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.Randy was pointing at something on the sidewalk to one side of theRed Cross tent.Maybe another tent that was being put up.Erected.Pitched.Whatever the word was.Randy shook Tim again.Harder this time. Hey! Are you freakingout?Tim looked at the gutter-river to see if he could figure out where thediapers had gone.Randy shook him so hard his teeth rattled, and yelled in his ear, Don t you fucking freak out I can t do this alone.Randy, big Randy, with his bruised face and his glued-in tooth.Randyneeded him.Tim blinked, took a long, slow breath, acrid with smokeand burnt plastic, and nodded. I m okay. Okay. Randy stared at Tim for a long moment, searching.He hadvery green eyes.His bruised cheekbone and jaw were nearly thesame color as his irises. Okay.He spun Tim around to the yards of plastic on the ground, over by theRed Cross tent. Then let s get over there and look.Because I can tthink of a politically correct way to say it but I don t think I can pickNelson s kid out of a bunch of other Chinese. Vietnamese, Tim said, though the word was lost among the car275 alarms and the wailing and the sounds of rushing water.Althoughmaybe that was for the best, because their neighbors were probablyChinese, so maybe Randy was actually sort of right.Randy hauled him over to the unpitched tent that wasn t actuallya tent at all, but rather a bunch of brown plastic tarps covering thesidewalk.There were more injured people than Tim had realized somany of them were lying on the ground, waiting for the medics tosee to them. Oh my God, Randy said. I can t&.So many people.Tim supposed it made sense that there d be a lotof people.The apartments were small, and numerous, and most ofthem held multiple generations, or more than one family.Randy let go of Tim s arm and took a few steps toward them.He wassaying something, yelling, but the sound of it was swallowed up bythe sirens.So many people waiting.Patiently waiting.So still.Sleeping.Thoughhow they could sleep through all that noise was anyone s guess.How they could sleep blackened with smoke, and their limbs torn off.Randy staggered to the gutter and vomited.Tim stared at an empty sleeve, red with blood and black with soot.Dead.Of course.He understood it part of him did, anyway but mostof him just thought everything going on around him was all very, verypeculiar.The sirens grew even louder, but then words formed, Randy yellingagain, yelling for the children.Tim walked away from him, stepped over the man with the emptysleeve, and began to check each body carefully.He d only met Nelson s276 Vietnamese family once, but if he concentrated, he could recallenough detail to go through and eliminate these people.A woman,too old.Another woman, too plump.Most of the Asian women on thetarp were thin, but Nelson s mother-in-law was particularly petite.Birdlike.She d had her hair in that tight ponytail& though of coursethe ponytail could have come undone.And she d been wearing that&sweatshirt.The Knicks sweatshirt. Randy? Tim whispered.The floaty, shock-induced bubble Tim had been lingering in camecrashing down all around him at the sight of the poor woman s face.She didn t look like she was sleeping.Not at all. Randy! he cried. Is that& oh no.No, no, no. Randy hauled on Tim s arm and draggedhim out from the sea of burnt and broken corpses.Making it back tothe truck was straightforward enough, but finding the key seemedto be another matter entirely.The lock pre-dated keychain powerlocks you needed to insert an actual key, and turn it.Tim tried tojam a key in, and realized it wasn t going anywhere because it wasthe key to his front door.His mailbox.His laundry room.Randy snatched the keys out of his hand, found the car key andopened the door. Are you even good to drive? Shit, we should havebrought the scotch, I d pour you a shot or two. I don t drink. And I d hold your nose and make you swallow it.Come on, snap outof it. Randy climbed in the driver s side, then ducked into the back. And it never occurred to you to stock up on some normal-sizedbottles of water? These water cooler things& not exactly convenient.277 Tim climbed into the cab and pulled the door shut. Who has waterat all? Me or you? I m just saying.Tim glanced in the rear-view and saw a disheveled man wanderingup the street, stopping at every car and trying the door to see ifit opened [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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