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."They ran as if the hounds of hell were snapping attheir heels, racing over the sand toward the house.Theymade it inside just as the skin on their backs began tosmolder.Raven slammed the door shut on the day,locking it out.He leaned his forehead against the coolwood and tried to find the fortitude to turn around andface his future.He would almost rather open the door again and facethe sun.Surfing the Dawn 42 Chapter FiveIt didn't happen overnight.Hell, it didn't happen in aweek, or even in a month.Lucian and Sundownremained hidden somewhere in Louisiana bayou countrybecause Raven refused to call them home until hedecided what he was going to do -- not an easy tasksince he spent the entire time fluctuating betweenflashes of extreme attraction toward Valerian andClaudia, and other times when he utterly mistrusted ofboth of them.One moment he desperately wantedValerian only, wishing Claudia would take a short walkin the sunlight, and the next, he sincerely felt he waswilling to accept them both.He alternated worrying thathe would never fully be able to let go of the past and thathe was slowly going stark, raving mad.It didn't help that Valerian and Claudia were slowlyworking on him, methodically wearing down hisresolve.A smile here, a touch there, one would give hima heated look full of raw passion, while the other gazedat him hungrily, knowing full well his body would reacteven if his mind remained unconvinced.They bothweathered his most towering rages unflinchingly, andgraciously accepted the remorse that always followedhis fits of temper.He knew they were doing it, too, andwhile he resented their machinations, he welcomed themat the same time.He wanted them, and he didn't wantthem.In other words, he existed in a constant state offlux and found it exhausting.He knew it was finally over the evening he awokefrom a troubled sleep to find them both in his bed,naked, wearing only twin smiles of seduction.Trappedbetween Claudia's soft, voluptuous curves and Valerian'slean, hard muscles, he quickly realized it wasn't such abad place to be.The tension he'd awoken with drainedout of him as Claudia's hand rubbed small circles overhis belly and Valerian's lips teased his right nipple.His cock had woken moments before the rest of himand rose hard and heavy between his thighs.Claudiaoffered him a smile full of promise before she loweredSurfing the Dawn 43 her head over his groin and took him into her warm, wetmouth.He groaned, reaching for Valerian's lips.Valerian's cock rubbed against his thigh as theydeepened their kiss.He slipped his hand between theirbodies and wrapped his fingers around it, gentlystroking.Unwilling to leave Claudia unattended, hisother hand felt for the cleft between her softly roundedbuttocks, his fingers dipping into her hot, moist cleft.All three were connected by hands and mouths, a fullcircle of steadily rising passion.Raven could feelClaudia and Valerian's needs as sharply as he felt hisown, and responded with increasing eagerness.He had the oddest feeling of homecoming wash overhim.It felt right to him, them being together, just as ithad all those years ago in Rome.He gave himself overto them wholly and completely.Claudia's mouth left his cock as she threw one long,silken leg over his hips, straddling him.She guided hiscock inside her.Raven hissed as her body molded overhis, tight and hot.He urged Valerian up, until he could reach Valerian'scock with his mouth.Too long he'd dreamed ofValerian's taste.He took Valerian in, sucking hard,wanting to gorge himself on the flavor.Claudia moaned as she rode him, and leaned forwardto kiss Valerian.Raven swallowed Valerian's seed asClaudia swallowed his cry of ecstasy and Valerian, hers.Raven's shout of joy rang through the room as he spilledinside Claudia.Together, they collapsed on the sweat-damped sheets in a tangle of arms and legs.Raven thought they'd both fallen asleep until he heardValerian's whisper."Will you call your fledglings homenow?""Yes, but not yet.I want to enjoy being alone, just thethree of us, for a while.Believe me, we won't get aminute's peace when Sundown and Lucian come home.""Will they accept us, do you think?" Claudia asked.He looked down at her and winked."They'd better.I'd hate to have to stake them."Surfing the Dawn 44 Claudia's eyes widened with shock."Raven, youwouldn't!"He chuckled."No, but it probably won't hurt to letthem think I would.Wait until you meet them.I'm afraidI was far too lenient with them after I turned them.Theycan be quite a handful.Opinionated, sarcastic,pigheaded.""Oh, just like their maker," Valerian said.He wincedwhen Raven popped him a good one on the head."Don't make me have to stake you."Valerian laughed."Gods, I missed you."Their arms and legs were still entwined as theysettled down for a nap.The sun would set in a couple ofhours, and they would all be hungry.It would be thefirst time they'd hunted together, and Raven foundhimself looking forward to it.For now, he was contentto remain in a sated tangle.A knot of lovers, Raven thought, pulling bothValerian and Claudia into a tighter embrace.It was aknot he hoped would never again come undone.He didn't know what the future held for the three ofthem, but there was one thing he did know for sure -- hisnights of playing Russian roulette with the dawn wereover.He had something to live for again.~ENDSurfing the Dawn 45 If you enjoyed this, try these other stories from KiernanKelly and Torquere Press!Dancing on the Head of a PinAngel Malak knows he owes demon Cael a debt ofgratitude for saving his life at least a millennium ago.He's starting to crack under the pressure of Cael'sflirting, which is good, because Cael's deadline to stayout of Hell is coming up fast [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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