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.There was no way he would let Necal i have anyindication of what had passed between them.He grasped thedoor handle, tugged and opened the door.After climbing outof the car, he quietly clicked the door shut and met Necalli onthe other side.A hushed quiet floated over the street, lit by alamp on the corner.The smel of water and flowers wafted onthe still air.He faced his lover and gazed into dark eyes.“Okay, here’sthe plan.My Aunt Betty always keeps a spare key under aflowerpot in the back yard.So, we’ll get it and go in from theback.David sleeps downstairs, so if we can sneak by his roomwe should be all right.”247Christie Gordon“Adam, with your new abilities you should have noproblem being quiet.Use al your senses and you’l be able towalk soundlessly through the house.”“Real y?”“Real y.”He gulped hard.Seems there was no end to the things hecould do now.Necal i reached out and grabbed Adam’s hand.“Let’s go.”He led Necal i around the side of the house, through awood gate, and into the back yard.They strolled up to a potwith geraniums planted in it resting beside the back Frenchdoors.He crouched down and braced himself for the weight ofthe pot as he lifted it up.The pot flew upwards in his grasp asif the soil and flowers in it didn’t exist.Shocked, he tilted thepot and looked at it.They were there al right.Necal i crouched down beside Adam and whispered, “Yoursenses are kicking in.Look at your eyes.”He brought his gaze up to his reflection in the glass panesof the French doors.A faint yellow glow surrounded his irises.He shifted his gaze to Necal i’s eyes, expecting to see the same.Necal i’s eyes looked completely normal.“Why aren’t your eyesglowing?”“I have more control.Just the slightest thing wil bring outyour inner animal.I sense fear in you and that’s enough.”Necal i patted Adam on the back and stood up.He grabbed the brass key and set the flowerpot back in itsoriginal place.After standing back up again, he carefully placedthe key in the lock and turned.The tumbler made a gentleclick.It was as if everything around him slowed.His visionsharpened and his hearing picked up the tiniest shifting ofwood in the floor, in the walls, in the ceiling.“Holy shit.” Hisvoice was barely audible.He glanced at Necal i, eyes now glowing yel ow, the same ashis and stepped inside the house.He waited while Necal iclosed the door.When it shut, it was so soft even he couldhardly hear it catch.248The First Ful MoonTurning, he felt like his body walked on air through thekitchen, the hallway, up the stairs and down the upper hal wayto Maxwel ’s room.It was as if his feet knew exactly where tostep to keep from making any noise.He turned the knob onMaxwel ’s door and opened it.With Necal i close behind him,he took light steps into Maxwell’s room.After closing the door and reaching Maxwel ’s bedside,Necal i placed his hand on Adam’s arm, turning him to facehim.Leaning in, he spoke so soft only Adam could hear him.“You have to calm down or you’l scare Maxwel.”“What?”“Your eyes, they’re still yel ow.” Necal i let go of Adam’sarm.He closed his eyes and wil ed his heart to slow, his fear andexcitement to dissipate.A new heartbeat and breath floodedhis senses.It was raw and beautiful and wild.It was Maxwel ’s.He opened his eyes and gazed down at his cousin, curled up onhis side in only underwear and rumpled sheets, illuminated inthe pale moonlight filtering in through the window.Oh, God…Heat rushed his groin, hardening him.He gulped.Necal i pinched underneath Adam’s arm in the soft fleshbetween his elbow and shoulder.He jumped and palmed where he’d been pinched.Turning,he glared at Necalli.“What was that for?”Necal i’s lips pursed.“You know.”Maxwel stirred and rolled onto his back, throwing thesheets off his body.A clear erection thrust up under his briefs.His cock jerked at the sight of his cousin’s erection.Hissenses picked up a quickening heartbeat and fast breathingnext to him, clear signs of arousal.He smirked at Necalli.“Seems he got to you, too.”Necalli huffed and palmed the hard flesh under histrousers, adjusting himself.“Did not.” He crossed his armsover his chest.Letting out a soft chuckle, he leaned over his cousin andgently shook his shoulder.“Max.”249Christie GordonMaxwell mumbled and licked his lips.“Hey, Max, wake up.It’s Adam and Necalli.”Slowly, Maxwell’s eyes fluttered and opened.He jumpedand sat up with his knees bent.“Shit.What are you two doinghere? What the hel time is it?”Adam gestured with his hands.“Shh, keep your voicedown.We don’t want to wake anyone else.”Maxwel rubbed at his eyes with his fingers.“What’s goingon?”“I need some information.” Adam sat on the edge ofMaxwel ’s bed.Maxwell glanced at Necalli and at his clock.“It’s after twoin the morning.Are you in some kind of trouble?”“Uh, you could say that.” Adam gazed down at his hands,suddenly remembering the claws on them, and curled hisfingers so his cousin wouldn’t see them.“Listen, I can’t tell youtoo much about it.But I need to know where Chelsea isdocked.”“Why?” Maxwel ’s gaze swept over Adam.“Youlook…different.What happened to you?”Adam glanced at Necal i.“N-nothing.”Maxwell sniffed at the air.“You smell different.You smelllike Necalli.What, did you two start wearing the sameaftershave?” Maxwel let out an anxious chuckle and stuffed hishands between his legs, clearly rubbing his thumb across hisbriefs, over his solid cock.Lust seared through Adam, making his erection ache, andfor a second, he almost lunged at his cousin.Necal i seized Adam’s arm, squeezing hard.Gazing up at Necal i, Adam forced himself to calm.If itweren’t for Necal i being here, he probably would have lungedat his cousin.He definitely had to be far away from him beforetomorrow night [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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