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.err.dragon, I guess the plug?" Matt's skin was hotfor him, sweet."I mean, I'm so plenty of action guy."A Private Hunger - 109 Chuckling, he nipped at one shoulder bone through Matthew's shirt."Plug it is.Lets see if youcan find it with this magical net of yours.""Well, sure I can.I just go here." Matthew typed and tapped."And then put the.words in here.And, ta-da! Pick a place.""Oh, what's that one about a dungeon?"Matthew clicked, gasping as the image of a tasty-looking man in leather straps appeared alongwith quite an extensive list of toys including whips and clamps and cuffs and plugs.He purred."Oh what fun." He nibbled his Pet's ear."If you wanted to try something other than aplug.""D!" Matthew shivered, cuddled back against him."You've used this stuff? When?""You know I've been around a long time, Pet.Of course most of it didn't have fancy names andyou had to make your own." He growled softly at the memory -- more than one Pet had madetheir own tools of pleasure."You're a perv, D." Matthew clicked and looked and backed up and clicked.The images movedquickly, his Pet shifting and wiggling against him.He slid his hands down to cup Matthewthrough his sweats, hand sliding along the hard prick."Mmm." Matt's hips pushed up, rubbing against his hand, a low moan sounding.He nibbled on the sweet earlobe."Pick, Pet, before we forget why we're here.""I.how big, D? Does the shape matter?""It's going into you, Pet.Lets start small and fairly narrow."Matthew nodded, clicking for a minute and then pointing to two.One was metal, shiny and sleek,the other a bit wider, but more flexible and lighter."One of these?""Why not both?" He moved one hand behind his Pet to tease at the sweet crease."B.both?" Matt shivered, nipples hard as tiny stones under the tshirt."I.Okay.Yeah.But.yousure?"At his nod, his Pet started filling out forms and arranging to have them shipped.He continued toplay while Matthew typed, nibbling his Pet's earlobe and neck, hands stroking cock and ass,making sweet shudders go through the boy."I.Do you put them in to get someone stretched for making love?" Matt's voice was husky,threaded through with need.A Private Hunger - 110 "Yes," he murmured, hands moving to slid beneath the waistband of Matthew's pants."You canalso leave them in for some time.Can you imagine it, Pet? Being filled as you eat, read yourbooks, take your walk.""Oh, God." Matthew shivered, shaking hard.The computer was closed and set aside."They.they're bought."He purred."And how long before we get to play?""Three days.I paid for three day air.""Eager?" he asked, thumb sliding along the tip of Matthew's prick."I." Embarrassed and aroused eyes met his."Uh-huh.""Me, too," he murmured, pushing Matthew back onto the bed, stripping them both and coveringhis Pet's body with his own.Matt stretched beneath him, lips open and hungry.Oh, yes.Most eager.***They were in the library when the plug arrived.Matthew was curled up in a chair with a book andhe was lying out by the chair, napping.Wetthers came in with a box."Mail, sirs."His Pet's eyes went wide, and Matthew took the box, shoving it under the chair without openingit.The whispered, "thanks, Wetthers," was adorable.Wetthers' eyebrow rose, but the man just said, "you're welcome, Master Matthew," and went backto whatever it was that Wetthers did when he wasn't specifically needed."Aren't you going to open it?" Drakon asked, nudging the box with his foot."Huh?" Matthew squeaked and jumped."Shit, D! I thought you were asleep!""I didn't mean to startle you, Pet." He grinned and sat up, finger stroking Matthew's arm.A trailof goose bumps appeared after his touch, like magic.He took Matthew's hand and turned it,leaving a kiss on the delicate skin of his Pet's wrist."Oh." Matt shivered, eyes hot on his lips.He pulled the box out from under Matthew's chair and handed it over as he nibbled on eachfingertip.Matthew took it, blinking and holding the box, just watching him."Feels so good [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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