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.December 4.The tank-room near the rocket hangar is being filled for the first time.Only one foot of water into the pool today.The four dormitory rooms have been finished and work now going on in the new store rooms.Kendall has been busy decorating the new dormitories, and the hangar room.We gained nearly two pounds apiece on the books.Moore took advantage of the natural starches the sacrificed books provided, to give our weight another boost.December 5.Sun sets tomorrow afternoon, and this afternoon announced that Tankroom No.1-H had been lined, and was ready for service.The H or hydrogen tank rooms are just twice the size of the O or Oxygen tank rooms.No.l-O is already showing twenty pounds pressure, despite its size.No.1-H now being filled.Twenty-three feet of water in the pool and the deep, dark water looks good to us as we look down at it.The lights under it, when turned on, make it glow like a Page 50ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlhuge jewel.It is all that to us! The thought and labor it represents means a great deal.December 6.Kendall has finished decorating one of the dormitories, and the hangar, such parts as he intends to do, are done.One wall has two panels, two scenes, one from space just after leaving Earth, one just before reaching Luna.These are excellently done, but the former looks more interesting to usl The two store rooms are finished.Work begins tomorrow on the new series of dormitories and a laboratory, all to be on a newly driven corridor, extending beyond the back wall of the Hall.A new door will be driven, much to Kendall's digust, through one of his scenes.This will be a ten foot corridor again.December 7.Evening now, and we are back at the Gastle.The little rocket functioned perfectly.We landed at the relay point in time to be visible from Eastern Europe this time, and gradually all of Europe and the Atlantic came into view.We left again when California was well visible, and part of the Pacific.All signalling done by the new spotlight, much more powerful than our other, but radio was worked in conjunction with it.The long articles were sent twice through, and repeated back for corrections.The greatest difficulty was encountered with some of Moore's complex chemical formulas, particularly as they were necessarily structural formulas, and the empirical formula was useless.My chemical learning was slight, but it helped.Hughey's work was not difficult, but remarkably long.Rice's fingers were sore and stiff when the signalling was all done.We also sent accurate descriptions of our Castle, and the new Hangar, and instructions on operating all the machines in the Castle.The new relief ship will have spring landing gear like our small ship, and be equipped for landing on it's side, instead of the base.It's exact dimensions were sent, it's mass, and it's fuel requirements.There was some question as to the possibility of our obtaining so great a supply of hydrogen and oxygen.It will require little more than we now have on hand.It is agreed that we will return in two weeks.Williamson, in charge of the relief rocket, reports a minimum of six weeks for repairs and equipment, and the pilots will absolutely have to have a month's training before setting out on their trip.That is two weeks longer than Hughey allows us of life.We will have to live an extra two weeks despite medical knowledge.It would be foolish to leave Earth before the rocket pilots knew the handling of their ship, for it, like the first relief, might be wrecked, and the further wait would certainly be fatal.I have taken the responsibility of assuring them we will be able to survive.Garner approves, though Hughey does not, claiming that it will be impossible.There are four other lives on the rocket to consider, however.The rocket while being repaired, is being re-designed in part for the return trip on pure oxygen and hydrogen, a less efficient but more easily obtained fuel than our Garnite.Mining was continued, and the work on photo-cells.Another of Rice's engines will have to be installed for the new tunnel cableway, and an automatic switching device would save the time of one man now needed to change the cars from one cable to the other.Rice and Bender are at work.I am sure they will succeed.Reed started work on a new furnace.December 8.The new cable-engine installed, and operating.Rice tried out an automatic switcher this evening, just before we quit work, but it failed mise*rably.He will try again.The new tunnel has been driven far enough, and rooms will be cut.Three men on a photo-cell detail now.December 9.Page 51ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlThe switching device worked this noon, and another man is working on the mining now.Reed has finished his new furnace, and it uses tungsten-steel heating wires, forged at home.It has a much greater capacity than either of the other four.The gypsum dump is growing at an astonishing rate.It seems impossible that so little water is obtained from so much gypsum.A trip was made today to our diamond mine for more cutting stones, and quite a collection was brought back.Rice working on the steel lining of the other tankrooms.Kendall decorating tunnel walls now.I am surprised he has any more scenes to show; but he has, a constant variety.They are really helpful, for it makes this Castle of ours seem more of a castle and less a buried dungeon.Despite the two powerful tractruck engines, and Rice's original generator engine, the electric power system is sadly over-burdened nights.Rice may work on a turbine generator when his present job is completed.Our main difficulty is that only the two big generators are available, the two used on the rocket coming here, and neither of them will handle much more.Rice is promising to enlist my help.December 10.Rice has finally finished all the welding on the tank-rooms.There are two oxygen tanks and two hydrogen tanks, each of which should resist a pressure of three tons per square inch, or probably better if need be.That will be easy enough however.Rice has been talking to me tonight.He suggests we make an electric power plant of our own.I say the labor will be too great, but Rice insists that labor is our best relaxation anyway, and we won't be able to delude ourselves we have any more mining to do soon.We can get pure iron easily, and he can make silver wire to wind it, and with Moore's rubber insulation paint it would be easy.A neat job it won't be, but it will work.It sounds worth while.I agree that our mining is partially in response to the demand for something to do besides sit and think [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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