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.As to Kyle, I really like him.He's not a leader; I don't see him ever becoming an officer.But he'ssolid and he'll make a hell of a sergeant one day.He has an impulse to protect that I like to seeand he accepts responsibility.He's smart, if no scholar, and he's honorable.If he agrees to dosomething, he'll do it, by God. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlYeah, John thought uncomfortably,he will.This was eerily like his mother's descriptions& but then,Kyle Reese was growing toward the moment they met.My head hurts.He turned back to the letter.His little friend Jesse turns out to be a boy after all.Small as he is and dressed in that grayclothing, you't couldn't tell.He and Kyle watch each other's back.Which't is good to see.Not thatwe have much in the way of the kids mixing it up.Like I said they hardly know how to misbehave.It's good that they have each other.Like the rest of the kids, they don't make new friends easily.And none of them have formed very close ties with the adults around them.They'd better get overit or Skynet may just have succeeded, if indirectly, in eliminating the human race.And on that sour note I'll close.All our best to you, John.John folded the letter and put in on the tray table.Kyle was a healthy young boy with a wounded psychebut a good heart.In other words, he was already much like the man who became his father.He wishedhe could do something to make it easier for him.But he didn't dare.Jack and Susie will be good to him, John thought.They'll take care of him and train him well.Jackhad certainly done a fine job with Susie.John wondered if Kyle and his mother had laughed Don't gothere! No, no, no! Think about a pink giraffe.Hippopotamus, jelly beans, anything !Then he forced his mind back to the last intelligence report he'd read.Finally he managed to distracthimself enough that he thought he could sleep.Though when he closed his eyes, just before he drifted offinto exhausted slumber, his mind flashed him a picture of Kyle's tear-stained face, and he sighed.* * *"John, I don't know what you expect me to do," Sarah said."We can't impose something like this fromon high.For one thing, not everyone has the leisure, let alone the resources, to set up schools."John Connor stretched out and sighed, looking up at the fleecy skies the Pacific Northwest was puttingon one of its rare beautiful summer days.He wriggled his shoulders into the fragrant pine duff and wenton: "Mom, we've got to do something.I don't expect a regular school with strict hours of operation oranything like that.But if we don't require some effort, then these orphans are going to be at a terrificdisadvantage."John hated to use time on one of his rare visits with his mother and Dieter to argue, but this wassomething they had to do.The longer they waited the further behind they got.She threw up her hands."So what do you think I can do?""I think we could work out some kind of guidelines," Dieter suggested."I agree with you that everyone'scircumstances are different and so anything formal is out of the question.However, as John points out,this is something that has to be done.Perhaps no one is working on this because they don't know how tobegin."Sarah smiled briefly and touched the Austrian's arm.John hid his own smile by taking a sip of coffee.Heliked the way Dieter acted as peacemaker between him and his mom.It made him feel a part ofsomething.Something human scale and quite precious.In the rest of his life he was pretty isolated byvirtue of his function.He had a lot of fans but few friends.It occurred to him that before Dieter came Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlalong he and his mother rarely indulged in the kind of flare-ups that demanded a peacemaker.One of life's little luxuries, John thought.Aloud he said, "So I guess that's what I'm asking you to do,Mom.Find a way for them to start."Sarah nodded, her eyes already taking on the faraway look of planning.Dieter gave John aconspiratorial smile.God! but I love these people.QUEBEC WILDERNESS"John! My man! Welcome, welcome." Snog was all smiles as he came forward, arms open wide for aFrench-style embrace.He grabbed John and kissed him resoundingly on both cheeks, greatly displeasingConnor's security people, a fact that visibly amused John."My house is your house.Let me introduceyou to my wives."John allowed himself to be led into the aboveground entrance to the resistance's technological arm,which gave a convincing imitation of a hunting lodge half-ruined and wholly abandoned amid the endlessrolling hills, blue green with fir and starred with sapphire lakes.Certainly a change from the ratwarrens we spend most of our time in , he thought.Most of it had been built with Dieter's money back before Judgment Day, which indeed did make itJohn's house.Since the war had begun, the place had been expanded, as had the staff, and without them the resistancewould long since have fallen apart [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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