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.It seemed strange to me that I had never heard any birds up here.There shouldbe birds.Page 79 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlNow what would I do if I were old Alvor-Brother Alvor with the broad meatyshoulders, the square gray face? Why, I would set up in a good place.I wouldset up on a high place.I would, by God, set up on a roof, not necessarily thehighest roof around, but one where I could lie doggo, and then pop up suddenlyand blow the fisherman to fishbait bits.I looked around very carefully.Ibacked down the slope and came up in a new place and looked around some more.Finally I had an idea where I might find him.Persival's motor home had one ofthose ladders that go up to a depression on top that forms a luggagereceptacle, with a little chrome fence around it for the tie-downs.It was ahandy place for Alvor.He could have climbed the ladder out of sight of theroad area.Yes, it would be a very wise choice.But how to check it out andremain alive? I moved again, back down the slope and up again to where I couldcome out behind one of the little cement-block structures, out of his sight ifhe were on top of the motor home.I was beginning to get very ragged in thenerve department.I was certain my luck was gone, and so it took just aboutall I had to stand up and move in close to the wall of the little building.Ileaned against it, feeling sweat run out of an armpit and tickle my ribs as itran down.My hands were shaky.Sammy was waiting in one direction to blow meapart, Stella in another, and Alvor on the high ground.End of the saga.Twilight of the great John Wayne day.I did not want to leave the shelter of my nice solid little building.It canget to be like-when you were a kid, standing on a high place.Wait too longand you can't jump.Check the weapon.Breathe deeply.Where had all that zest gone? Who stole thegusto? It went when somebody blew the head off Sister Nena.One way to go at it.I put an eye around the corner of the building.The motorhome was right there, about forty feet away.A hide of very thin alloy with anenamel coating.If he was elsewhere, I would be taking the risk of letting himknow I was close.But that was acceptable.I leaned against the building, aimed, let it go on full automatic, cartridgecases dancing away, slugs smacking into the metal, punching holes, makingcreases in the roundness, making a lot of metallic banging, screech ofricochets, quackety roar of the very rapid cycle of fire.There was ananswering roar and something leaped off the roof, out of the depression, anddown on the other side of the incongruous vehicle.Have fun on the road.Driveme to Yellowstone.Plug in the water, the electric, and the phone, and adjustthe TV aerial.I had to make my run.But I had a spot right in the middle of my back, rightwhere Sammy or Stella was going to drive it home.I had used thenext-to-the-last clip to drive Alvor off the roof, and I put in the last clipwhen I went hunting him.The silence after all that great rackety clatter wasastonishing.I braced my back against the motor home, snapping my head fromside to side, wondering if he were already running out across the plateau.I eased myself down and looked under the vehicle.No feet.I stood up-and felta faint movement of the whole vehicle, not unlike the slight movement of aheavy boat when somebody steps aboard.Okay, so he had eased the door open andgone in.It moved again.So he was creeping around in there.And might have ashot out of the right window at a steep enough angle to knock off a piece ofmy head or shoulder.I dropped again and eased under Brother Persival's house.It was a close fit, but I pulled myself slowly, on my back, over to the otherside.Now he was in there, peering out the windows, trying to spot me.And Ihad no idea what in hell I was going to do.All I knew was that I was in aspot where he couldn't see me.I felt more movement, heard a creak.And then, twenty inches from my head, amuddy shoe came down, stealthily.And the second one as he stepped out of thevehicle.I was dragging the Uzi along by the muzzle, still hot from the longburst, and I knew I had not the time nor the room to pull it to position, aim,and fire it.He stood there, and I reached out and snatched his ankles andpulled them out from under him and tried to snake myself out from under thatthing in the same motion.I was halfway out when he kicked me loose.He triedPage 80 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlto bring the barrel of his rifle down to bear on me, but I got inside the arcof the muzzle and swarmed onto him, hitting him once in the face.He bucked meoff and rolled over and over, but I had hold of the rifle and tore it awayfrom him.I tried to turn it on him, but he came inside the arc just as I haddone and butted me up against the side of the vehicle.He was a very powerfulman, and a very quick man.I saw the gleam of metal, dropped the rifle, andwent for his wrist.We rolled over and over, and I could see that fromsomewhere he had come up with a stubby, broad-bladed, evil-looking knife.Ihate a knife.Then I was on my back and his weight was on me, and with all hisstrength he was slowly forcing the blade down, bending my arms in the process.I got my feet under me and bucked him off over my head.I snatched his rifleby the barrel and swung the stock at him as he was rolling to his feet.Ittook him squarely in his thick throat.His eyes bulged.His face began to change color.He was kneeling, both handsat his throat, tearing the shirt collar away.I could see his chest heavingwith the effort to get air through the smashed passageway.His face darkenedand his wide eyes saw nothing any more.He sat back on his haunches, thenrolled onto his side in the mud, still pulling at his shirt.There was onelong rippling, quivering, muscle-jerking spasm, and then he was still.Iretrieved the Uzi from under the motor home and stood, listening andlistening.Not luck this time.The strength and the speed of utter, demoralized panic.The extra adrenaline that came from the horror, the terror, of knives.I went looking, very cautiously, for Sammy.I found him inside the motor home.He sat on the floor, leaning against a pillow.His eyes were half open.Onimpulse I closed them with my thumb.The belly and groin and thighs of hiscoveralls were dark and heavy with blood, the color turning from dark red tochocolate.Evidently one of my slugs had clipped a major artery.I went to T-6.Somebody had taken the gag out of Stella's mouth and freed herhands and ankles.She was on her back, the edge of the blanket across herwaist.She breathed quickly and shallowly.The breathing stopped after everyhalf-dozen or so breaths, and she would be still for perhaps thirty secondsbefore taking a deep gasping throat-rattling inhalation.I touched the pulsein her throat.It was light and fast.In the dingy light I bent closely andeased her eyelids up.The black pupil of the left one was twice the size ofthe one of the right eye.I knew the signs.Sister Stella was dying.It iscalled cerebral hemorrhage.I looked down at her, and saw her die.Poor sallow little dishwater blonde, ahustler recruited for more serious duty.She had pleasured Brother Thomas.McGee had never touched her.McGee could not remember ever touching her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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