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.“This was my idea.” Jason laughed as he watched Zane arrange the candles on the mantel and one on the bedside table next to the carved angel box.“It’s not the hotel, but it will do.” He smiled in satisfaction.Caleb stuck his head in the door.“Do you think it would be all right if I left my present for Chase and Jenny here?”“I don’t think they would mind,” Jason said.Caleb laid a package tied with string on the table.“It’s a picture of the three of them,” he explained a bit self-consciously.“I’m sure they will love it.”“I put it in a frame, too.”Jason put a fatherly arm around Caleb as they went out of the cabin.Ty had already driven the women to church, and the men were waiting for Chase and Jamie to finish dressing.Chase was having trouble with his tie, and they had gotten tired of watchin him do it over and over again.They all applauded when he made his appearance in his black suit and white shirt, and couldn’t resist teasing him about second thoughts and last-minute nerves.They rode to the church in high spirits, Zane filling Chase’s head with his proven techniques on making a woman happy, and Jamie threatening him every few minutes if he messed up.“Here they come.” Cat was watching from the window of the schoolhouse next to the church.Jenny tried to look over her shoulder, but Cat pushed her back.“It’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the ceremony.”“I think we’ve had more than our share of bad luck.It’s time for some good.” Jenny swished away from the window.“Don’t you worry, darling.You’ve got nothing but good in front of you,” Grace assured her.“Now let me fix your hair.”“I don’t think I have any hair left.” Jenny sighed as Grace pushed her down into a chair while Cat held her skirt up to keep her from wrinkling the fine fabric.Cat and Grace had fussed over her hair and dress all morning until Jenny felt as if she would scream, but she patiently bore it all, knowing that it gave them pleasure to do so.They had pulled her hair up on top of her head and left a few soft tendrils down that danced along the back of her neck where a soft blue ribbon was woven among the strands.Her dress was white, as they had insisted, with a high neck and long sleeves and a series of ruffles over a multitude of petticoats.She wore pearl earrings that Jason had given her, and carried a lace handkerchief that was a present from Grace.“Something old,” Grace had said when she pressed it into Jenny’s hand, explaining that it had belonged to her grandmother.A rap at the door announced Jamie’s presence, and Jenny rose from her chair as Cat let him in.The two women arranged Jenny’s skirts one last time and gave Jenny’s cheek a kiss for luck before they left, leaving her alone for a minute with her brother.“Wow,” he said as he grinned at her.“You clean up pretty good.”“You’re not so bad yourself.” He was wearing a new brown suit, along with shiny new boots, and had a fresh haircut that did nothing to stop the mass from flopping down over his eyes.Jenny reached her hand up to smooth it back, and he took it in his own, bringing it to his lips.His eyes brimmed over as he softly kissed it.“You are so beautiful.”“Thank you.” Jenny looked down, her own eyes becoming moist.“I wish Dad and Momma could be here.”“They are, they’re watching.”“Do you really think so?”“Yes, I do, and I know they’re happy.”“I am.I love Chase so much.”“And he loves you.” Jamie placed her hand in the crook of his arm.“Let’s go get married.”Jamie led her out of the schoolhouse to where Grace and Cat were waiting to help carry her skirts, and soon they were on the steps of the church, waiting for the organ music to start the procession.The doors opened, Grace went down the aisle, followed by Cat, and Jenny took a deep breath as everyone stood.In the front of the church she saw Jason standing at the podium.As they stepped through the door, Jamie ducked his head under the frame, and then Jenny saw Chase step into the aisle, looking very civilized in his suit, but still savage with his long dark hair flowing down his back.She did not remember how she got to the front of the church.She just knew she was now standing next to him, her hand in his, and words were being spoken to which she answered.When she looked down, her mother’s carved silver wedding band was being slipped on her finger.She looked up at Chase in surprise and saw Jamie grinning at her over his shoulder.“I now pronounce you man and wife,” Jason said with a smile, and Chase bent to kiss her.The world stopped spinning as their lips touched.“Will you two settle down?” Jamie whispered as Jason loudly cleared his throat.The church broke into happy applause as Jenny and Chase looked around, blinking like owls.A moment later, they managed to find their way down the aisle and out the door.Chase handed Jenny up into the carriage that had been decorated with bows and ribbon, as had the horse.Ty was driving, and Cat was handed up next to him.Then they took off for the ranch, with their friends riding alongside, entertaining them along the way with words of advice for the coming night.A procession of carriages followed.A party was always welcome, and since the Lynches were one of the richest families around, everyone knew it would be a good one.They had smiled a hundred smiles and shaken a hundred hands of people that they did not know.Some offered enthusiastic good wishes, and others enjoyed the lavish spread while issuing phony smiles and talked with secret disgust of the half-breed who dared to soil a white girl.Chase was not oblivious to the gossip, he just chose to ignore it.He had what he wanted, and no one was going to spoil it for him, especially narrow-minded people who did not have a clue as to who or what he was.All that mattered was that Jenny loved him, and she reminded him of it every time she reached out to take his hand during the reception.She was radiant with happiness, her face glowing each time she turned to look for him when they became separated in the crowded room.They had been toasted and fussed over, and Chase had had enough.He caught Jenny’s eye and slightly inclined his head towards the door to the kitchen [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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