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.They took me aside for a break, and " Both of Alex's eyes slamshut when Gavin traces his thumb down the center of Alex's throat."Sir please.Please ""Keep talking," Gavin murmurs.He leans in, though, putting his cheek next to Alex's, his lipsagainst Alex's ear."Did you struggle?"Alex laughs, cheek brushing up against Gavin's."Lord, no.No.I was where I wanted to be.""On your knees.""Yes.""One man behind you, one man in front of you.""Yes.""Held in place.""God, yes, sir ""And they choked you."Alex swallows; Gavin can feel his breath coming out hot and fast against Gavin's cheek.Alexnods.It's so easy to imagine Gavin in one man's place the man behind him, because damn it, hewants to be the one holding Alex down, wants to watch Alex struggle, make him struggle, even if it's only because his body needs air and Gavin's not letting him have it.They can find someonefor Alex to suck; anyone would take him up on it, anyone would be interested.Gavin's got oneface in mind, though, one man in particular, and as he pushes Alex to the ground, one hand onAlex's throat, he can see it perfectly.Alex goes with him, goes loose and boneless under Gavin's hand, and even when Gavin has tostop and drag him further away from the chair, further away so they can both stretch out, itdoesn't break the control Gavin has over Alex.Alex is quiet, eyes bright and fixed on Gavin's,and he crawls backward and then waits for Gavin to give him more instructions.Gavin pushesAlex's hands up above his head, crosses his wrists, and gives them a hard press into the carpet tolet Alex know he's supposed to stay there.Alex nods once, and Gavin climbs down his body, pulling Alex's pants down and getting hiscock out.Alex is so hard he's leaking, and Gavin rubs his thumb in a quick circle over the headof Alex's cock.Alex stays put, though, wrists on the floor like they're still pinned there."Goodboy," Gavin mutters, and for just an instant, a grin flashes across Alex's face, ear-to-ear beforeit's gone again.Gavin's still got that image in his head, Alex on his knees, Gavin behind him, forcing Alex's headdown against another man's cock, and he growls softly and gets his own cock out, movingforward until he can wrap his hand around his cock and Alex's all at once.He puts his free handon Alex's chest, partly for support, partly to keep Alex down, and he starts jerking them both off,fast and brutal, friction heating their skin and making Alex gasp.He knows what it'd look like, having Alex caught between him and another man; he's seen it,done it, more times than he can count.He's been all three men in that scenario.He's never done it with Sam.Alex groans and gasps and twists under Gavin's grip, but his wrists stay down.Gavin moves hishand over to the base of Alex's throat, keeping his weight lighter there, and Alex looks up at him.He swipes his tongue across his lips again, and fuck, Gavin really shouldn't just spring this onhim, he should walk Alex through it one step at a time, should let him know he's going to besafe, but God knows who's going to buy Alex in a month, and Alex needs to know better than tobelieve he's safe with anyone.Gavin shifts his focus to Alex's throat and grips him harder, pinning him down by that.His handworks harder against their cocks, and he's careful, goddamnit, he's working hard to be careful, hecan feel the way Alex is breathing, he can see it.Alex isn't struggling.But Alex arches up, pressing his throat against Gavin's hand, and Gavin growls out loud,tightening his grip on Alex's throat.Alex collapses back to the floor, eyes open and staring at theceiling, mouth open as he tries to take in enough air, and as soon as Gavin backs off to let himget a full breath again, Alex's eyes squeeze shut and his cock jerks in Gavin's hand.He grunts,barely making any sound at all, as thick white pulses of come streak across Gavin's cock, acrosshis hand, and Gavin slicks it down their lengths, speeding up even more. He shifts his hand back to Alex's shoulder, leans his weight down on it, and comes, sounds bittenoff between his teeth, sticky all the way up to his wrist now.Wrists.Alex's wrists are still crossed, still flat against the floor, and Alex is gasping for breath."Alex," Gavin pants, leaning down he gets his hand out from between them, but doesn't put iton the floor or on Alex; he needs to get that cleaned up and soon and he licks over Alex's lips,coaxing Alex's mouth open and kissing him hard and deep.Alex strokes his tongue againstGavin's and lets Gavin in, and Gavin groans, finally just stretching out across Alex's body andresting there.After they've both caught their breath, Gavin reaches up to Alex's hands, sliding his hand up towhere Alex's wrists are crossed."You can let these go now," he murmurs."Thank you, sir," Alex murmurs back.He slides his arms down and wraps one of them aroundGavin's waist a little hesitantly."Is that all right?" he asks."It's fine," Gavin says, turning his face to nuzzle against Alex's neck."It's fine [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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