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.The awful creature fell to its knees to search for its head.Raven ran through the crevice and kept running for some distance.When herlungs were about to burst, she halted for a few moments.As she stood panting,a well-dressed man with a cape came up the path.He stopped a few paces before her and asked,  Are you all right? You look asthough you were being chased.""It was a zombie, Raven replied.She glanced around behind.The thing hadapparently given up the chase. Thank Hecate, it's gone.""How terrible.You shouldn't really be out at night around here.It'sdangerous.""You're telling me.But what about yourself? Aren't you afraid? She suddenlybecame suspicious and held up the talisman.The stranger turned away pulling his cloak to shield its eyes, ran a short wayback the way he had come, outstretched his cloak like wings and turned into aPage 81 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlvampire bat, which flew away.She began to trot.Soon she neared a building which she recognized as the onein the painting at the museum.Before she reached it, however, an enormousgray wolf sprang out of the woods.She smacked it with the tire iron and wavedthe talisman at it, and it fled.She ran for the entrance of the building andburst into the foyer out of breath.She slammed the front doors shut andbarred them.She turned around to face a dwarf dressed in Medieval garb.The small manbowed. Pardon me, miss, but thou should not be wandering around outside atnight.""You're telling me.There are lots of bad things out there.Say fellow, couldyou tell me where I am?""This is the Fae University of Sorcery in the Land of Fae.I amMacmulliganicutty, official greeter.And who may thou be, and where do ye halefrom? Do you wish to enroll in the university?"Raven held out her hand. Pleased to meet you, Macmulli.uh.""Macmulliganicutty.Just call me Mac since you seem to be having difficultywith the pronunciation of my name.""Okay, Mac.My name is Raven Lenore.I come from the city of New York in theUnited States ofAmerica.It's in another dimension if you know what I mean.And I'm notexactly sure what I'm doing here.I'm not even sure whether I'm in the rightworld.Tell me, do you know of a witch demon calledMorgaine?""Aye.She lives in the dark castle in the Netherworld.""Can you tell me how to get there?"The dwarf nodded. I shall do better.I will take thee to see Morgaine myself.She has been waiting for thee, Raven Lenore.""She has?""Yes.She's has paid us the honor of a visit from the Netherworld.She knewthat thee would arrive and told me to bring thee to her.But, thou must waituntil morn.Night is no time for traveling.Come, I will show thee thy roomthat has been prepared."He turned and started to walk down the hall.Although he took very smallsteps, his legs moved quickly so that Raven had to step lively to keep up.Shewondered whether it was such a good idea to answerMorgaine's invitation for a meeting.She shrugged.Apparently she had nochoice at this point.Perhaps, a face-to-face meeting would reveal whatMorgaine was really up to and what she intended to do withMichael.Also, if he was also present, she might find a way to free him.* * * *To Raven's surprise, she slept well.The bed in the room Macmulliganicutty hadprovided her was the softest, most comfortable one she had ever slept in, withits feather mattress and quilt.She awoke to bright sunshine through herwindow as a knock came to her door.She yawned.Since she had no PJs ornightgown with her, she had slept in the buff.She sat up and pulled the quiltaround her. Who's there?"A childlike voice replied,  It be thy breakfast, Missy.""Come in."A female dwarf serving maid entered with a tray.She left it on the bed,curtsied and left the room.Raven took the cover off the dish.A wonderfulbreakfast of juice, bacon and eggs, pancakes and coffee had been served toher.Raven dug right in.She was quite hungry since she had missed dinner theprevious day.When she was done, she hopped out of bed and quickly dressed,just in time too.A couple minutes later, Macmulliganicutty knocked. Are thouready to pay a visit on the sorceress Morgaine?""Give me a couple of more minutes. Raven looked around for a door to abathroom.Instead she found a chamber pot.She urinated into it, pulled up herPage 82 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlpanties and jeans, found a mirror to comb her hair, heaved on her backpack andopened the door. All set, Mac."The day was warm and bright, the sky blue with puffy clouds.Macmulliganicuttyled her back the way she had come the evening before.When they reached thecrossroads, however, instead of heading west towards the ridge, they continueddown into the valley where the path continued through a lightly wooded area.Nightingales and other birds sang, bushy tailed squirrels scurried up thetrunks of trees, and the buzz of bees and other insects filled the air.Although Raven was worried about her meeting withMorgaine, the beautiful day lifted her spirit.The forest became thicker and more gloomy; the path, narrower and steeper.Allaround her, Raven heard the movement of animals, some of which must have beenlarge by the growls and rustling they made.At least she hoped they wereanimals and not anything more sinister.She asked,  Are there bears and wolvesin this forest?""Aye.And worse creatures, lions, hippogrifs, griffins, jabberwockies,bandersnatches and chimeras.Even the seemingly innocuous unicorn may be dangerous when aroused.""You're kidding me.Those are imaginary animals, except for the lions.""Nay.In this world they all be real."Raven peered around, not sure whether she actual wanted to spot one the exoticcreatures or not. What's a jabberwocky exactly? I thought that it was just a made-up nonsenseword.""I hath nay seen one in person myself, but I be told that they be small wingeddragons, about the size of a stallion or elk.""And a bandersnatch?""An even smaller flying dragon, the size of a small dog or large cat.""Oh."* * * *After a long uphill walk, to Raven's relief they emerged from the woods onto aledge with view of the mountains to the east.The sun was directly overheadnow.She glanced at her watch.It was a little past noon. This seems apleasant spot.""Aye. The dwarf pointed at a low rounded mountain in the distance. There bethe castle whereMistress Morgaine dwells when she visits. Upon the peak was a dark gloomyMedieval fortress.Raven noticed something in the sky above them.It was obviously not a bird, asit had four legs in addition to its large eagle-like wings.She pointed at it. What's that?"Macmulliganicutty raised his eyes to the sky.A moment later he leaped to hisfeet and drew his sword, which was not much larger than a long knife. 'Tis agriffin and it be headed this way."Raven quickly withdrew her tire iron.The griffin circled them and slowly descended to land on the edge of the ledgetwenty feet away.It stared at them, first with one eye, then turning itshead, with the other.To Raven's utter surprise, it spoke inLatin. I see that thee be armed.Put away thy sword and whatever that thingbe.My intention is not to harm thee, but to bargain with thee.""Bargain? What sort of bargain?""Thou knowest that I hath a yen for human flesh.I wilt show thee where liesmuch gold and silver.It wilt maketh thee rich beyond thy wildest dreams.Forthis boon, I ask only for that skinny woman which accompany thee.""Begone wretch, Macmulliganicutty yelled.The griffin cocked its head to one side. Very well then [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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