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.The first few minutes of each day, just after waking,are when most people recall shadow memories.This is thus the ideal state and time from which topractice shadow memory recall exercises, using leading trigger phrases to cause associations.Double Trouble  ExperienceI experimented with duality, mind-split, and astral-feedback effects for well over a decadebefore writing this book.I had always been curious as to how and why my physical body reactedwith its projected double, and how distance affected this.I intuitively sensed there was more to thisthan the common belief that the physical body tries to reclaim its projected double if it gets tooclose.I had often experienced unexplainable and confusing mixtures of perceptions and memories,at times with two or more sets of events apparently occurring at the same time during OBEs.Likemany projectors, I had also often been aware of events and noises in the real world around myphysical body at the same time that I was experiencing things in my projected double at a remotelocation.The following is a detailed account and breakdown of my first full mind-split and astral-feedback experience.I have tried to simplify this as much as possible to ease the inherentdifficulties  not to mention the grammatical nightmares  that arise when trying to explainsomething as unnatural and confusing as a fall mind-split experience.Please bear with me.Physical Body's SideMeditating in my chair by the fire, I slowly returned to a less-abstract level ofconsciousness as rain started drumming heavily on the roof.The wind was getting up andshaking the windows and doors.I glanced at the clock, briefly illuminated by a flicker oflightning.It was half past two in the morning.This was not unusual for me, as occasionally Iwill meditate all night.I felt wonderful, well-rested and full of energy.As the first distantsounds of thunder rolled softly over the house, I thought to myself, "I don't think I've everprojected in a thunderstorm.I wonder what it's like?"Closing my eyes once again, I raised more energy through my still active primarycenters, deepening my level of trance.When I was satisfied with my level of trance, I shiftedmy body awareness out in front of myself, strongly feeling myself as standing a few feet infront of my chair.The vibrations quickly started and spread throughout my body.My heartcenter soon began to race.The vibrations peaked and I felt a trickling upward rush of energythrough my stomach and a brief falling sensation as I began to project.Then, just as Iconsidered everything was going fine, the vibrations suddenly stopped and.nothinghappened.zilch! Puzzled, I sat pondering, heavy with trance, wondering why such anapparently successful projection exit had failed.This had happened to me on manyoccasions, but I had never understood why.I was, however, just about to find out why.thehard way.Projected Double's SideBuzzing free of my physical body after an easy exit, I came to rest floating several feet in front ofwhere I was sitting.At this distance, my real-time double reflected the heavy action within my heartcenter.It throbbed loudly as energy poured into me from my physical/etheric body.It felt as if therewere a tittle petrol engine throbbing inside my chest.As I floated across the room, the little engine inmy chest purred faster as if to match my speed, then slowed again to a steady throbbing whenever Istopped.I passed through the wall near the window and went out into the blustery rain-drenched night.What a gloriously wet feeling! I could feel and smell and taste the rain passing through me as I floatedacross my front garden.The invigorating sounds and smelts and tastes of rain and wetness andplants and trees and soil and grass were everywhere.These rain smells were so strong, many timesstronger than I would be able to sense in my physical body.The rain-swept night filled me with a wonderfully happy type of energy.It felt great to be so aliveand out of my body on such a glorious night as this.Swooping up and over the roof with a quick loop,I hovered, looking around, the rain-filled wind buffeting and sleeting through me even more stronglyup here.[The wind and rain did not actually move my projected double, but I was keenly aware of thesensation of them passing through me.]Sitting on the chimney, I gazed out over my old hometown, watching the rain dance in thestreets below me, swirling and gurgling happily down gutters and drains.I listened carefully, taking20 everything in.The rain sounds seemed full of friendly voices, murmuring magical bubbly rhythms.Above, the low boiling clouds glimmering with hidden internal lightning.The tow sounds of heavyrolling thunder filled me with awe and tingling energy.Sitting on the roof, enjoying the storm andfeeling a bit like a wet Mary Poppins, I felt something tugging at my innards.I knew that this wascoming from my physical body in the room not far beneath me.I reached out with my feelings and sensed my physical body, instantly becoming aware of it.Ifelt the chair beneath me and the pillow under my feet.I could hear the drumming rain, but as itsounded from inside the house [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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