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.I244 SUBJECT 13wasn t sure if I wanted to see the initials or not.Either way wouldbe a disappointment.I looked at Ben. Do it, babe, he said.I stared at the toy for a second and slowly turned it over.On thebottom of the back left paw were the initials JL. Son of a bitch, Ben muttered when I showed it to him. If this is my toy and my name is Justice DeLuca, why would Iput JL on it? I asked both myself and Ben. Why not JD or JDL? I don t know.You were a kid, so maybe you thought the Dewas your middle name. He had shifted so he was right near me.His hands were on mine and then I realized how badly I wasshaking. So you found it. Ben and I both jumped at the sound of thebooming voice.We looked up into Admiral Snow s bloodshoteyes.He was holding a gun with a very shaky hand. Dad, what are you doing? Ben jumped to his feet and stoodin front of me.I stood as well, but stayed behind Ben, resting myhand on his arm.Admiral Snow looked at the contact and sighed. Are youtwo&  Together? Ben asked. Yes.The admiral sighed and rubbed his eyes. Does that bother you, Admiral? Ben asked. Does having afag son disgust you? What? No. Snow shook his head. I don t care if you re gay.And I don t have anything against Luke.I like him, in fact.Ialways have.He d always liked me? For what, the whole two weeks he knewme? But killing him is the only way to save my own skin, Snow245 SUBJECT 13said, as he pointed the gun at me.Ben moved to block me, andSnow lowered the gun. You going to shoot me just like you shot Sheriff Skinner? Isaid. Like you tried earlier? I didn t shoot Richard, Snow replied. And I didn t try to killyou earlier.Though I wasn t sure why, I believed him. You ll have to kill me first, Ben said. However, that isn tthe only option.You can come clean and tell us everything. It wouldn t matter, Ben.His life would still be in jeopardy,probably even more so.The director won t give up ever. The director? I asked. Who s that? It s better if you don t know. Snow lowered the gun. I don tknow what good it ll do, but there are things you need to hear. Heturned to me. There s a lot you don t remember, isn t there? I remember some, I replied,  but you re right.There s a lot Ihaven t remembered yet. Are you going to tell us, Dad? Ben asked.Snow nodded. But not right now.I have some things I need toget.I can give you proof of everything you need to know.It shidden from the director.I knew this day would come. You want us to stay here? Ben asked. No, I don t think it s safe here.Take my four-wheeler anddrive out to the shoe tree.I ll meet you there in an hour.Itshouldn t take me longer than that to get what I need. Snowreached into a desk drawer, pulled out a cheap-looking cell phoneand handed it to Ben. Take this; it s one of those pre-paid jobbers.No GPS in it.Itcan t be traced or linked to me or you.If I don t show up there intwo hours, then it means something has gone wrong.If that246 SUBJECT 13happens, get the fuck out of there and find some place to hide.I llfind a way to contact you. Thanks, Dad. Ben pulled his father into an embrace and itwas obvious hugging wasn t something they did often.Snow sarms stayed at his side for a minute before he wrapped themaround Ben and squeezed tight.Ben pulled me out of the room and outside to Snow s four-wheeler.He started it up and scooted forward so I could get behindhim. What makes you think I m riding bitch? I asked. I spent halfmy days working at the ranch on one of those.We used them toherd cattle, find broken fence or look for lost sheep.Hell, one timeLuis broke his leg out in the field, and I drove him back to theranch on one of those. Sorry. Ben smiled, raised his hands in surrender and scootedback. I got no trouble sitting behind you.I straddled the seat, Ben wrapped his arms around me and wetook off.The shoe tree is a local unofficial tourist attraction a tree withshoes hanging from its branches.There are different versions ofhow the tree got started.One version tells of a couple who, on theirway to be married, stopped to rest under the shade of the tree'sbranches.The couple reclined, took off their shoes, and ended upin a heated discussion.The angry young woman is said to havejumped up, grabbed her boyfriend's shoes, and tossed them into thebranches of the tree.She then drove off, into the sunset, leavingher fianc� barefoot and in her dust.The story I d always heard was similar and, in my opinion,probably closer to the truth.This story started the same with ayoung couple stopping by the tree and having an argument.247 SUBJECT 13However, I d heard it was the husband who d driven off, leavinghis shoeless wife behind.In this account, he hadn t driven off intothe sunset; he d driven to the nearby Salt Well Brothel [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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