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. Don t be nasty. You love my nasty. Tyler guided Marcus deeper, attempting toteach him what he liked with gentle prodding and coaxing.When Marcus became lost to the act, the sound of wet fleshbecoming louder and louder, Tyler reluctantly pulled back. Did I hurt you? Loving Tyler 45 No, but you re about to make me come in your mouth. Henodded to the bed.He d been thinking about this moment ever sincehe couldn t find Marcus after his barrel race.For the first time in hislife, Tyler would make love to a man, show him his feelings throughsex because using words would be too much.Sex had always been atool for him.He used it to get what he wanted or when he needed tobe built up or brought down.Tonight he d use it for what it was meantto be.He stripped off his clothes, eying the dark-eyed god on the bed infront of him. I love your body, said Marcus.His eyes roamed overhis shoulders, chest, and down to his prominent erection.Tyler couldfeel his stare brand into his flesh. Get your clothes off.All of them. He stood at the end of the bedwatching Marcus slip out of his clothing while he slowly stroked hiscock.Soon he d be in heaven, fucking Marcus s tight ass.Once fully naked, Tyler took his time with Marcus.He ran afinger down the center of his chest, along the dark trail of hair leadingto his bobbing cock, swaying freely in the air, hard and ripe.He nevertouched him where he needed him most.When he crawled over hisprone body, Marcus stopped him with a hand to the chest. Whatabout the condom and lube? Not yet.I want to enjoy you tonight. He kissed his neck,licking, sucking, tasting.Marcus closed his eyes, moaning soft,sensual sounds that made Tyler hungrier than ever.He wanted to ownthe city boy, keep him under his watch for the rest of his days.Imagining some asshole taking advantage of him, taking what washis, brought out his beast. Do I get to fuck you? Maybe later.But not tonight. Tyler ran his hand throughMarcus s dark hair, studying the sharp, chiseled Mediterraneanfeatures he adored.He hesitated at first, but knew he couldn t holdback this time.Tyler braced his weight on his forearms and kissedMarcus on the lips.What started out as a light brush quickly morphed 46 Winona Wilderinto a desperate passion.Their tongues battled as they savored andtasted each other.Tyler couldn t get enough, needed so much more.Their naked bodies pressed together, their dicks battling as he slightlyrose and lowered his frame. Open your legs, said Tyler between kisses.He nudged his legsopen with his thigh and the other man was quick to wrap his legsaround his body.Marcus caressed his back, testing his muscles andoccasionally kneading his ass.Even without the sex, they weremaking love.People said a lot could be deciphered from a man s kiss.The way Marcus kissed him back with such energy and desperationwas a sign he had to feel even a fraction of what Tyler felt for him.He reached between them and squeezed Marcus s cock until hegroaned against his mouth. Do whatever you want to me.Just do it. I plan to. Tyler slid down his body, kissing the sweat-glistenedflesh as he passed.He used the flat of his tongue to lick Marcus fromroot to tip, just the once, before slipping off the bed to retrieve hissupplies.There were so many kinky things he d love to show hislover, but tonight was for something deeper, something beyond justphysical satisfaction. I wanna fuck you, Tyler.Let me try. Marcus sat up on hiselbows, his beautiful, dark cock erect and waiting. Not tonight.I have to have you.I ll die if I don t. He lubed hiscondom-covered dick and returned to the bed. I won t leave youhanging, though, sweet thing. Chest to chest, Marcus s legs spread,Tyler wedged his way into the tight rear opening.It took a few tries,and once he breached his ass, Marcus cried out and pulled him closer.Linked together, face-to-face, they kissed.The urgency had lessenednow that they were fucking in combination with the intimacy.Theirkisses were softer, gentler, and with each pause they looked eachother in the eyes, telling so many stories with just a look.Did hebelieve at love at first sight? He d never been a romantic, but hesupposed when two lonely souls found the right match, anything Loving Tyler 47could happen.They were yin and yang on so many fronts, but he dnever wanted another man more.Although Tyler had never believed in commitments, imaginingbeing with another man or life without Marcus burned a hole in hischest.This was it, the one thing he d avoided like the plague love.The next morning, before Marcus left for the city, Tyler watchedhim dress in his designer suit.He filled out his clothes in wickedways.Tyler would certainly miss him when he left. So, you re coming to see me in Port Kent next week? I wouldn t miss it. Marcus straightened his tie in the mirror. Good.You re my good luck charm, darlin.I need you therecheering me on. He slipped off the bed, still naked, and wrapped hisarms around Marcus s waist from behind.The city boy was showered, his dark hair combed back, and hesmelled great.Tyler couldn t believe his good fortune to snag such acatch, but was it too good to be true? Would he return to his real lifeand forget his night with the drifter?New, uncomfortable insecurities battled within Tyler.He wantedto keep Marcus under his wing, but the man had his own life back inthe city.Marcus took a deep breath and turned around, perching himself onthe edge of the dresser. Will you forget me once I m gone? Anunderlying fear rang in his voice. Out of sight, out of mind? You ll be all I think about.You just hurry up and get back tome [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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