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.To ensure that your system or product is exactly what the customer hasspecified, conduct a   shalls  and   wills  search, and place the results in anRTM.The usual convention is to place the reference paragraph on the far leftand the requirement in the next column.Further columns trace the requirementthrough your system following the way your company does business and thenature of the output product.The concept, however, is the same regardless ofmethodology or product.You can create and print forms for this purpose or you can use a spreadsheetapplication such as Excel or Lotus to accomplish the same purpose.To start theprocess, use your word processing program such as MS Word or MS Works orMacWrite or a similar program to search for the   shalls  and   wills.  Whenyou find one, simply copy and paste and include the paragraph number.If yourprograms are compatible, such as MS Office, it is a simple matter to transferthe entries from the word processing program to the spreadsheet program.Be cautious in the construction of your RTM.Don t necessarily limit it to  shalls  and   wills.  If you customer has some other way of stating mandatoryand lesser requirements, that is certainly the convention to follow.The point and purpose of an RTM is to trace a requirement from its begin-*U.S.Army Field Manual (FM), 770 778. REQUI REMENTS TRACEABI LI TY MATRI X 243ning in the requirements document (contract) to its final proof, such as theSystem Test.There must be enough detail in the RTM to point immediately tothe place, paragraph, table, etc., where the requirement is allocated.You should assign each requirement to a monitor.The monitor should belisted in a column in the RTM.You may assign more than one requirement toa person but don t simply assign all requirements to the chief engineer.Showthe actual person responsible for that requirement.In general, your RTM should look similar to Table A7-1.T a b l e A 7 - 1  R e q u i r e me n t s T r a c e a b i l i t y Ma t r i x ( R T M)Unit SystemSOW/ WBS S/C SOW/ Test TestSpec Para Requirement Number Spec Para Number Para MonitorSOW4.3.1 Security 06-03-02 N/A T-0304 4.4.1 SmithSpec3.2.1 System weight 02-04-03 3.4.6 T-0045 3.4.1 Jonesshall be lessthan 10,000poundsThe same concept and organization can be applied to a Subcontract Require-ments Traceability Matrix (SRTM) and used by your subcontractor.For a small project, you can use a spreadsheet program.For a larger programyou can use a spreadsheet   workbook  with requirements in one sheet, WBSinformation on the second sheet, etc.You can then link the cells together withhyperlinks from a master sheet to form a thread of information for each re-quirement.You can also do the same thing with a Relational Data Base (RDB).The RDBwill require more up-front time but will result in a more cohesive product.The current industry standard is a family of products titled DOORS (forlarge and enterprise wide projects) and DOORSrequireIT (for smaller projects).Both are commonly referred to as   Doors.  Doors is available from:Telelogic DOORS North America400 Valley Road, Suite 200 244 BLUEPRI NT FOR PROJECT RECOVERYMt.Arlington, NJ 07856Phone: 949-830-8022Fax: 949-830-8023To order: 877-275-4777E-mail: doorssupport.us@telelogic.comWeb site: www.telelogic.com/doors ATTACHMENT 8REQUIREMENTS FLOW-DOWN MATRIXYou can look at a Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) as a horizontalfunction and a Requirements Flow-Down Matrix (RFM) as a vertical function.The RTM traces where a requirement appears in the overall process while theRFM shows where a requirement has been allocated.Both apply to both primeand subcontractors.The subcontractor versions are usually preceded with an  S  for differentiating between the two.If you do not have a Requirements Flow-Down Matrix (or Plan), you canuse Table A8-1 as a start.Modify the table for your own needs.Just be sure tonot change the concepts of content and flow.In the case of the RFM, there are two levels or sets of requirements to beflowed down.The first is the requirement from the customer as contained in245YLFMAET 246 BLUEPRI NT FOR PROJECT RECOVERYT a b l e A 8 - 1  R e q u i r e me n t s F l o w- D o wn Ma t r i x ( R F M)Company Design S/C Plan S/C A S/C BSpec Para Reqt WBS Plan Para Para Para Para1.3.2 02-03-01 5.3.2 5.3.2 1.3.2 02-03-02 5.3.3 5.3.3 1.3.3 N/A1.3.4 02-03-03 5.3.4 5.3.4 1.3.4 1.3.4QA Plan 04-01-01 8.2.6 8.2.6 4.3.6 4.3.6CM Plan 05-01-01 9.3.1 9.3.1 5.6.2 5.6.2the SOW or specification.The second is a requirement demanded by enterprisepolicy.In some cases, a requirement may be flowed down to one subcontractor andnot another.Observe Spec Para Requirement 1.3.3 in the table cross-referencedto Subcontractor B.Such requirements could be those that are product-specific;perhaps Subcontractor A provides that kind of product but Subcontractor Bdoes not. ATTACHMENT 9DATA DELIVERY MATRIXSome tool is necessary to compile data delivery requirements from the require-ments document (contract), put them in a common place, and assign worddates and delivery dates and responsibilities.The Data Delivery Matrix is a sim-ple and effective tool for accomplishing this overall purpose and providing acentral location of past activities as well.A Data Delivery Matrix can be createdby using a spreadsheet such as the one shown in Table A9-1.The columns canbe extended to the right for multiple deliveries or the right column can beupdated periodically as necessary.If your data manager is so inclined and so talented, a Relational Data Base(RDB) such as Access can be used to do the same thing as the matrix in TableA9-1.The RDB takes more time to set up in the beginning but will save timeand possibly mistakes in the long run.If the RDB is used, set the report formatso that at least the   Data  column, the   Frequency  column, the   Next Due 247 248 BLUEPRI NT FOR PROJECT RECOVERYT a b l e A 9 - 1  D a t a D e l i v e r y Ma t r i xDoc No Title Resp.Format First Del FrequencyA-0001 Monthly Progress Jones DID 1234 30 days MonthlyReport ARO1T-0001 System Test Smith DID 2345 System Test minus One timePackage 30 daysT-0002 System Test Harris DID 4567 System Test plus One timeResults 30 days1ARO: After Receipt of Order.column, and the   Responsibility  column are shown in the report format.Usu-ally, the Data Delivery Matrix is routed frequently to all responsible individualsas well as being posted in a central location in a   paper  program.On a   paper-less  program the Data Delivery Matrix is provided on the Program Web site.It is also useful to identify a cognizant individual (project manager, chiefengineer, engineer, etc.) associated with each   X.  These people can act as inter-nal experts (consultants) during the execution of your project [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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