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.He replayed the events of the evening, considering his role in his brother’s tragedy.“I should have waited for him,” he blurted out, breaking the silence between the three.“What?” his mother asked, unsure of his statement as her mind was pulled from its own random thoughts and force to focus.“I should have waited for him, earlier.If I had, we would have ridden together and none of this would have happened,” he replied in solemn tone.“Why didn’t I wait for him?” he spat angrily.“Geoffrey, don’t you do that! This isn’t your fault,” she shot back instantly.“It’s no one’s fault.It’s just bad luck.”“The hell it is,” Geoff’s father retorted angrily.“It’s that stupid redneck’s fault.When this is all over, I’m going to sue his ass for so much, his damn grandchildren will be paying.”“Dad, Arles is dead.He died in the crash.”The shock of Geoff’s words took a moment to register in his parents minds.With the chaos of the evening, he had forgotten to mention the death of Arles and now, hearing it for the first time, his parents had mixed feelings.“Damn, I didn’t know that,” his father responded, using his simple words as an apologetic gesture, then added, “But nonetheless, that damn kid’s stupidity caused this whole mess.”“My god, his poor parents.They must be heartbroken,” his mother responded, sympathetically.“There’s no greater tragedy for a parent than the loss of a child.”The three sat quietly for a moment and thought about her last statement.With Bobby’s grave condition, each speculated whether her words would prove prophetic.As the thoughts of Bobby’s mortality raced through their minds, denial pushed the ugly idea deep into their subconscious, replaced only by positive conclusions.Geoff noticed movement in his peripheral vision and quickly glanced in that direction.Instantly, he recognized the face.He smiled instinctively in greeting, but received a saddened nod in return.“Mr.and Mrs.Robbins… I’m Dr.David Warner,” he said in a low, solemn tone.“I’m Jim Robbins and this is my wife, Nancy,” he responded, both parents quickly coming to their feet.The look on the doctor’s face sent a shiver through both parents and they braced themselves for the update.“Is he ok?” Nancy Robbins asked directly, her voice now quivering with fear.“I’m sorry… we did all we could.”Three hearts raced.Blood rushed through their bodies.Each became momentarily light-headed and disorientated.Words suddenly felt distant and unrecognizable.“Will he recover?” came the tragic words of a mother in denial.Jim stared at his wife momentarily.Her confusing reply marked the beginning of her unraveling emotional state.He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.“I’m sorry.We did everything we could… but he didn’t make it,” Dr.Warner said, sympathetically.Tragedy and reality had now become one.Nancy’s knees buckled and she collapse back into her chair.She let out a guttural cry of angst and wailed sorrowfully into her trembling hands.“Oh God NO!,” she cried out.“Please don’t take my boy.Please God, don’t take my boy.”Jim sat next to his wife and hugged her tightly, tears streamed from his face.“I’m sorry honey… I’m so sorry,” he said softly over and over, sympathizing with her pain while ignoring his own.Geoff leaned over and consoled his parents.Tears ran freely down his face at the shocking news.Listening to his mother’s anguish, he wished somehow he could take his brother’s place.“I’m so sorry.His injuries were just too extensive.If there’s anything I can do…”Geoff stood up and stared coldly back at Dr.Warner.The words penetrated his mind, yet seemed illogical.He felt desperate and angry.“Yeah there’s something you can do… you can bring my brother back,” Geoff spat acidly.“Son, I’m sorry… I did all I could,” Dr.Warner responded sympathetically once more.“BULLSHIT! There’s still time.This is a big fancy hospital.You could do some transplants or something,” he shot back, now growing more irrational by the second.“You go back up there and save him.I know you can do it.I know you can.”“Geoffrey, he’s done all he could.I’m sorry.Your brother’s gone,” Jim Robbins said, now reaching up and rubbing his son’s arm.“No Dad!” he snapped angrily, pulling his arm from his father’s touch.“He’s still up there.He can save him.I know he can.”“No son, I can’t.I tried, but his injuries were just too extensive,” Dr.Warner cut in.“You can’t… or you won’t?” Geoff asked in insulting tone.“Son, I’m really sorry… truly I am.”“The great Dr.Warner… Hmm.Those EMS guys were really full of shit, weren’t they? You’re not great… you suck!” he shouted angrily.Dr.Warner stared back at Geoff.He felt torn about how to respond.“That’s right Doc.I read all about you from the plaques on the walls.Civil War hero… Great Surgeon…” he mocked.“What a crock of shit!”“Geoffrey, I know you’re angry, but it’s not the doctor’s fault.Maybe if circumstances were different somehow… maybe if it weren’t raining; maybe if that boy hadn’t lost control of his vehicle… Your brother needed a miracle today, but unfortunately, he didn’t get one.It’s just fate,” his father reasoned.“That stupid redneck!” Geoff shouted, bursting in anger.He stood for a moment, tormented by sadness, consumed by anger.His mind raced as he tried to make sense of something so senseless.Suddenly, his mind conceived an idea.“No Dad, you’re wrong.He is going to get a miracle,” he said assuredly.He bent over and hugged his parents.“I love you guys,” he said, his voice now growing bolder by the second.He turned and hurried across the waiting room.“Geoffrey! STOP!” his father yelled.“Where’re you going?”He stopped in his tracks, turned and faced the doctor and his parents.“Bobby needs a miracle… and I know right were to find it,” he said, then added cryptically, “…or should I say, right when to find it.”Geoff spun on his heels and ran down the corridor, disappearing from sight.Dr.Warner thought about Geoff’s words, trying to make sense of the hidden meaning.Suddenly, his face dropped and his stomach churned.“Oh no,” he said aloud.“What is it?” Jim Robbins asked, now concerned by the doctor’s tone.“Oh no… he read all the information about me.He knows about the time portal.”“You don’t think…”“Oh no…” Dr.Warner said once more, still in disbelief.Dr.Warner shot the Robbins’ a worried glance.He looked back at the corridor that Geoff had disappeared around.In a moment of clarity, he sprinted down the hall.-----*-----*-----*-----Geoff rounded a corner and ran toward the far end of the hallway.As the corridor came to an end, it intersected another.He looked toward his right and saw rooms marked with various signs.He glanced left and found his destination.Quickly, he darted left down the hallway and stopped at a service elevator.He took a deep breath and pushed the button [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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