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."I want to know why you're after me and I wanna know now.Otherwise, you're going headfirst into that bowl, and I won't stop flushing until there's nothing left but a pair of really smelly Che Page 102ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlGuevara boots."Rodriguez wanted to lie.But he had seen the result of this man's work at MIRheadquarters back in San Juan.Fresh fear of the thin young man and his terrifying Asian companion supplanted all other concerns."She made me come after ju," Rodriguez blurted.His soles were on the toilet seat and he hugged his knees, shrinking from Remo and Chiun."After what ju did to MIR in Puerto Rico, ju became a threat to her ambition.""These attacks had nothing to do with Raffair?" Remo asked, surprised he'd been wrong all along.Rodriguez shook his head."No," he insisted."She just told us where ju would be.In Boston, we knew you would be coming soon, but at the places like this we were told to wait.She did not know when you would arrive, only that you would come.""Okay," Remo said."Here's the twenty-thousand-dollar question-who's 'she'?The only one who knows about us is our boss, us and." His voice trailed off.It struck him like a bolt out of the blue."Oh," he said quietly.He turned to the Master of Sinanju.There was a hint of a knowing look on the old man's otherwise inscrutable face."She's your-" Rodriguez began.They were the only words he managed to get out before the hardened finger pierced his occipital lobe.All speech, thought and life ended at the same time for the revolutionary leader.When Remo pulled his finger free, General Rolando Rodriguez toppled sideways into the wall of the toilet stall.Remo spun.His face was a dark thundercloud."Let's go," he said to the Master of Sinanju.Behind them, Mark Howard had climbed back to his feet.He'd been listening to the commando's words with growing fascination, but when Remo and Chiun swept toward him, the CIA man backed nervously against the wall.Chiun breezed past him without even acknowledging his existence.Remo stopped before the young man.For a moment, Mark held his breath, unsure what his fate might be.When Remo raised a hand, he flinched.Remo extended a cautionary finger."Forget everything," he warned."It beats me having to kill you."That was it.The hand lowered and he was gone.Out into the main office.A minute later, Mark heard the sound of an engine turning over.The car faded into the night.Only when the sound had died completely did he exhale.As he leaned against the wall, his shoulders sagged.He hugged his broken wrist as he tried to catch his breath.He'd done it.He had faced down the fear of his own destiny and had survived.Smith and his agents were irrelevant to his future-at least for now.Surprisingly, fate had brought him here to learn something else entirely.Something that went to the character of the man who had found him toiling in anonymity at the CIA.MIR.The Puerto Rican separatist group.A huge controversy over a year ago.And here were the terrorists now, apparently sent after one of Smith's agents.Mark knew the truth.And he also knew that no matter what he was asked to do by the President of the United States between now and Inauguration Day, he would not allow himself to be corrupted.Ever.Still bracing his arm, he pushed away from the wall.His breathing was close to normal.The authorities would be here soon.He'd better get his holster and get out before they arrived.Leaving the bodies of Fabio Gabinetto and Rolando Rodriguez, Mark C.Howard headed for the back of the tomb-silent Raffair office.Chapter 32Remo called Smith from the plane."You were right, Smitty," he announced."Those Puerto Rican terrorists are the ones who've been trying to kill me all along.""I know," the CURE director replied."The man you brought back here regained Page 103ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlconsciousness a few hours ago.I tried to call you during your flight from New Orleans to Miami, but the plane's system was down.""The navigator probably shorted it out when he accidentally spilled his rum and Coke," Remo said dryly."So did he tell you who's behind it?""Yes," Smith replied, thin distaste in his voice."Oh." Remo sounded disappointed.He had wanted to be the one to tell the older man [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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