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.Her skin tasting like peaches.Her hair crackling when shebrushed it, flame-colored, silky but full of electricity.She could sense, too, scraps of what he'd thought about her over the weeks.Lines from their lives together.That kind of girl might be too interesting,might tempt you to get involved.A girl who challenged him, who could behis equal.Her mind was a place of blue pools and blazing meteors.Shestood slim and proud as some medieval witch princess against the dawn."And then I thought you'd betrayed me," he said."But you really came toprotect me, didn't you?"With that, Kaitlyn realized that he'd seen as deeply into her mind as she'dseen into his.She had thought he was the one giving, while she had onlyreceived.but of course, he'd had to join with her completely in order toshare his life with her.He knew everything, now.And then he came on something that sent shock waves through Kaitlyn."Jackal Mac said-what?"Kaitlyn could feel the memory he was looking at.He said you told him tocheck me out.Gabriel's cold anger filled the universe."I never said that.I never talked to him about you at all."I know, Gabriel.She did know, she was certain.Page 99 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"But Lydia knew how you gave me energy on the trip to Canada She must havetold him-"Gabriel, forget about it.His fury was hurting her, filling her with imagesof death, of Jackal Mac spitting up bone splinters.Please think me somethingnice.So he did.All that night, he thought her beautiful music and hillsides ofwild mustard flowers and the smell of fresh pencil shavings and the taste ofbanana marshmallow candies.And the touch of his hands, the way he would do itif she ever got back in the world again.Rob stared at the edges of the afghan that served Tony's friend for a windowcurtain.He didn't move, because he didn't want to disturb the others; Annaand Lewis and Tamsin on the floor.Even the black kitten Tony had given Annawas lying curled and still.But Rob couldn't sleep.Light was showing around the blanket edges.Morning.And Kaitlyn hadn'tcalled last night.He had a very bad feeling.There was no good reason for it.Kaitlyn had told them she might have to waitand watch her chance.That was probably what she was doing.But Rob was empty and sick with fear.Rob?He turned to see Anna looking up at him.There was no sign of drowsiness inher face or her dark eyes.I couldn't 't sleep, either.She put a hand on his arm and he put his handover it.Just the feel of her warmth gave him some comfort.You want to go and look for her now, don't you?Rob turned from the window again.Her steady gaze, her calm face, and hergentle presence in the web all strengthened him."Yes" he whispered.Then we'll go.I think we should, too.Let's wake up Lewis and Tamsin.Kaitlyn knew it was morning because Gabriel said so."I think they're going to take you out soon.Mr.Zetes drove up a littlewhile ago, and now Joyce is knocking on all the doors upstairs."Another circus, huh? Kaitlyn asked.She didn't know how she felt about theoutside world anymore, but the thought of everyone staring at her wasdefinitely appalling."I'll be with you," Gabriel said.As the night had gone on, she'd gotten more and more of an odd sense fromhim.A feeling that ran beneath the thoughts they were sharing, that he waskeeping away from her.Although it was tightly controlled, she recognized itas pain.Page 100 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlGabriel, are you all right? I feel-are you hurt, somehow?"I have a sort of headache.It's no problem.Do you feel it now?"Once again, she had the sense that he was concealing something.Butconcealing it better."Okay, Joyce is telling us to come downstairs." After a moment, he said,"We're in the lab."Yeah, time for the unveiling.Kaitlyn laughed silently, nervously.I wonderwhat they're going to think.I suppose I should act crazy."I think it's your best chance.Kait-I don't know how I can save you rightnow.The others don't like what the old man is doing-I think Joyce asked himto take you out this soon-but they're afraid of him.And I can only fight oneof them at a time."Kaitlyn knew.Gabriel's destructive power operated most strongly when hecould touch his victim, and it took time.He couldn't hold off Jackal Mac andRenny while killing Mr.Z, for instance.And you're weak, she told him.From helping me, I know.I'm sorry.But we'llmanage somehow-maybe they'll just put me back in the tank.Then she realized something that made the blood start beating in her ears.Gabriel, wait, wait! Rob is coming.I forgot.She'd forgotten about theoutside world.All you need to do is wait until he gets here, then he canhelp."It depends on what Mr.Z is going to do to you, whether we can wait.He'sgiving a speech now.On and on."I don't want to hear it.Gabriel, you do know that Rob didn't 't mean thethings he said at Marisol's house.He was mad at you.Hurt.And he feltbetrayed.But that's because he really cares about you.You know that, don'tyou?Even now, Gabriel refused to say it.But Kaitlyn had seen inside him toodeeply to be fooled.Her question was rhetorical.Gabriel did know.Hisfeelings for Rob were all mixed up with guilt and jealousy and resentment ofRob's effortless ability to do good and be good, and to go through life beingloved.But Kaitlyn thought that Rob would be pleased with the feeling Gabrielhad under that.He admired Rob.Respected him.Would have liked to be somebodyRob could like.But he does like you, Kaitlyn said again, and then she realized they wereopening the door of the tank.The clang was a different sort of sound than Gabriel's mental voice and shethought that if she had really been in silence all yesterday afternoon andnight-maybe fifteen hours at a guess-she wouldn't have recognized what soundwas anymore, and screamed in fear.She was spared having to fake that becausethey couldn't hear her.Hands pulled at her, the touch as shriekingly dissonant as the door clang.Everything was so harsh.Her skin was so sensitized that even the gentlestpressure would have hurt, and these hands weren't gentle.Then light struck her eyes.It both hurt and dazzled, confusing her.ShePage 101 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlcouldn't really see anything, only the whiteness, with occasional shapesblocking it.Squinting helped a little, but tears still ran down her face.It didn't matter; she was soaking wet everywhere.She could feel the harshhands taking off the strait-jacket and weights, removing the mouthpiece.Then,just as she began to really see, she was turned around to face Mr.Zetes.She was white and wrinkled.Her mouth hurt, she had cramps in her arms andshoulders, and her legs wouldn't support her.She was dripping all over thefloor."She can't stand up," Joyce said crisply."Bri, get a chair."They put her in the chair.Mr.Z looked at her.Now, what? Kaitlyn asked Gabriel.I don't think I can scream.Should I justsort of look vacant?Try it, he commanded.Now that she could hear real voices, his telepathicvoice seemed different.She knew it wasn't sound."Can you understand me, Kaitlyn?" Mr.Zetes was asking."Do you know whereyou are?"His expression was avid and eager.Like a connoisseur just about to take thefirst sip of wine, stopping to inhale the bouquet.If he thought she was crazyenough, he'd say, "Ahhh [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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