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.Margaret Mead and her husband, LSD-experimenter Dr.Gregory Bateson, was that the most efficientmeans of promoting irrationalist cults was to exploit existingmovements and subcultures.In the case of the United States, the British  Liberal Imperial-ist mind-benders and their  American Tory cohorts had athree-century track record of consciously promoting such irra-tionalist movements, to draw upon.Thus, one of the majorforms of cultural warfare, directed against the republican tradi-tion of the American Founding Fathers, through the BritishFabian Society and its later Congress for Cultural Freedomspawn, was the revival and promotion of the  Great Awakeningand related forms of subversion, including, most prominently,the  Lost Cause ideology of the pro-British, feudalist Confeder-acy, whose credo, taken from John Locke, was:  Life, Liberty,Property. A medievalist Catholic version of the same credo,promulgated by British Fabians G.K.Chesterton and HilaireBelloc, was later translated into  Tradition, Family, Property.Beginning early in the 20th century, in tandem with a U.S.A.top-down revival of the racist Ku Klux Klan, sponsored directlyout of the Hollywood, with enthusiastic support from theWoodrow Wilson White House, the British Fabian Society pro-moted a Confederate revival, aimed not so much at secession,as at the subversion of the historical American commitmentto the Leibnizian  pursuit of happiness and the U.S.Constitu-tion s Preamble s mandate to promote the General Welfare.Major players in this Confederate revival would later assumeleading roles in the Congress for Cultural Freedom subversion.The Great Awakening:The  God Who Despises ManDuring the colonial period, a student of Sir Isaac Newton andJohn Locke, the notorious Jonathan Edwards, backed by theland-owning  River Gods of the Connecticut Valley, becamethe chief philosophical opponent of Leibniz s MassachusettsBay Colony leadership, led by Increase and Cotton Mather.In THE CCF AND THE  GOD OF THUNDER CULT 231his mass revival meetings of the 1737-41  Great Awakening,Edwards conjured up a kind of monster God, and ordered thoseassembled to join and obey.Otherwise, he told the crowd, [God] will not only hate you, but he will have you in the utmostcontempt: no place shall be thought fit for you, but under hisfeet to be trodden down as the mire of the streets. Edwardsranted that not only would individual men be wantonly droppedinto the fiery pit of Hell or trodden underfoot, but that Godhad capriciously elevated Christian Europe, while consigningJews, whom he had previously favored, Africans, the  savagesof North America, and other whole nations and peoples tothe Devil.Edwards married his daughter to Aaron Burr, the presidentof the College of New Jersey, which later became PrincetonUniversity.Upon the death of his son-in-law, Edwards himselfwas appointed the third president of the College.His grandson,Aaron Burr, Jr., was to become, prior to Dick Cheney, the mostvile traitor in our nation s history: our second Vice President;the assassin of the architect of our economic system, AlexanderHamilton; a secessionist plotter; and a founder of what becameknown as Chase Manhattan Bank and the New York Demo-cratic Party.After the Mathers successor, Benjamin Franklin, led the na-tion through a revolutionary war, and the adoption of our Con-stitution, fanatical cults of the Edwards variety formented theinsanity which led to Civil War.As Lincoln referenced the storyin his second inaugural address, terrorists of the John Browntype claimed God s authority in hacking farmers families todeath to oppose slavery, and equally fanatical groups claimedBiblical authority to maintain slavery.Following President Abraham Lincoln s defeat of the British-instigated Southern secessionist revolt, the United Statesemerged as the most powerful agro-industrial nation on Earth.No longer was it possible for Britain to defeat the former NorthAmerican colonies militarily.The alternative path was long-term cultural subversion.The primary institution through which the new British strat-egy was prosecuted was the Fabian Society, which operatedin conjunction with Cecil Rhodes  Round Tables and otherinstitutions.The Fabian Society, shortly after its founding inthe late 19th Century, formed the  liberal imperial right-wing 232 CHILDREN OF SATAN IIIof the British Labour Party, on the model of Lord Shelburne s18th-Century  utilitarian Whigs.The Tony Blair  New Labourneoconservative apparatus of today is a Fabian Society-domi-nated continuation of the earlier efforts.Hence, Blair s perfect-fit alliance with the Dick Cheney-led American neoconservativewanna-be imperialists.Varieties of Irrational PerversionIn the United States Southern and Border states, survivors ofthe Confederacy, led by former Confederate Generals AlbertPike, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and others, organized the KuKlux Klan, and a broader  Lost Cause movement, to defendan agrarian, no-brains-required lifestyle.During the long reign of Queen Victoria and her son, PrinceEdward Albert (later King Edward VII), American collabora-tors of the Fabian circles, typified by William James (1842-1910), developed intimate relations with British Fabian institu-tions, including the  Cambridge Apostles, the Royal ColonialInstitute and its associated Scottish Rite Freemasonic Lodge(now the Chatham House Royal Institute for International Af-fairs), the Society for Psychical Research, the H.G.Wells-alliedNew Republic magazine, and others.As the founding chairman of Harvard University s PsychologyDepartment, James helped launch a new dimension of religiousinsanity, beyond the earlier episodic  Great Awakenings. In afamous series of lectures at Edinburgh University, publishedunder the title Varieties of Religious Experience, he proposedthat Edwards type of terror-induced  religious experience, beenhanced with drugs [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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