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.Ithad gone out of control into oncoming traffic and spun backacross our lane and off into a canyon.A semi hadjackknifed over the edge, too, just above the car.As we slowed, our bus driver called 911 and Igrabbed my first aid kit.The car was empty, all the airbagsdeployed.I looked around, and found the driver lying on thehill.I d brought a knife to a gunfight.Popping open myfirst aid kit, I realized there were just enough medicalsupplies to pull out a splinter, cover a blister, and clean apaper cut.This guy needed a helluva lot more than aspirin.I pulled out some gauze, pushed back the flap of skincoming off his skull and just held on.As more peoplearrived, one guy noted a big gash on his leg. Do you wantto take a look at that? he asked me.I did the kind of triageHawkeye Pierce would envy,  No, I think I ll try to stop the bleeding from his head.Someone behind me noted there was a fire startingunder the car.I looked up and saw the semi pitched downthe canyon toward us, but not moving.Fortunately, a truckerdealt with the fire and the real help showed up soon torelieve me.As I climbed back up the embankment, I saw twobuses filled with teenagers looking down at all of thismadness.Laid out flat next to the buses was a dead elk thesize of a car, most likely the cause of the accident.Andthen it occurred to me both of my daughters were in thebuses, as well as the children of my best friends.That s when I realized the awesome responsibility weput on teachers and coaches on a typical day.On a schoolnight in a dark canyon, miles from the nearest restroom, Iorganized calls to home, food issues, homework situations,and a bathroom break.Nobody prepares you for this stuff.Marriage, kids,bills, life.I can quote Gilgamesh at length, but I don t knowcrap about life.So, a couple of times a week, I hide in mygym and let it go.I used to work with a woman named Maxine.Maxinelives to follow rules.She doesn t put up Christmas stuff untilChristmas Day because it s still Advent until the day ofChristmas.Then, she puts up her stuff.We all work with Maxines.If break starts at 10:15,they ll tell everyone you left at 10:14 and,  Well, I m notgoing to say anything to anyone, but Dan John leaves at10:14 and still returns to his desk with the rest of us.There are times in our lives where we live like Maxine.If you re in school, your life is like Maxine s.Thebell rings, the clock ticks, you move into one desk and backinto another.You eat breakfast in the morning (hell, someonemight even make it for you), lunch at noon, and dinner in theearly evening.You watch must-see TV and you know thecharacters on Heroes and Lost.Why? Because you watchthose damn shows.For people living in the world of regular hours, regularmeals, and regular bowel movements, I have only one bit ofadvice: planned spontaneity.The last thing you need in your training is moreMaxine.How can you tell if you need a bit morerandomness in your training? Look around the gym.Ifeverybody there is part of the same group you see Monday,Wednesday and Friday from 4:00 to 5:30 and you re alldoing the same workout, you need some spark.You need some fun, some play.I know Monday,Wednesday and Friday are International Bench Press, Curland Lat Pulldown Days, but let s juggle things up a bit, shallwe?Learn some new skills.Learn the snatch and cleanand jerk.Sign up and compete in a Highland Games orStrongman contest.Learn some new lifts.Hey, there s anidea!Now, someone always asks,  Dan, how do you trainduring track season?You see, I don t train.Not during track season.Instead, I storm into my home gym and  work out.Please don t read this as workout.It s work out.I work out my anger.I work out my rage.I work out my fears.One of the things I do involves my workout-randomizer trick.I take a single die (singular of dice) and Iroll it three times.The die instantly changes my workoutapproach.This is how I do it.The Three Rolls" Roll One: Lift of the Day" Roll Two: The Program" Roll Three: The FinisherThe First Roll: Lift of the dayRoll a one: PressRoll a two: SquatRoll a three: SnatchRoll a four: Clean (or power curl)Roll a five: Deadlift (any variation)Roll a six: Clean and JerkThe Second Roll: The Program" Roll a one: Litvinov Workout.Do eight reps with thelift, then sprint." Roll a two: 5-3-2" Roll a three: 3 sets of 8 with a one-minute rest.Dotwo exercises with this workout.Front squat and overheadsquat; bench press and incline.that kind of thing." Roll a four: 3-3-2-1-1-1-1-1" Roll a five: Tabatas.Go light, light, light here! Twentyseconds of lifting, followed by ten seconds of rest for a totalof eight circuits." Roll a six: The Big Fifty-five.That s fifty-five reps ofthe lift you rolled.Fifty-five singles or three sets of ten plus five sets of five, whatever.Just make sure it adds up to fifty-five.The Third Roll: The FinisherRoll a one: Sled sprintsRoll a two: Sleds carrying a rockRoll a three: Rock runsRoll a four: Sleds with a heavy packRoll a five: Sleds with a heavy pack carrying a rockRoll a six: Farmer walks to death!Note: Feel free to do anything you like here.A lot ofthis depends on your available equipment.If my math skills are right, you have 216 workoutshere.If you want to do this three days a week, you might notrepeat a workout for years! It s just the thing for people wholive in a situation where there s a lot of structure.But there are others who can benefit from this, too,like me during track season.Recently, my teams competedin six track meets in twelve days.That s six long bus rides to the venue and back home  and six long trackmeets.That s enough chaos for anybody.The last thing Ineed in my life is more insanity.During track season, I train three days a week.I dotwo exercises each workout.I rest one minute per set.I dothree sets of eight.Yes, it s the most boring program theworld has ever seen.Here s exactly what I do:Day One: MondayPower Clean and Press: 1 power clean and 8presses" Three sets of eight with a one-minute rest betweensets.If there s a single key to the program, it s the one- minute rest period [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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