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.The airbore fragrance of brok and pericoup, of rue and roses; for not everything thatman brought was horrible.The Dwellers waited in beauty to welcome her.Beyondtheir stateliness, pooks cavorted through the gloaming; among the trees dartedchildren; merriment caroled across music more solemn."We have come " Tim's voice was suddenly, inexplicably a croak.Barbro was notsure how he dismounted, bearing her.She stood before him and saw him sway onhis feet.Fear caught her."Are you well?" She seized both his366Poul Andersonhands.They felt cold and rough.Where had Sambo gone? Her eyes searchedbeneath the cowl.In this brighter illumination, she ought to have seen her man's face clearly.But it was blurred, it kept changing."What's wrong, oh, what's happened?"He smiled.Was that the smile she had cherished? She couldn't completelyremember."I, I must go," he stammered, so low she could scarcely hear."Ourtime is not ready." He drew free of her grasp and leaned on a robed form whichhad appeared at his side.A haziness swirled over both their heads." D o n ' t w a t c h m e g o.b a c k i n t o t h e e a r t h , "h e p l e a d e d." T h a t ' s d e a t h f o r y o u.T i l l o u rt i m e returns There, our son!"She had to fling her gaze around.Kneeling, she spread wide her arms.Jimmystruck her like a warm, solid can-nonball.She rumpled his hair, she kissedthe hollow of his neck, she laughed and wept and babbled foolishness; and thiswas no ghost, no memory that had stolen off when she wasn't looking.Now andagain, as she turned her attention to yet another hurt which might have comeupon him hunger, sickness, fear and found none, she would glimpse theirsurroundings.The gardens were gone.It didn't matter."I misted you so, Mother.Stay?""I'll take you home, dearest.""Stay.Here's fun.I'll show.But you stay."A sighing went through the twilight.Barbro rose.Jimmy clung to her hand.They confronted the Queen.Very tall she was in her robes woven of northlights, and her starry crown andher garlands of kiss-me-never.Her countenance recalled Aphrodite of Milos, whose picture Barbrohad often seen in the realms of men, save that the Queen's was more fair, andmore majesty dwelt upon it and in the night-blue eyes.Around her the gardens woke to new reality, the court of theDwellers and the heaven-climbing spires."Be welcome," she spoke, her speaking a song, "forever."Against the awe of her, Barbro said, "Moonmother, let us go home.""That may not be.""To our world, little and beloved," Barbro dreamedTHE QUEEN OF AIR AND DARKNESS 367she begged, "which we build for ourselves and cherish for our children.""To prison days, angry nights, works that crumble in the fingers, loves thatturn to rot or stone or driftweed, loss, grief, and the only sureness that ofthe final nothingness.No.You too, Wanderfoot who is to be, will jubilatewhen the banners of the Outworld come flying into the last of the cities andman is made wholly alive.Now go with those who will teach you."The Queen of Air and Darkness lifted an arm in summons.It halted, and nonecame to answer.For over the fountains and melodies lifted a gruesome growling.Fires leaped,thunders crashed.Her hosts scattered screaming before the steel thing whichboomed up the mountainside.The pooks were gone in a whirl of frightenedPage 210 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlwings.The nicors flung their bodies against the unalive invader and wereconsumed, until their Mother cried to them to retreat.Barbro cast Jimmy down and herself over him.Towers wavered and smoked away.The mountain stood bare under icy moons, save for rocks, crags, and fartheroff a glacier in whose depths the auroral light pulsed blue.A cave mouthdarkened a cliff.Thither folk streamed, seeking refuge underground.Some were human of blood, some grotesques like the pooks and nicors andwraiths; but most were lean, scaly, long-tailed, long-beaked, not remotely menor Outlings [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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