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.Indicative of the C.F.R.'s power to maintain its anonymity is the fact that, despite its having been operative at the highest levels for nearly fifty years and having from thebeginning counted among its members the foremost lions of the Establishmentcommunications media, we discovered after poring over volumes of the Readers'Guide To Periodical Literature covering several decades that only one magazinearticle on the C.F.R.has ever appeared in a major national journal-and that inHarper's, hardly a mass-circulation periodical.Similarly, only a handful of articles on the Council have appeared in the nation's great news-papers.Such anonymity-at thatlevel-can hardly be a matter of mere chance.What makes this secret organization so influential? No one who knows for a certaintywill say.The Christian Science Monitor, which is edited by a member of theAmerican Round Table (a branch of Milner's secret society) did not in the article ofSeptember 1, 1961, that "its roster.contains names distinguished in the field of diplomacy, government, business, finance, science, labor, journalism, law andeducation.What united so wide-ranging and disparate a membership is a passionateconcern for the direction of American foreign policy."The Christian Science Monitor indicates the fantastic power the C.F.R.has had duringthe last six administrations:"Because of the Council's single-minded dedication to studying and deliberatingAmerican foreign policy, there is a constant flow of its members from private topublic service.Almost half of the Council members have been invited to assumeofficial government positions or to act as consultants at one time or another."The policies promoted by the C.F.R.in the fields of defense and internationalrelations become, with a regularity which defies the laws of chance, the officialpolicies of the United States Government.As Liberal columnist Joseph Kraft, himselfa member of the C.F.R., noted of the Council in the Harper's article: "It has been the seat of some basic government decisions, has set the context for many more, and hasrepeatedly served as a recruiting ground for ranking officials." Kraft, incidentally, aptly titled his article on the C.F.R., "School for Statesmen"- an admission that themembers of the Council are drilled with a "line" of strategy to be carried out in Washington.As World War II approached, the Round Table Group was influential in seeing thatHitler was not stopped in Austria, the Rhineland, or Sudetenland-and thereby waslargely responsible for precipitating the holocaust.A second world war would greatlyenhance the opportunity for establishment of World Government.The financing forAdolph Hitler's rise to power was handled through the Warburg-controlledMendelsohn Bank of Amsterdam and later by the J.Henry Schroeder Bank withbranches in Frankfurt, London and New York.Chief legal counsel to the J.HenrySchroeder Bank was the firm of Sullivan and Cromwell whose senior partnersincluded John Foster and Allen Dulles, (See James Martin's All Honorable Men,Little Brown Co., New York, 1950, p.51.See also Quigley, p.433.)With the Round Table doing its work in Europe, the C.F.R.carried the ball in theUnited States.The Council's first task was to infiltrate and develop effective control of the U.S.State Department-to make certain that after World War II there would beno slip-ups as there had been following World War I.The story of the C.F.R.takeoverof the Department of State is contained in State Department Publication 2349, ReportTo The President On The Results of the San Francisco Conference.It is the report ofSecretary of State Edward R.Stettinius (C.F.R.) to President Truman.On page twentywe find:"With the outbreak of war in Europe it was clear that the United States would beconfronted, after the war, with new and exceptional problems.Accordingly, aCommittee on Post-War Problems was set up before the end of 1939 [two yearsbefore the U.S [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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