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. But it wouldn't be all right.He'd screwed things up royally this time, and he was realist enough to knowthat Severus would give him neither a second chance nor an opportunity to explain himself.He didn't deserve this comfort.He wasn't the injured party.He thought of Severus lying alone in the darkand hurting.and hated himself.He wished more than anything that he had that time turner that Professor Dumbledore had loanedHermione during third year, then he could go back and undo the damage he'd done in the last half hour.But he didn't have the time turner; all he had was the mess he'd made of his life.Hurting all over, hewatched the firelight throw shadows on the far wall and listened to Blaise breathe.It was nearly two hours later when the hand on his back stilled and the breathing deepened to that ofsleep.And still he lay there, staring at the wall.One of his favourite things in life was a lie in on a Saturday morning.The bed was warm and acomfortable wreck from last night's loving, and he was snuggled up on top of his absolute favourite thingin the world.His face was buried in Hermione's soft hair, his right knee sandwiched between her sleekthighs.Ron couldn't recall falling asleep.She'd let him know if he'd conked out on her at an inopportune moment,but from the lush scent of the sheets, he doubted that had happened.He stroked his hand over a pink-nippled breast, smiling at the sigh she gave.Even sound asleep, she was so damn responsive.The grandfather clock near the bed chimed seven, but they didn't have to get up this morning, not if theydidn't want to.Ron glanced up from the nipple he was fingering, looked towards the pleasantly chimingclock, and froze."Damn," he muttered."Hmmm? What's wrong, Ron?" Hermione stirred to wakefulness.She'd sleep through an explosion or thecastle falling around their bed, but if he said something in a certain tone, it always penetrated."The clock," he answered."The clock?" She lifted her head."Oh, dear."For the last three weeks, both Harry and Severus' clock hands had been in a new designation on the clockcalled 'Courting'.That had changed this morning.Harry was back in 'Lost' and Severus was in a wholenew designation, 'Despair'."What do you think happened?" he asked."I don't want to think.Maybe - " her words broke off as an uncertain knock sounded at the front door."That can't be good," he muttered."Really?" Hermione's sarcasm got the better of her.She always did get snarky when one of her schemesdidn't work out as planned, and nothing had been as important to her as seeing the boys that had beentheir own for a few short months find happiness.She had her wand in her hand already.She passed it over herself, him, and the bed.With a sudden jolt,he found himself totally clean and lying on a pristinely made bed."Give us a warning, luv, will you?" he complained, dragging himself to a sitting position.So much for theirlazy lie in. "Hurry," she said, tossing him last night's brown robe.She was already buttoning up the lavender one she'd worn to the pub last night and hurrying towards thesitting room.Still more asleep than awake, Ron trailed in her wake.She threw open the front door as nervous lookingas any worried mother.Both of them did a double take at the man standing there.It wasn't Harry or Severus."Blaise?" Hermione questioned.It was barely seven am.Zabini never saw daylight before noon on the weekends."Er, I'm sorry to bother you so early, but - " Blaise said."Come in," Hermione said, taking his arm and leading him towards the couch and setting him down at thefar end.Ron looked around for the teapot and started it steaming.This had the looks of being a long day."Is everything all right?" Hermione asked their guest, taking a seat on the other end of the couch.Both of them stared at Blaise.The handsome Slytherin looked fine, but he was nearly as good at hidingthings as Severus."I don't know," Blaise answered.Before they could ask anything else, he continued, "At about one thismorning I heard something that sounded like a gale shrieking through the Slytherin corridor outside myquarters.When I opened the door to see what was going on, I found Harry lying out there covered withcuts.""Oh, my God!" Hermione jumped to her feet."Is he.?""He's not hurt," Blaise quickly assured."It was just some glass splinters and minor scratches, nothingdeep.I healed him up and got him back to his bed.""Glass splinters," Hermione repeated."What.?""He wouldn't say what happened to him, but I've my suspicions.He was lying stark naked in front ofSnape's door," Blaise relayed with obvious anger.Ron's stomach lurched.Hermione was so sure that Harry and Severus were made for each other, but hewasn't anywhere near as certain."Severus would never hurt him," Hermione quickly insisted.She'd gone white as a house ghost."Well, someone sure as hell did," Blaise replied."What did Harry say?" Ron asked, trying to make sense of it.He mightn't be wearing rose colouredglasses as far as Severus and Harry's potential as a couple were concerned, but everything inside himinsisted that Hermione was right.Severus would never knowingly hurt Harry."All he'd say was that he hurt Severus and that everything was all his fault." Blaise's frustration wasobvious. He *hurt* Severus?The sudden shrieking of the teakettle made them all start."I'll get it," Ron said, moving from his standing daze to deal with the tea."Where is Harry now?" he heard Hermione ask.Ron quickly poured three cups of tea, manifested some milk and sugar, and added it to all their likings.Hehanded the darkest cup to Zabini, the lightest one to Hermy, and perched on the wide, cushioned arm ofthe couch with his own.After muttering a soft thank you, Blaise answered, "He's in his rooms.I stayed with him till just a fewminutes ago.I haven't seen him this upset since that bastard Julius.He wouldn't let me stay any longer,but.I really don't think he should be alone.""No, of course, he shouldn't," Hermione immediately concurred.They looked at each other.He could read the fear in her eyes."I'll go to Severus," Ron offered to take on the more difficult task.Harry was never easy to deal withwhen upset, but Severus made Norwegian Ridgebacks look amiable when he was in retreat."I can go," she said."No.You're more reasonable than me.Harry will need that," Ron argued."Let Ron deal with Snape," Blaise advised with something like satisfaction in his tone.Harry must havebeen in a bad way to get Zabini so angry with his fellow Slytherin, Ron recognized."Blaise," Hermione scolded, "you've seen them together.You know Severus would never hurt Harry.""I don't know that at all," Blaise snapped."I saw him after Snape was through with him, Hermione, youdidn't.If Snape can do that without meaning to, then God help Harry if he ever consciously decides tohurt him."Hermione bit her lip and looked to him, guilt and worry bright in her eyes."This is all my fault.""Oh, for - " Ron started, then, seeing the effect his anger was having on her, he forced himself to calmdown."It's not your fault.And I'm sure it's not Harry or Severus', either.It's just some bigmisunderstanding that they're both too proud or stupid to sort out on their own.You know Severus wouldnever hurt Harry, Hermy." He turned to fix his stare on Blaise."And you know it, too.He's yourhousemate.I know Severus scares the tar out of the students, but when has he ever really physically hurtanyone, even when provoked?"Blaise looked down."You're right, of course.It's just.""I know," Ron said."We'll sort it out.Don't worry." Slurping down his tea, he gave Hermione's cheek aquick peck and rose to his feet."You go see how Harry is doing.I'll deal with Severus.""You're a brave man, Ron," Blaise said, seemingly in complete seriousness [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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