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.By putting three together and building ourselves a cradleto speed up the processing of the dirt, we see morecolor than we would if we worked alone.Colormeans the yellow color of the dust or flakes," headded in an aside to Louis.Amanda inquired about Jared's partners."One's an Englishman.He was a draper over inLiverpool.The other man's a little Baptiststorekeeper from Georgia.He came across themountains with a wagon train.He's the one whoslapped on the splendiferous name.He said that in theBible, in King Solomon's time, Ophir was a landfamous for apes, ivory, peacocks-and gold.We're getting a fair amount of it, but we couldget a lot more if we could hire decent help."Louis raised his eyebrows."You mean some of the menin the diggings don't have claims?""The ones that are too lazy.They'll pick up afew dollars for day wages, then go on aweek-long tear.We've tried hiring a fewPikes.Every one of them's proved to be worthless.""What's a Pike, sir?""Originally it meant a fellow from Pike County,Missouri.Now the name sticks to anybody withsmall education and a big temper.If a man sayshe's a Pike, you can be halfway certain he'srunning from the law, too.There are a lot of men ofthat sort in the diggings.They even make up tunesPage 150 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlabout "em-wasLeaning back, he began to wave his hand to andfro, smiling at Louis as he croaked in anoff-key way:"Oh, what was your name in the States? "Was itThompson, or Johnson, or Bates?"Louis clapped in delight.Amanda lookedimpatient."Did you murder your wife,"And then run for your life?"Say, what was your name in the States?""I'll have to teach that one to Captain Bart-wasAmanda interrupted: "How much gold are you mining,Jared?""Lately it's averaged out to near twenty-four,twenty-five hundred dollars a week-wasHe was startled by her look of intense concentration:"You could wind up a millionaire.""Sure-in about thirty years.""Thirty! I calculate nine or ten.""You forgot my partners.It's share and sharealike.""Yes, I did forget that.""The claim may peter out, too.A great many do."She looked disappointed.What in the world was going oninside her head?Louis diverted him with another question: "Do youwork every day?""Every day except Sunday.It's not a matter ofminers being godly-just worn out.Sunday's actuallythe wildest day of the week in Hopeful.Sometimes wehave dances-was"Are there women in the camps?""Once in a while a female of-call it low charactercomshows up and spends a couple of nights.If youdon't believe grown men can go crazy, you should bethere when a woman arrives.Women of that sortaren't interested in dancing, though.For dances, the mentake turns tying ribbons on their arms and acting thewoman's part.But no matter what you do to liven upthe routine, camp life still gets boring as thedevil.My partners and I drew lots to see whotook the first holiday.I was lucky, I picked theshort straw.So I got to come down to see theelephant.I've always wanted to see oneelephant or another," he sighed."I guessthat's why I never really lived up to this-wasFrom his pocket he drew a tarnished medal, handing itto Louis for inspection.On the obverse was adesign of a tea bottle and an inscription inLatin.The reverse bore the wordsKent and Sonand a date-1810."Your grandfather gave me that," Jared explained."Itwas part of a fob, but the green ribbon's long gone.The Latin means take a stand and make a mark."But Louis was more interested in something else the beardedman had said:"There aren't any elephants in SanFrancisco, cousin Jared."Page 151 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Oh, that's only an expression.From an oldstory of the farmer who had read about elephants butnever set eyes on one.The circus came to atown near his home, so he loaded his wagon with eggshe meant to sell and drove in to watch the circusparade [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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