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.My face almost cracked, my smile was so wide. He is very well.Very good, very well. I didn t havethe word for fantastic or wonderful, but I was fairly sure that the glee in my voice made up for the lack.I carefully replaced the bandage and the blankets, and tucked him in tight.The big man never stirred. Hashe woken? Yes.He knew me, but slept most of the time. Do you have any of that drug I gave you yesterday? Joden nodded. Good.Keep giving it to him.I willbring more tonight. I leaned back, rejoicing quietly.I d not lose this one.I scrambled to my feet andthrew a last smile at Joden. Do you have everything that you need? Food?Joden sat up, rubbing the sleep off his face.He shrugged. The food is food. He got a soft smile on hisface. This one will be like a wet raffled bird because there is no kavage.I cocked my head. I do not understand  kavage.Joden chuckled. A drink.Very strong. He gestured at the sleeping man. He will be& I lost the rest, unable to understand. He needs the kavage? Like a drug?Joden looked at me, puzzled.It was clear that we weren t communicating well.I just shrugged andrepeated the word, wanting to make sure that I had it right.Joden nodded.I grabbed my satchel andthreaded through the tent.I lingered for a moment and smiled at the guard like a lunatic, feeling almostgiddy with relief.He blinked at me a few times, then smiled back.I barely noticed the walk back up to the castle, and through the gates.The big man was healing very well,something I had not been sure of when I had first seen the wound.Oh, there was still danger of fever andblood poisons, but I was optimistic.I wound my way through the city to the markets with a light step andlighter heart.It was early enough the market was not crowded.Most merchants should have been setting out theirwares.But there was an eerie quiet to the place, an unusual stillness.When I reached Remn s shop, thedoor was closed, the windows shuttered.I knocked, and he let me in with a worried expression.Shorterthan even me, and twice again as round, he greeted me with a smile, but there was a sadness in his eyes. Xylara.What are you doing out this morn? Good morning and good trade to you, Master Remn. I slipped through the door, and watched him boltit behind me. Trade. He heaved a sigh, and gestured at his shelves. In war time, no one buys books, Lara.We arefree to sit and drink and eat my wife s tarts in the echoing silence of my shop. He shook his head indespair.I pulled the book from my bag.He smiled when he saw it. Ah, I remember when you bought this.Yourfirst, yes? He turned it over and ran his large hand over it. Does it need a repair? No.I was wondering how much you would give for it.He looked at me, dark eyes questioning. Word in the market is that you are buying healing supplies forthe prisoners.I shrugged.He thinned his lips and thought for a moment, tapping the book with one long finger. Wait here.Abruptly, he went in the back, and returned with a small pouch.He handed it to me, and it clinked in myhand. My brother s son was lost in battle.We have heard no word, but I do this in his name.I pray to the gods that there is one on that side with a heart such as yours.I opened the pouch and looked in. Remn, this is too much& He held up his hand. I hold your book as surety, Lady.I know that you will repay me. He pointed hisfinger at me. Mind you don t take too long about it.I laughed and hugged him.He brushed aside my thanks and urged me to go home.I refused, gently.He scowled at me. Very well, then.Take one of my apprentices with you.You should have an escort,young lady./ I ve only to go to Estoval s.I ll be fine. He grumbled, but opened the door and I waved as I continuedon.I stopped briefly at Kalisa s cart.She was busy with actual customers, who looked close to buying all ofher stock.So I tucked a bottle of my joint medicine into her gnarled hand and moved off.She called herthanks behind me.Next to Estoval s.He was farther down the street, and now the early morning crowd was beginning toenter the market.But the merchants weren t opening their windows to display their wares, instead theywere dealing from behind their doors and shutters.There was an air of desperation from those seeking topurchase goods.I hurried my feet and concentrated on trying to remember another mixture that wassupposed to help scarring.I could remember goat s milk boiled thick, but the rest eluded me.Ah, well.Perhaps Esto-val would know.Also, I needed plenty of lotion makings.I d no wish to sell any morebooks.As I moved through the crowd, a funny feeling began to creep up the back of my neck.As if someonewas watching me.I stopped for a bit and rummaged through my bag as if looking for something.Iglanced through my hair, trying to see if someone was following me, or watching me, but I saw no one.Ishrugged.Guess the hours that 1 was keeping were getting to me. Xylara. Estoval greeted me cooly, surrounded by his pungent stock. How may I help you?I rattled off my mental list, and he gestured for his apprentices to gather up the items.I moved about,picking up the items that looked best for some of my lotions. Estoval, do you recall an unguent toprevent scarring? With goat s milk boiled thick?His tone was even cooler as he recited the recipe for me.I added those items to my growing pile.Hestayed close, nervously sorting some of the stock near me. I was wondering if you had heard anything,Lady? About the war? His tone was fawning, but I heard the fear underneath.I responded, keeping my tone calm and my information general.He nodded, listening carefully, and I wassure my words would be all over the market within minutes of my departure.I kept it simple, andpositive, and made no mention of the truth.That was for Xymund to announce, not I.Finally I had what I wanted and headed to the counter to where the apprentices had set out the otheritems.I gave them a sharp look, for they were clearly Estoval s older stock wilted and withered andnot at all suitable.I gave Estoval a sharper look when he named his price.He avoided my eyes. Prices go up when supplies are limited. Supplies aren t limited yet, Estoval.And I wouldn t feed some of this to a goat, much less use it inmedicine. He lifted his chin [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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