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.Confederacy, e.g.Duaanić, The Arcadian League of the Fourth Century, J.Roy, Phoenix 26 (1972), 334 41.85 J.Roy, A.Ant Hung.20 (1972), 43 51.86 T.Heine Nielsen, in Hansen (ed.) Introduction to an Inventory of Poleis, 117 63, especially 132 43.87 M.Moggi, RFIC n.s.119 (1991), 59 62.88 AD 22 (1967), ².217; 37 (1982), (².118; Holmberg, The Swedish Excavations at Asea in Arcadia, 112 13; S.and H.Hodkinson, BSA76 (1981), 291 4; Jacobsthal, Greek Pins, 7 9.89 I.A.Pikoulas, in ’2 £Å½.µ».£À¿Å´.ii.269 81; M.Petropoulos, Horos 3 (1985), 63 73.90 F.E.Winter, EMC 10 (1991), 193 220; E.Østby, in ”2 £Å½.µ».£À¿Å´.ii.65 75; Jost, op.cit (n.37, 1985), 368 70; Voyatzis, TheEarly Sanctuary of Athena Alea at Tegea, 239.91 Jost, op.cit.(n.37, 1985), 534 40.92 U.Hübinger, in Palagia and Coulson (eds) Sculpture from Arcadia and Laconia, 25 31; Jost, op.cit.(n.37, 1975); W.Lamb, BSA 27(1925/6), 133 48.93 Cf.Burkert, Homo Necans, 84 93; Hughes, Human Sacrifice in Ancient Greece, 96 107; Jost, op.cit.(n.37, 1985), 258 67.94 Voyatzis, op.cit.(n.90).95 Hodkinson and Hodkinson, op.cit.(n.88); Fields,  The Anatomy of a Mercenary , 52 6.96 Jost, op.cit.(n.37, 1994).97 Voyatzis, op.cit.(n.90), 10 20; Callmer, Studien zur Geschichte Arkadiens, 109 35.98 Voyatzis, op.cit.(n.90), 11 and n.14; Moggi, I sinecismi interstatali greci, i.131 9.99 V.Bérard, BCH 16 (1892), 547 9; Voyatzis, op.cit.(n.90), 12 13.Theatre: R.Vallois, BCH 50 (1926), 135 73.Agora: Pausanias 8.49.1; Voyatzis, op.cit.(no.90), 13 14; Jost, op.cit.(n.37, 1985), 146 7 (if, as she speculates, Athena Polias was an open-air cult,it would contrast markedly with that of Alea).Gymnasium (at Palaio Episkopi): V.Bérard, BCH17 (1893), 16 23; Callmer, op.cit.(n.97), 121.Pausanias (8.47.4) describes the stadium as close to the Alea temple.The citadel is not securely identified, although latervotives come from the hill of Ag.Sostis: Voyatzis, op.cit.(n.90), 16 17; Jost, op.cit.(n.37, 1985), 154 6.100 C.Dugas, BCH 45 (1921), 335 435; Voyatzis, op.cit.(n.90), passim.101 E.Østby et al., O.Ath.20 (1994), 98 107.102 E.Østby, personal communication.103 Østby et al., op.cit.(n.101), 101, 111 12.104 Voyatzis, op.cit.(n.90), 62 84; Østby et al, op.cit.(n.101), 99 n.46, 101, 126 32.105 Voyatzis, op.cit.(n.90), passim; Østby et at., op.cit.(n.101), 117 32; M.E.Voyatzis, BSA 87 (1992), 259 79; Kilian-Dirlmeier,Anhänger in Griechenland, 40 1; Dugas, op.cit.(n.100), 369 74 (votive loom-weights or amulets).106 Voyatzis, op.cit.(n.90), 198 202.107 Østby et al., op.cit.(n.101), 133.108 Ibid.(n.101), 117 19, 123; Voyatzis, op.cit.(n.90), 239 42.109 E.Østby, personal communication.110 E.Østby, O.Ath.16 (1986), 75 102.111 Jost, op.cit.(n.37, 1985), 159 61; Voyatzis, op.cit.(n.90), 28 30.112 Voyatzis, op.cit.(n.90), 300 3, 305 7, 315, 317, 339.113 Athens, N.M.57; Jost, op.cit.(n.37, 1985), 163. CATHERINE MORGAN 109114 T.Karagiorga Stathakopoulou, in ”2 £Å½.µ».£À¿Å´.ii.97 115.Topography: Hodkinson and Hodkinson, op.cit.(n.88).115 Karagiorga Stathakopoulou, op.cit.(n.114), 108 9.Voyatzis, op.cit.(n.90), 101 n.177 (P.G.and G.from the chora).Archaic cult:Jost, op.cit.(n.37, 1985), 132 4, 136; Fougères, Maritime et l Arcadie orientate, 106; K.Lehmann, Hesperia 28 (1959), 153 61.116 Karagiorga Stathakopoulou, op.cit.(n.114), 107 8 figs 3, 4; Moggi, op.cit.(n.98), 140 56 (c.478 473).117 Karagiorga Stathakopoulou, op.cit.(n.114), 101 2, 104 5.118 Voyatzis, op.cit.(n.90), 87 9, 220 2; AD 18 (1963), p.89.119 Karagiorga Stathakopoulou, op.cit.(n.114), 107.120 Reports of the Austrian Institute excavations appear in JOAI from 1981/2 onwards; W.Reichel and A.Wilhelm, JOAI 4 (1901), 1 89;Jost, op.cit.(n.37, 1985), 46 51; Voyatzis, op.cit.(n.90), 35 7.121 Dating based on acroteria: Reichel and Wilhelm, op.cit.(n.120), 61 fig.128; Cooper, The Temple of Apollo at Bassai, 197 8.122 U.Sinn, Jb.Ku.Samml.Bad.-Würt.17 (1980), 25 40.Voyatzis, op.cit.(n.90), 104 217 passim; cf.M.Weber, Städel-Jahrbuch I(1967), 7 18.The long-known Lousoi-Olympia group of animal figurines is often attributed to Olympia, but Lousoi may have been acentre: Heilmeyer, Frühe olympische Bronzefiguren, 99 109, especially 103; H.-V.Herrmann, JDAI 79 (1964), 22 4; cf.Zimmermann, Les Chevaux de bronze dans l art géométrique grec, 91 113.123 These also occur at Petrovouni and Olympia: Voyatzis, op.cit.(n.90), 242 4; AD 18 (1963), ², pl.146a.124 C.Schauer, in E2 £Å½.µ».£À¿Å´., forthcoming.125 Known Geometric sites probably lay in Kynaithan territory: Petropoulos, op.cit.(n [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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