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.Others have to conduct the experiments.He has a network now, a large one, but it’s Whitney at the helm, and this is classic Whitney.”“What is this?” Pepper demanded, feeling like her head might explode.She raised both hands and covered her ears as if that could drown him out.“Because I still don’t understand.”She didn’t want to understand.If she understood the actual scope of the forces against her, she might give up and she had three little girls depending on her.She felt terrified and exposed.Vulnerable.Never ever show that to the enemy.That had been drilled into her.“Sugar.” Wyatt caught both her wrists in a gentle but unbreakable grip and pulled her fists to his chest.Sugar.That was all he said.It was the way he said it.Soft.Whispery.Into her.Sugar.Who would ever want to be called sugar? It was bad enough that her name was Pepper.But Sugar? She couldn’t believe she melted inside when he said it, but she did.“You always forget to breathe, baby.This is just a fact.Nothin’ huge goin’ on here.Nothin’ we can’ figure out together and beat.A little over four months ago I received orders to go to Afghanistan.It was my third tour, so I didn’t think anythin’ about it.We’re usually sent into the hottest zones because we’re enhanced.We always run the night rescues.The last one resulted in taking heavy fire.No one should have known we were comin’.No one.We knew they had to have been tipped off.”She was horrified.The thing was, she didn’t know if she was horrified at the thought of Whitney betraying soldiers that way, or by her reaction to the thought of Wyatt in such danger.Her entire body rebelled at the idea, and what did that mean? If he kept holding her hands against his chest, they were both going to be in trouble.Snakebite, IV and gunshot wound aside.She licked her lips and forced herself to try to carry on a conversation while subtly pulling at her wrists.“This Whitney would work against the United States for the enemy? Do you really think he has the power to know your orders and to get word to the enemy that you were in the vicinity?”Wyatt acted like he didn’t even notice she was in a small struggle with him for possession of her hands.She sighed and gave up, curling her fingers into his shirt.Into that heated rock wall.She felt the definition of his muscles behind the thin material and it did things to her body she hadn’t expected.Wyatt smiled down at her, a cocky, masculine grin that might have meant he knew he wasn’t only curling her fingers but also her toes.“Absolutely he does.He’s still workin’ for the government, or some covert branch of it.We can’ uncover who has his back.We chop off one head and two more seem to grow.I was wounded.Several of us were, and around that time, probably the moment Whitney heard we were safe and back in the States, he issued a termination order on the babies so you’d grab them and escape.The timin’ is just too coincidental for me to stomach.He brought you here, created a reason for you to escape and a reason for me to come home.”She closed her eyes briefly.He was making sense.She was so screwed.How could she fight alone against a man who could set up an ambush of a rescue helicopter in Afghanistan? The thought was absolutely, utterly, terrifying.“How could he know your grandmother would go out to harvest plants at the precise time the sirens went off?”“Why did they go off? Were you spotted?”She shook her head.“I heard the sirens and rushed to the laboratory hoping the other two babies had made their escape.I wanted to help them.”“So all he did was wait for Grand-mere to go to the swamp to harvest and then he set off the alarms.His idiot guards did the rest for him, and she called me just like she knew he would.The question is, why did he do this? Is there a trap inside that laboratory waitin’ for me?”His thumb slid over the pulse beating rapidly in her wrist.The brush alone sent her pulse rate up and blood rushing through her body.If he thought to check if she was lying that way, he would never get an accurate reading.Chapter 6Wyatt looked around the table at the two men and his grandmother, the people who would be most affected, other than Pepper, with his decision to try to get the other two babies out of the laboratory.Ginger sat in the hand-carved high chair that had been his, the only thing left of his grandfather’s, before the man had passed away leaving his wife to care for the four young boys alone.“I’m lucky to have all of you,” he said.“But we have to be realistic.Ginger, honey, I’m goin’ to talk in front of you, and hope you can understand most of what I say.”“Wait.” Pepper staggered into the room, her skin covered in tiny beads of sweat.“I’m not going to miss this.”She carried the bag of fluids with her.Clearly she’d been to the bathroom already.She’d tried to tidy herself up, but she looked as if she might fall over any moment [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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