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.4Oh Allah, accept our martyrs in the highest heavens&Oh Allah, show the Jews a black day&Oh Allah, annihilate the Jews and their supporters&Oh Allah, raise the flag of Jihad across the land& 5Thus, as the world is eagerly awaiting and believing for the peaceful co-existence of the Jewish andthe Palestinian people, the Imams, the religious authorities of the Palestinian people, with the fullsupport and approval of the political leadership are ceaselessly beating the drums of  the final war,the final slaughter of the Jews.Satan s Ancient Hatred For The JewsWhen we compare the spirit that we see in Islam with the spirit that we see manifest under the ruleof the Antichrist and the False Prophet, it is the same ancient hatred against the Jewish people inboth.It is an ancient hatred that originates with Satan himself.From the day that God Himselfshowed His favor to the Jewish people, Satan has likewise raged against them.Satan s primaryvehicles that he has used to do this have been several great world empires.These are the  beastempires that we discussed in chapter ten.Throughout history, we can observe Satan s attempts toexterminate or persecute the Jewish people:1.Through Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, when he ordered the slaughter of every male Hebrewchild.(Exodus 1:5-22)2.Through Shalmaneser, the ruler of Assyria, when he conquered the northern kingdom ofIsrael and carried away and dispersed ten of the twelve tribes into exile.(2 Kings 17:5,6)3.Through Nebuchadnezzar, the ruler of Babylon, when he attacked Jerusalem, the capital ofthe southern Kingdom of Judea, and carried the rest of the Jews off into exile.(2 Kings 24:10-16) 4.Through Haman, the man appointed as second in command over the Medo/Persian Empire,when he attempted to have every Jew in the empire killed.(Esther 3:9)5.Through Antiochus Epiphanes, the Greek ruler of Syria, when he laid siege to Jerusalem inwhat the Jewish Historian Josephus describes as one of the bloodiest sieges in Israel s history.(Daniel 8:23-25; 1 Maccabees 1-6) 66.Through Titus, the Roman emperor, who attacked and captured Jerusalem, killing over 1.1million Jews, and enslaving over 97,000.(Wars of the Jews, VI, ix, 3).7.Through various Islamic and Christian empires, which we cannot fail to mention.EvenChristianity (albeit in a perverted form) has been far from innocent in the bloody history of theJewish people.8.Through Adolf Hitler, who killed over six million Jews during World War II.9.And eventually through the Antichrist and the False Prophet and their future empire, which isprophesied very clearly by the Prophets Zechariah and Ezekiel to attack Jerusalem and kill twothirds of the inhabitants of the nation of Israel.(Zechariah 13:8,9; Ezekiel 38)Any thinking person at this point must stop and ask: What else can explain such a consistantlybloody and painful history of one people other than an inhuman demonic hatred? Who couldinstigate such a black and persistent attack against one people who represent such a very smallfraction of one percent of the earth s population - no matter where they dwell? Who else if not thevery Devil himself? The history of the Jewish people alone is proof to the open mind that Satanexists and that he hates those whom God loves and declares to be the very,  apple of His eye.(Zecheriah 2:8).ConclusionThroughout natural history we see willing vessels manifest Satan s hatred for the Jewish people.And even more frightening, in the sacred texts of all three monotheistic religions, we see yetanother future attack against the Jews, this one worse than all those that preceded it.In the Bible, itis specifically Satan s pawns, the Antichrist, his False Prophet and all who follow them who carryout the final onslaught.In Islam it is the Mahdi, the Muslim Jesus and as the tradition says, faithful Muslims who are the ones who carry out such atrocities.Indeed, in this regard, Islamagain fulfills one of the primary characteristics of the Antichrist spirit; that of an unquenchable anti-Semitic spirit.Notes:1.Walid Shoebat radio interview with Joseph Farah.www.shoebat.com 2.Mark A.Gabriel, Ph.D., Islam and the Jews, The Unfinished Battle (Lake Mary, Florida,Charisma House, 2003), pp.46-493.Sahih Muslim Book 041, Number 69854.Palestinian Media Watch, Studies on Palestinian Culture and Society by Itamar Marcuswww.pmw.org.il5.Middle East Media Research, Friday Sermon on Palestinian Authority TV, April 17, 2002Palestinian Authority Imam Sheikh Ibrahim Madhi at the Sheikh 'Ijlin Mosque in Gaza Citywww.memri.org/bin/articles.cgi?Page=archives&Area=sd&ID=SP370026.Josephus, Wars of the Jews, Book VI, Chapter V, Section 3 Chapter FourteenEnd Time MartyrdomWhile the last chapter dealt with the concentrated hatred and murderous spirit of Islam toward theJewish people, this chapter deals in a more general sense with the worldwide persecution andmartyrdom that will be waged against anyone who is a follower of Jesus or who refuses to becomea Muslim during the last-days.Beheadings In The Last-DaysIn the Book of Revelation, chapter twenty, the Apostle John sees a particular company of people.John gives us a very brief synopsis of what he sees.He is specifically describing the future end-time Martyrs:I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge.And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony forJesus and because of the word of God.They had not worshiped the beast or hisimage and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands.They came tolife and reigned with Christ a thousand years.Revelation 20:4I ve dwelled on this verse many times.The Bible says that in the last-days, beheading willspecifically be the primary method by which people will be martyred.They will be killedspecifically for their  testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God. It is a strange picture totry to imagine.Is the Bible implying a worldwide resurrection of guillotines in every town square?What exactly is the Bible inferring will occur that will result in a worldwide standard of usingbeheading specifically, as a means of executing Christians? As I have tried to envision the nature ofthe end-times and what they will look like, I have often wondered about this verse.There are otherpassages that are very similar to this one.They also speak of a future persecution and a global trendof executing Christians for their faith in Jesus:Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will behated by all nations because of me.Matthew 24:9Here Jesus warns His disciples that they will be hated and ultimately put to death as a result of theiridentification with Him.But then there is a prophetic expansion on this prediction.Jesus says that you will be hated by all nations because of me. Jesus specifically predicted a global element tothis future persecution against Christians.This next verse gives us even further insight: All this I have told you so that you will not go astray [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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