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.Now wewant to introduce a new set of laws, to which we shall againbecome slaves, laws by which possession becomes a crime.But if we understood the true function of individuality, then wewould tackle the root cause of all this chaos in the world, this chaosthat exists because we are not truly individual.Please understand what I mean by being individual; I do not mean individualistic.Wehave for centuries been individualistic, seeking security forourselves, comfort for ourselves.We have looked to the physicalthings of life to give us inward shelter, happiness, spiritual ease.We have been dead and have not known it.Because we haveimitated and followed, we have blindly exploited beliefs.Andbeing spiritually dead, naturally we have tried to realize ourcreative powers in the world of acquisition - hence the presentchaos wherein each man seeks only his own advantage.But if eachone individually begins to free himself from all imitation, and thusbegins to realize that creative life, that creative energy which isfree, spiritual, then, I feel, he will not look for or give emphasis toeither possession or non-possession.Isn't that so?Our entire lives are a process of imitation.Public opinion saysthis, so we must do it.I am not saying, please, that you must goagainst all convention, that you must impetuously do whatever youlike: that would be equally stupid.What I am saying is this: Sincewe are merely machines, since we are ruthlessly individualistic inthe world of acquisition, I say, free yourselves from all imitation,become individuals; question every standard, everything that isabout you, not just intellectually, not when you feel at ease withlife, but in the moment of suffering when your mind and heart areacute and awake.Then, in that realization which comes from thediscovery of living values, you will not divide life into sections -economic, domestic, spiritual; you will meet it as a complete unit;you will meet it as a complete human being.To put an end to the chaos in the world, the ruthless aggressionand exploitation, you cannot look to any system.Only you yourselves can do it, when you become responsible, and you canbe responsible only when you are really creating, when you are nolonger imitating.In that freedom there will be true co-operation,not the individualism that now exists. FROGNERSETEREN, NORWAY 1ST PUBLICTALK 6TH SEPTEMBER, 1933Friends, Our very search for the understanding of life, for themeaning of life, our struggle to comprehend the whole substance oflife or to find out what truth is, destroys our understanding.In thistalk I am going to try to explain that where there is a search tounderstand life, or to find out the significance of life, that verysearch perverts our judgment.If we suffer, we want an explanation of that suffering; we feelthat if we don't search, if we don't try to find out the meaning ofexistence, then we are not progressing or gaining wisdom.So weare constantly making an effort to understand, and in that searchfor understanding we consciously or unconsciously set up a goaltowards which we are driven.We establish a goal, the ideal of aperfect life, and we try to be true to that goal, to that end.As I have said, consciously or unconsciously we set up a goal, apurpose, a principle or belief, and having established that we try tobe true to it; we try to be true to an experience which we have butpartly understood.By that process we establish a duality.Becausewe do not understand the immediate with its problems, with itsconventions, because we do not understand the present, weestablish an idea, a goal, an end, towards which we try to advance.Because we are not prepared to be alert in meeting sufferingwholly as it comes, because we have not the capacity to faceexperience, we try to establish a goal and be consistent.Therebywe develop a duality in action, in thought, and in feeling, and fromthis duality there arises a problem.In that development of duality lies the cause of the problem.All ideals must ever be of the future.A mind that is divided, amind that is striving after the future, cannot understand the present,and thus it develops a duality in action.Now, having created a problem, having created a conflict,because we cannot meet the present wholly, we try to find asolution for the problem.That is what we are constantly doing, isn'tit? All of us have problems.Most of you are here because youthink that I am going to help you solve your many problems, andyou will be disappointed when I say that I cannot solve them.WhatI am going to do is try to show the cause of the problem, and thenyou, by understanding, can solve your problem for yourself.Theproblem exists as long as mind and heart are divided in action.That is, when we have established an idea in the future and aretrying to be consistent, we are incapable of meeting the presentfully; so, having created a problem, we try to seek a solution,which is but an escape.We imagine that we find solutions for various problems, but infinding solutions we have not really solved, we have notunderstood the cause of the problem.The moment we have solvedone problem, another arises, and so we continue to the end of ourlives seeking solutions to an endless series of problems.In this talkI want to explain the cause of the problem and the manner ofdissolving it.As I have said, a problem exists as long as there is reaction -either a reaction to external standards, or a reaction to an innerstandard, as when you say, "I must be true to this idea", or, "I mustbe true to this belief." Most educated, thoughtful people have discarded external standards, but they have developed innerstandards.We discard an external standard because we havecreated an inner standard to which we are trying to be true, astandard which is continually guiding us and shaping us, a standardwhich creates duality in our action.As long as there are standardsto which we are trying to be true, there will be problems, and hencethe continual search for the solution of these problems.These inner standards exist as long as we do not meet theexperiences and incidents of life wholly.As long as there is aguiding principle in our lives to which we are trying to be true,there must be duality in action, and therefore a problem.Thatduality will exist as long as there is conflict, and conflict existswherever there is the limitation of self-consciousness, the "I".Though we have discarded external standards and have found forourselves an inner principle, an inner law, to which we are trying tobe true, there is still distinction in action, and hence anincompleteness in understanding.It is only when we understand,when we no longer search for understanding, that there is aneffortless existence.So when I say, do not seek a solution, do not search for an end,I do not mean that you must turn to the opposite and becomestagnant [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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