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.Theyre o k sometimes.Theyre always good for loot when they got it and they getya high when yawanna.Stick around.She may be aroundlater, smiling.Hahaha, rolling the chair back to the desk.I dont go for that shit.Im strickly a cunt man myself.I was just wonderin howcome he hung around with you guys is all.I got more cunt than ya could fuck in a year.Shit, last night I had ta chase one away, a goodlook-in bitch too, but I promised the old lady Id throw a fuck inner, you know how it is.Ya gotta Vinnie turned his head and startedtalking to Sal and some of the other guys, but Harry couldnt stop: he soliloquized about the babe who picked him up a few weeks ago andtook him home and she had a new car and the blond and how many more women who damned near fucked the ass offim, but they couldntdo that, he could out fuck any woman around and he never did like queers, everytime he saw one he wanted ta rapim in his mouth andwhenever he throws a fuck inta the old lady she creams all over the place and Vinnie and the guys got up and walked away and Harryleaned toward a few of the other guys near by, his voice still working, the words still spilling, his laugh blurting out occasionally and hestopped for a second, drank his beer, filled the glass again and continued talking, lower, walking around telling the guys he could fixem upanytime they wanted ta get a good piece a tail and a few nodded, one or two even smiled, and soon Harry was able to stop talking and hewent back to his desk and drank beer, more rapidly, keeping all the pitchers full, telling the guys ta drinkup, theres plenty more, the unionsgonna keep the beer flowin, hahaha, and he emptied another glass, refilled it and soon was unable to move without staggering and he sat athis desk, pushing his chair back and forth from time to time, spilled a glass of beer on his desk and laughed as it trickled off the edge,someone yelling that it was a good strike and a few others yelled, yeah, and Harry laughed his laugh and pushed the beer off the desk withthe palm of his hand and said theres plenty more and the guys laughed and soon tired of hanging around with Harry and told him goodbye,we/ll seeya, keep the beer cold, and Harry asked them not to go, hang around a while.We/ll getus some pussy later, but the guys said theyhad business and left.Harry looked at his desk, the glass and pitcher of beer.haha.No work tomorrow.Gotta piss.He stood, bumped against the desk, shovedhis chair back and laughed when it banged against the wall, leaned on the desk looking at the beer then staggered to the yard and pissed,sighing.Thats what I needed.A good piss.haha.Nothin like a good piss.Maybe the guysll come back tomorrow, ahh.thats betta.Heturned off the lights and went home.He left the house the next morning as soon as he dressed and went to his office.He filled a pitcher with beer and sat at his desk.He leanedback and put his feet on the desk.It was kindda nice to sit alone and drink beer for a while.He could use the relaxation.Hed been working hard on the strike and tomorrow would be another busy day.It was kindda nice to sit alone in his office.He really liked it.It really wasnt sobad.He picked up the pitcher to refill his glass.It was empty.Didnt think hed been there that long, but I guess maybe I have.He laughedand got up and refilled the pitcher and then his glass.Somea the guys should be around soon.Must be late enough.He sat back and put hisfeet back up on the desk.It wasnt bad being alone though.For a while.A car stopped in front of the Greeks and he got up from his desk and went to the door and yelled across to the guys going into the Greeks.They looked and strolled across the street, Vinnie carrying a package.Harry stood at the door as they walked in and the guys floppedaround after filling glasses with beer.Vinnie put the package on the desk and tore the paper off.Here yaare Harry.We toldya we/d getya aradio.Hows this? pretty good, eh? If we wasnt so desperate for loot youd never get it.Harry walked over to the desk and looked at theradio, turned the knobs and watched the needle move along the dial.Youre lucky we/re beat man or we/d never giveit toya for a lousy 30skins.Now at least we can have some music around here.This joints like a morgue, unwinding the cord and plugging it in.It even has shortwave man, turning the dial and stopping when a voice singing in a foreign language came from the radio.See.I wish ta fuck I could keepthe thing.Yeah, it sounds pretty good, turning the dial again, stopping as the sound of different languages reached them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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