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.For examplethe protests described in Chapter 9 are no less powerful than thosethat erupted in eastern Europe in the early months of 2009, but perhaps because they are geographically more distant, and moredifficult to contextualise  received only a fraction of the mediacoverage.Furthermore, the media focuses on spontaneous outburstsof protests  and social movements can not be judged solely on thebasis of such events.As I sought to convey in Chapters 8 and 9,Russian civil society has much deeper resources: pravozashchitnikiwith experience stretching back to Soviet times, and stubbornness tomatch; journalists who challenge officialdom with courage border-ing on recklessness; trade union and community activists withfanatical organisational drive.When protests erupted in the early1990s, their participants had almost no experience to look back to;in the 2010s, that will be different.For all the Russian government s dictatorial reputation, it hasconsistently displayed extreme nervousness in the face of socialmovements.Year after year, it has postponed increases in chargesfor gas, water and electricity, for fear of provoking a reaction.Authoritarianism is certainly part of the relationship between powerand people in Putin s Russia  but, up until now, rising living stand-ards have been, too.This balance has been crucial to the way thatPutin has ruled.The economic hardships resulting from the worldcrisis mean that that relationship will inevitably change.As it does,Russia s social movements will realise some of their potential, inboth expected and unexpected ways. NOTESIntroduction1 Christopher Xenakis, What Happened to the Soviet Union? How andwhy American sociologists were caught by surprise (Westport, Praeger,2002), p.12.2 On the world economy, Giovanni Arrighi, The Long TwentiethCentury (London, Verso, 2002), pp.239 324; Robert Brenner, TheBoom and the Bubble: The US in the world economy (London, Verso,2002); A.Glyn, A.Hughes, A.Lipietz and A.Singh,  The rise andfall of the golden age , in Stephen Marglin and Juliet Shore (eds), TheGolden Age of Capitalism (Oxford, Clarendon, 1990); Paul Krugman,The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 (London,Penguin, 2009); David McNally,  From financial crisis to world slump:accumulation, financialization and the global slowdown (researchpaper, 2008); Harry Shutt, The Trouble With Capitalism: An enquiryinto the causes of global economic failure (London, Zed Books,1998); Andrew Walter, World Power and World Money: The roleof hegemony and international monetary order (London, HarvesterWheatsheaf, 1993); John Roberts, $1000 Billion A Day: Inside theforeign exchange markets (London, HarperCollins, 1995).3 Walter, World Power, pp.196 7.4 Susan Strange, Casino Capitalism (Oxford, Blackwell, 1986), p.18.5 Arrighi, The Long Twentieth Century, pp.316 17 and pp.322 3;Stuart Corbridge, Nigel Thrift and Ron Martin (eds), Money, Powerand Space (Oxford, Blackwell, 1994).6 Timothy Colton, The Dilemma of Reform in the Soviet Union (NewYork, Council on Foreign Relations, 1986), p.198.7 Thane Gustafson, Crisis Amid Plenty: The politics of Soviet energyunder Brezhnev and Gorbachev (Princeton, Princeton University Press,1989), pp.263 86; Stephen Kotkin, Armageddon Averted: The Sovietcollapse, 1970 2000 (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001), pp.15 17.8 Colton, The Dilemma, pp.37 and 206; Seweryn Bialer, The SovietParadox: External expansion, internal decline (London, Tauris, 1986);Alan Smith, Russia and the World Economy: Problems of integration(London, Routledge, 1993), pp.156 76.9 Arrighi, The Long Twentieth Century, pp.323 4. NOTES 199Chapter 1: From Gorbachev to Yeltsin1 Egor Gaidar, Gosudarstvo i evoliutsiia (St Petersburg, Norma, 1997),p.159.2 Ol ga Kryshtanovskaia, Anatomiia rossiiskoi elity (Moscow, A.V.Solov ev, 2004), pp.274 304; D.L.Ushakov, Ofshornye zony vpraktike rossiiskikh nalogoplatel shchikov (Moscow, Iurist, 1999),pp.82 3; David Woodruff, Money Unmade: Barter and the fate ofRussian capitalism (London, Cornell University Press, 1999), p.66;Alexander Bim, Derek C.Jones and Thomas E Weisskopf,  Hybridforms of enterprise organisation in the former USSR and the RussianFederation , Comparative Economic Studies, 35:1 (Spring 1993), p.15(employment).3 Anna Akhmedova,  Ischezaiushchii PSB , Vedomosti, 28 February2007.4 Juliet Johnson, A Fistful of Rubles: The rise and fall of the Russianbanking system (London, Cornell University Press, 2000), p.36.5 Johnson, A Fistful of Rubles, pp.57 9; David Lane and CameronRoss, The Transition from Communism to Capitalism: Ruling elitesfrom Gorbachev to Yeltsin (London, Macmillan, 1999).6  Inside Kremlin as it tightens its grip , Wall Street Journal, 19December 2006; Russian presidential website.7 Ian Traynor,  Putin urged to apply Pinochet stick , Guardian, 31March 2000; Alfa Bank website.8 Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine: The rise of disaster capitalism(London, Allen Lane, 2007), pp.219 20 and 239.9 Peter Reddaway and Dmitri Glinski, The Tragedy of Russia s Reforms:Market bolshevism against democracy (Washington, US Institute ofPeace Press, 2001), pp.231 308; Joseph Blasi, Maya Kroumova andDouglas Kruse, Kremlin Capitalism: Privatizing the Russian economy(New York, Cornell University Press, 1997), pp [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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