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.Dolvach Trenchwhistle cleared a path for them with her elbows."Make way for the fine ladies from Caermelor! Can't you see that they are hurt, you dolts? Get out ofthe way."She seated the fine ladies by the hearth and proffered glasses of brandy.Heligea shouldered her waythrough the press and stood before them."My brother and Callidus! Are they with you?""No," said Rohain, sipping brandy to give her strength."I do not know how they fare.""Ill tidings, then.""Yet I would vouch for their safety, encased as they are in all that iron.""'Sbane! You are wounded, my friend.Blood runs from your hair.You, servant, bring oil." A young girlhastened away."What has happened here?" asked Rohain."The Tower was attacked at nightfall," said Heligea."Terrible ravagers they were.Powerful.Theylanded in at the top stories and went down through the Tower at speed, like rats down a drainpipe.Wehad no time to escape.Methinks they were hunting for something, or somebody.When they couldn't findtheir target, they turned on us like boars at bay, and took our people and began to torment them.Then hecame.""Who?""Why, none other than the King-Emperor himself!""His Imperial Majesty here?" cried Viviana."I can scarce credit it!"Heligea's eyes blazed as though with pride, or triumph, or battle-lust."He came from the south, riding toour rescue, leading the Duke of Roxburgh and others of the Royal Attriod, and regiments of the RoyalLegions and thriesniuns of the Dainnan, all mounted on Skyhorses.They'd got word that the Scourgewas on its way here, and they came.Ah!" Dreamily, she clasped her hands at her throat."TheKing-Emperor himself, here at Isse! I never thought to see this hour.Dainnan and men-at-arms swarm allover the Tower.I'll be honest, at first it seemed impossible that even such great fighting men could driveoff the Wild Hunt, but victory has been won!""Won?" echoed Rohain."So the wights are all gone and the Tower is safe?"Heligea waved her hand dismissively."Yes, yes.Almost safe.A few of the lesser wights that rode withthe Hunter remain scattered throughout the upper stories and must be flushed out.We are to remainPage 132 locked up down here until all things unseelie have been ousted and the Tower thoroughly scoured.As yetI have not set eyes upon His Majesty, but as I am, for the moment, the Mistress of the House, I am sureto be summoned soon by his gentlemen.I confess to a little nervousness, but in good sooth, how I lookforward to the moment I am presented!" Lowering her voice, she leaned forward confidentially."Youhave seen him at Court.I never have.Is he as fine as they say? Do the images stamped on the coins ofthe realm do him justice?"Rohain felt reluctant to admit she had never been in the King-Emperor's presence.She could not knowwhether the portraits hanging in gilt frames all over the palace were good representations, or the wornand blurred profiles in relief stamped into the coins.Besides, she had only ever seen older coins,depicting the d'Armancourt ancestors.Of the portraits, she recalled only cascades of velvet and brocade.She could barely remember them, not having paid much heed.In any event, she supposed he had agedgreatly since those images had been created."Via," she said, "tell Heligea what he looks like.""Well, ma'am, no artist has ever been able to featly capture his likeness," said Viviana."Just barely dothe portraits represent His Majesty.I look forward to seeing him again with all my heart, if only from adistance, for upon my word he is a gentleman any maid or wife would sigh to look upon a gentlemanafter every lady's heart.All the ladies at Court are in love with him, I doubt not every one; and I'dwarrant that every woman throughout Erith who has ever set eyes on him would share that passion." Hereyes sparkled."So handsome is he and so kingly.Just to think of him causes the strangest thrill, as if theshang were passing over." She balked, blushing suddenly." Sainme I hope you'll not think meimpertinent for speaking thus of His Imperial Majesty.""You are impertinent," interrupted Heligea impatiently, "and should be thrashed for presuming to suchfamiliarity, insolent girl.Ah, here comes a servant with the oil."A girl approached, carrying a stoneware jar.She was young, almost a child, thin and pale-cheeked butvigorous-looking, with large, deep-lidded eyes and a neat, bow-shaped mouth.Rohain recognized thattriangular face, surrounded by its abundant cloud of wavy brown locks.The daughter of the Keeper ofthe Keys, the girl's name was Caitri Lendoon, and she had shown kindness to the deformed,yellow-haired lad.Before Rohain could acknowledge her former friend, the smell of the oil assaulted her, closing in on herlike a dark jail.Her throat and back were on fire.She gagged."What is in that jar?" she said hoarsely, holding the folds of her skirts to her nose."Whatever it is, I begyou to take it away from me.I wonder you don't all expire from the stench.""'Tis only siedo-pod oil," said Heligea in astonishment."A pungent scent, aye, but tolerable enough.""I will not have it near me!""It will soothe your hurts, my lady," said the little girl, backing away."Mayhap.But I cannot stand the stink of it.I would rather endure the pain of my hurts and take anotherdrop of brandy.You may anoint Viviana, if she is willing, and I will move from her side.Heligea, I mustbe brought into the King-Emperor's presence as soon as possible.""None but His Imperial Majesty's gentlemen may attend him now.That is how I am informed."Page 133 "Yes, but as soon as the Tower has been secured ""Of course.Come, my lady, let these servants bathe you with lavender water if you will not have the oil.And take another sip of the spirit."   ��      ��      ��  There was to be no sleep that night.The moans of the wounded filled the lower halls.Those who hadescaped harm spoke of nothing but the disastrous attack, and the unprecedented presence of royalty atthe Tower.Occasional noises of belligerence echoed down the stairwells and the lift-shafts as malevolentpresences were flushed out of oblique crannies.These became more infrequent, and eventually ceasedaltogether.Alone in a quiet room of the servants' quarters, Rohain sat by a window embrasure.It wasforbidden to open the shutters until the danger had passed, but a cold night breeze crept in through thecracks and this she inhaled with relish.Viviana approached."My lady ""Come no closer, Via.I cannot endure the stench of the oil in your hair.""It is strong, I'll concede, but not truly offensive, surely? Some might consider it pleasant [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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