top line of the page opposite to the one looked at bythe spectator.This enabled the performer to initially hand the book(s) out for a quickexamination.The prompter word was so well hidden, no one ever discovered the secreteven while examining the book from cover-to-cover.Two identical books with differentcovers were included when the effect was originally marketed many years ago.This greatly479 Stunners-Plus! The Mental Magic of Larry Beckerimproved  Mother of all book tests is awesome, with several routines and almost unlimitedpotential.Naturally, I had to expand the gaffing to increase the number of effects possible.Even though each and every page is now  gimmicked, it s still possible to have four of thefive books casually examined, especially if you use the following procedure.To have the books examinedLet s assume that you ve handed out three of the four examinable books.(The only book Iwouldn t advise handing out is the one used to perform  Hoy Plus ) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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