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.Page 67 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Well, anyway, even if it is a darkroom, we can still see," whisperedDorothy as the foresters in their haste to get away from such dangerousprisoners fairly tumbled over each other to get through the door."Yes," puffed Pigasus glumly as the key rasped in the lock, "and the firstthing I see is that there are no windows.If there was a window we couldfly off.As it is, this witch will make short work of us.""I wonder how much magic she really knows," sighed Dorothy, seating herselfwearily on a black velvet20stool."I wonder!" said Pigasus, flinging himself crossly on the floor beside her."And what's all this stuff about your being her worst enemy? Did you reallydestroy two witches, and could you destroy her?" Although Pigasus had livedin the Emerald City for several years, he was not familiar with all of thehistory that had taken place before his arrival."Oh, all that happened when I first came here," explained Dorothy, claspingher knees with both hands."You see, when the cyclone blew me from Kansasto Oz, my house fell on the wicked witch who ruled the Munchkins and killedher.The Munchkins, supposing I had done it on purpose, came out andthanked me and gave me the witch's silver shoes.Then, when I reached theEmerald City and begged the Wizard, who was ruler of Oz at that time, tosend me back to Kansas, he promised to do so if I killed the wicked witchwho ruled the Winkies.""And did you?" asked Pigasus, rolling over and looking up at Dorothy withreal admiration."Well, that was sort of an accident, too," admitted the little girlhonestly."When the Tin Woodman, the Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion and Ireached the witch's yellow castle, the witch captured us all and made mework hard from morning till night.But one day," Dorothy with an anxiouseye on the door hurriedly continued, "one day when she tried to steal mysilver shoes, I got SO mad I picked up a bucket of water I'd been using forscrubbing and flung it right over her head."Page 68 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"And did that destroy her?" Pigasus demanded incredulously."Yes," said Dorothy, "it melted her down to nothing at all.""But what about the star? I never noticed that before.""That's where the Good Witch of the North comes in," answered Dorothyproudly."Right after my house fell on the Wicked Witch of the West, sheappeared, and when she discovered I was a mortal, she kissed me on theforehead to keep me from harm all the time I was in Oz.It only shows nowbecause I'm black, I suppose.""Well, why didn't it keep you from turning black, if it's so wonderful?"Pigasus switched his curly tail resentfully."I don't know." Dorothy looked thoughtfully around Gloma's strangelaboratory."Maybe the spell has worn off; maybe there's no harm in beingblack.""Humph! There may not be any harm in it, but it's pretty sad and mournful,if you ask me," grunted Pigasus, glaring savagely at his satiny blacksides."I prefer myself pink and you pink and white the way you were.Teaand turnips, first thing I know you'll be powdering your nose with ashesand soot! But, after all" Pigasus swung himself energetically tohis feet "that is the least of our troubles.What do you supposethis witch will do to us now? And what can we do to her? Sa-hay!" Spreadinghis wings, Pigasus spun round in a triumphant circle."All we have to do isto find some water.Why, it's simple as soup.Quick, Dorothy, look and seewhether there is any water around here, then as soon as Gloma pops her nosein the door, we'll put her out as neatly as you did that other witch.""But those other witches were bad, and Gloma seems really good andbeautiful," objected Dorothy, looking around without much enthusiasm."Beautiful or not, she's a dark and dangerous lady," insisted the pig,beginning his search in a methodical way, "and it's her beauty or ours,remember; this Black Queen is quite determined to destroy us if we don'tdestroy her first."Page 69 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Yes, I suppose so," agreed Dorothy.Slowly following Pigasus, she pulledaside black velvet curtains, peered behind cupboards and screens, andlooked under sofas and chairs.There were many ebony cabinets standingagainst the wall, but each one was securely locked, and except for a greatblack crystal ball on a table in the center of the room there seemed to beno magic apparatus at all.A dark lantern swinging from the domed ceilingcast its curious luminous black rays into every corner of the witch'slaboratory.After circling the room three times, Pigasus and Dorothy wereforced to admit there was no water of any kind or even a pail available."We'll have to think of something else," grumbled the pig as Dorothy againsat down on her stool."Are you thinking?" he demanded sharply as the little girl stared absentlyat the tips of her boots."No," confessed Dorothy frankly, "I was just wondering why Gloma calls thisa darkroom.She must know since General Blotz ducked us under the BlackRiver we can see in here as well as in the forest.""I wouldn't be too sure of that," muttered the pig, coming over and crowdingas close to Dorothy as he could.It almost seemed as if someone had heardhim, for scarcely were the words out of his mouth before the dark lanternover their heads sputtered ominously and went out, leaving them in aperfectly pitch-black darkness."I I I felt something like this would happen," faltered Pigasus,throwing his left wing protectingly around Dorothy."Listen! Someone iscoming."A light, sure footstep sounded in the passage, came closer, then a suddenpuff of air told them that someone had opened the door."Remember, Piggins dear, no matter what happens, we must be brave,"whispered Dorothy, trembling a little in spite of herself."It's hard to be brave in the dark, but I'll do my best.Here, lean on me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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