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.Others followed.Slamming the shift into lowand hitting the accelerator, Rafi jerked the car forward, aiming it at Baran.But the elderly car was not a drag racer.Baran jumped aside and fired aburst.The Honda careened into a large forklift, Rafi unconscious with threegunshot wounds, one of them through the brain.In the absence of quick medical help, that one would have killed him soonenough.But Baran was not satisfied.Pulling open the driver's door, he fired anotherburst intoRafi's head.* * *Every phone in the Cote rang simultaneously.Almost as quickly, the company'ssecurity van began quartering the village streets, red light flashing on itsroof, bullhorn bellowing instructions.In less than ten minutes everyone wasoutside, hastily dressed, bundled against the freezing spring night.Moststaff families had cars.Those who didn't, climbed in with others.Millenniumvans and buses loaded guests, there for processes or training.A truck cruisedto pick up possible stragglers.In less than twenty minutes, everyone exceptcertain Security personnel sat or stood waiting half a mile north of the Cote.The fire truck and ambulance kept their motors idling.A little more than forty minutes after the warning call, they saw the incomingmissile, then the blast, the brief fireball, followed quickly by the roar.Andstared.* * *The Wrath's debugged guidance program, coded to the planetary matrix, hadworked perfectly.The missile had gone through Ngunda's roof and blown thehouse apart.The explosion blew out hundreds of windows in the Cote, and glaziers werepromptly contacted in Pueblo, Walsenburg, Trinidad, even Colorado Springs, toreplace them.Page 145 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlNgunda was installed in an unoccupied staff cottage.* * *Before leaving the Cote, Art Knowles had burped the recording of RafiGlickman's message to the Riverside office of the FBI.Agents reached Rafi'sapartment before the New Mossad got there, and their search came up with thesolo debriefs Rafi had recorded from time to time as backups.Ben David was found two days later, dead of a coronary thrombosis.One of thefemale soldiers betrayed Moishe Baran, who would be killed in a shootout withfederal marshals.The least of the Wrath, Chaim Plotkin, was wounded in thesame shoot-out, and shortly afterward told all he knew.It was enough.* * *Within a week, the National Security Agency had provided the Mid-American andWest Coast surveillance satellites with new programs.Among other things, theywould specifically report intrusions onto the Ranch.The agency's directorwondered who had the necessary influence with the White House.* * *Two days after the missile strike, the staff was mustered in the cold anddrafty auditorium, its large windows not yet replaced.There Lor Lu assuredthem that further missile dangers were essentially nonexistent.They took hisword for it.He repeated his reassurance in the school auditorium, and thekids cheered.The guests were reassured by Ngunda himself.Art Knowles, whowas paid to "worry," knew the steps the government had taken, and even he feltassured.In his business you didn't think in terms of absolute safety; therewas no such thing.But this felt as safe as he could hope for.Back Next|Contents56From the beginning, some readers objected to my series on Millennium.But likeit or not, Millennium is very much a part of the American scene.Andelectronic hits on our website increased substantially, indicating that manypeople were interested.After a while, people tired of the series, so we've cut back to occasionalarticles, of which this is one.Let us know how you feel about it.In the past, the attitude of Millennium's staff was that although their guru'slife was at risk while on tour, at home he was safe.The attempt byinfiltrators was considered an aberration unlikely to recur.Then his housewas blown up, reportedly by a cruise missile.Now he's on tour again.Perhaps he'll be safer there, for this is a differentkind of tour.He has spoken to full or almost full houses in places like SanFrancisco's DiBartolo Dome, the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, and YankeeStadium.In all of them he drew crowds of every ethnicity, crowds of up to50,000 plus.His present tour will take him to much smaller cities, and publics of a veryspecific ethnicity.He will speak at the Alaskan Federation of Native PeoplesConvention at the Egan Center in Anchorage; the Navajo's Din� College atTsaile, Arizona; the high school football field at South Dakota's Pine RidgeReservation; and the Native American Cultural Center at Tecumseh, Oklahoma.The trip will take 10 days, and the total number of people who attend may beless than attended his appearance at the Rose Garden Arena inPortland, Oregon.As I've written before, admission fees at his usual engagements are onlyenough to hire the stadium or arena.On this Native American tour, no fees atall will be charged.It is conceivable that Ngunda Aran has ill intentions,but those who accuse him of getting rich on the gullible need to come up withevidence.Page 146 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlI don't expect them to.American Scene Magazine"The Dove and Scam Allegations"by Duke CochranCochran scanned his screen.While writing, the words had flowed swiftly fromhis fingers, and he had not evaluated them.Now, reading and polishing, theysurprised him; they read almost as if he'd become a believer.He pursed hislips, then clicked on"send," zapping the file to the editor's desk.He had no doubt he preferredNgundaAran to most of the man's detractors.But he did need a different viewpoint on him.He thought about somethingNidringham had suggested: that he sign up for Life Healing, pretend to take itseriously.Go through the motions, and afterward write it up.He could do itwithout leaving Chicago.Back Next|Contents57The Medical Channel, Panel on MiraclesSt.Louis, MO, May 3".Dr.Hahn is the physician of Margaret Colletti, the young woman healedlast fall by Ngunda Aran at the Pueblo, Colorado, airport.Dr.Hahn, what isMs.Colletti's current condition?""If I didn't know her, I'd wonder if it was real.Six months ago, I'd haveassured you she'd never walk again never stand again.Her knee joints haddegenerated almost to undifferentiated tissue, and her hip joints weren't muchbetter.They'd no longer even begin to bear her weight."The most remarkable thing about the healing is that structurally it wasinstantaneous.When she came into my office the next day, I was astonished tofind the joint structure fully reconstituted and functional, and the musclessomewhat recovered."Today she leads a class in aerobic dancing.If that doesn't qualify as amiracle, then nothing does."After his Native American tour, and two weeks before his Northwest tour began,Ngunda held the usual preliminary planning session with his tour staff.Theywere experienced with tour operations and problems, so his remarks were brief.Since that memorable day at the Pueblo Airport, when he'd healed MargaretColletti, there'd been healings following almost every tour event, and acouple of times things had gotten out of hand from a security standpoint.Onthe Northwest tour, he said, grouphealings would be featured the tour announcements would invite them and thiscreated security challenges they hadn't dealt with before.He turned the meeting over to Art Knowles then, and sat down with the others.As a group they'd decide how to handle things.Ngunda's part in it was to makesure that procedures would not hamper his contact and relationship with theaudience.Art Knowles was used to that, too, though less than comfortable with it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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