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. UNTIL THANKSGIVING 43 Would you mind putting some sunscreen on my back? Thadasked. With my fair skin, I ll burn up without it. Sure. Josh squirted the lotion Thad gave him into his palm.Instead of slowly massaging the lotion into his back, he swiped it onwith a few quick strokes.When he was finished, he dove facedownonto his lounge chair. Want me to do you too? Thad asked. That would be great.The firm warmth of Josh s skin beneath his hands undid what twohours at the gym had finally accomplished.He dove face-first into thelounger to hide a not so subtle reaction to the oddly intimate encounter. So what do you think? Glad you moved to DC?Josh nodded. DC is definitely a big change from Lexington.It sgoing to take some adjusting, but I think I m going to like it. I can t imagine living anywhere else.Have you always lived inLexington? Yeah, pretty much in the same zip code.All four of mygrandparents were born in the area too. You don t hear that in DC.Between the politicians and collegestudents, there s a lot of coming and going.I don t think I know anyonewho was born here.What do you think you ll miss most aboutLexington?Josh didn t hesitate. I d have to say the horse farms.The city isalmost completely surrounded by a band of them.No matter which wayyou head out of town, within a few minutes rolling pastures ofbluegrass, miles of plank fencing, and stacked limestone walls surroundyou.I don t think there s any place else quite like it. Sounds beautiful. It is.DC is beautiful too, just in a different way.Without all thegreen space and trees here, I d definitely miss Lexington more than Ido.Between long silences, Josh and Thad chatted all afternoon.Chatting with Josh was both pleasant and frustrating.Though at first hehadn t been so sure, he was now convinced Josh was gay.If he hadn tbeen a coworker, he might have taken the bull by the horns and said 44 Michael Rupuredsomething.That they managed to spend three hours alone togetherwithout ever broaching the subject was frustrating and more than a littleodd.Was Josh afraid? Or maybe he just wasn t interested.Either way, Thad enjoyed spending time with Josh and was gladhe d invited him over.They did get to know each other better.Joshtalked about Lexington and his time in school.Thad was surprised tolearn Josh had a graduate degree in graphic arts.He didn t strike Thadas the graduate-school type. Once I got my bachelor s degree in communications, Josh said, the only jobs I could find were more or less the same kind I could getbefore I got a degree.Graduate school had never been part of my plan,but I applied and ended up with an assistantship. That s great, Thad replied. Once I finished my undergraddegree, I was ready for a break.My parents always expected me to goto graduate school.Maybe I will one day.Since I don t plan on havingany children, I m not on anyone s time schedule.Thad was sure Josh would recognize his comment about nothaving children as code for being gay.He didn t.Short of drawing hima picture, he didn t know what else to do and decided to let it go.Surelyhe d figure it out Monday when he saw that all the guests at the partyhe was throwing for him were gay.If not, Thad thought he d bespending a lot more time at the gym. UNTIL THANKSGIVING 45" 10 "JOSH had always known he was easy on the eyes.For as long as hecould remember, people mostly women had commented on howpretty he was.Pretty, not handsome.Pretty was for girls, and maybelittle boys.No one had called him pretty for a long time; not since he d puton thirty pounds.At just over six feet, he carried his weight well, butwas far from ripped.As he dried off, Josh caught his reflection in themirror.No, he definitely wasn t buff not even close but he wasn tfat either.He thought about what Mitch, the call boy/masseur, had saidabout him.Josh never thought of himself as hot or particularly wellhung.He stroked his cock.He d certainly seen bigger lots bigger.Thinking about Thad s sexy body quickly produced the desired result.He walked into his bedroom, pulled a tape measure from his deskdrawer, placed the end at the base of his now throbbing member, andextended the tape across the top to the tip. Damn.Eight and a half inches.He wrapped the tape measure around the thickest part of the shaft.Almost six inches.He d never measured before.While he admired bigdicks, he wasn t overly obsessed with them, and because Ben washuge, had long ago written off his own as merely average.Thediscovery of his actual size caused him to wonder how big Ben s cockmust have been.Returning to the bathroom, Josh thought about the leather-daddylabel Ted had used, recalling Tom of Finland images of muscular,mustached men with dark hair and dark eyes, decked out in leather gearthat he d drooled over when he first came out.Given his lack of interest 46 Michael Rupuredin working out, the big-daddy body probably wasn t going to happen.The idea of himself decked out in leather made him laugh.The beard Josh now sported was the result of skipping the dailyshave for more than a week.He lathered up his face, and except for athick mustache extending beneath his nose to his jaw line, shaved offthe beard.He wiped his face clean and stood back from the mirror toadmire the result. Wow. He couldn t believe the difference.The new mustachemade him look like something out of Honcho magazine.All he neededwas a chest harness and some buttless chaps to complete the look notthat he d ever resort to that.He considered the leather crowd to beabout the same as the drag set.Dressing up was dressing up.He slipped on some gym shorts and a T-shirt, then grabbed a jointfrom the jewelry box, and after dragging a chair from the dining roomtable, he took a seat outside.Except for several pots of dead plants onthe balcony next door, the balconies around him were deserted.Hewatched people on the street coming and going, all in a hurry.He stroked his new mustache, enjoying the feel of it on his face.He wondered what Ben would think.Then he knew.The realization hithim so suddenly that the joint fell from his mouth and nearly rolled offthe edge of the balcony.Ben wouldn t like it.In fact, Ben hadn t liked any of the changesin Josh.Ben s new and much younger lover, David, was reed thinlike Josh had been when he and Ben first met.Despite Ben s constant comments about Josh s weight gain, hewasn t fat.He was just too big for twink-loving Ben.Josh wasn t histype anymore.Instead of the boy Ben had fallen in love with seventeenyears ago, Josh had grown into a full-fledged man.Josh headed out to explore the neighborhood.He walked up toConnecticut Avenue with a newfound spring in his step.He spent mosthis time browsing through Lambda Rising the first gay bookstorehe d ever seen that didn t revolve around porn, peepshows, and sextoys.He bought Tales of the City by Armistead Maupin and TheVampire Lestat, the newest volume in Anne Rice s VampireChronicles.On the way back to the apartment, Josh counted sixteendifferent restaurants.He thought about stopping at one for dinner, but UNTIL THANKSGIVING 47the idea of eating at a table for one didn t appeal to him.Instead, hestopped at the Burger King and picked up a Whopper meal to takehome.Back at the apartment, Josh started reading Tales of the City.After an hour of reading, he thought about taking a nap so he couldcheck out some of the bars in the neighborhood later, but decidedagainst it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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