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.Distinguish betweenevolutionary change and revolutionary change in the face of competitivethreat.The direction of trend is clearly based on trends demonstratingthemselves in the market, amplified by the new age of information.In 1999each business had an ecommerce venture, under the operationdestroyyourbusiness.com.But this was not done to reward a few on the sidebut the team came first on the basis of  integrated diversity.First, change is not predictable.Second, it cannot be controlled.It isimpossible to forecast with any precision.Hence there is no all powerfulcentral strategy.Rather, there will be a central idea  a simple core conceptthat will guide the business and govern its diverse plans (eg the number 1 or 2tenet).He often used Peter Druckers  tough question of: If you weren t already in thebusiness, would you enter it today? If the answer is No!, what are you going todo about it.The concept of a central guiding idea evolved from Helmuth von Moltke(military adviser to the Ottoman Empire) who wrote that strategy is not alengthy action plan, but rather the evolution of a central idea throughcontinually changing circumstances.In addition to the central idea, Jackfocused on surrounding these with values and dominant themes.These themes included reality (getting managers to see the way the market isand not as they wish it would be); quality excellence theme and a humanelement theme (only constraints to your advancement is you) and the  softtheme importance of culture.A big risk is pursuing too many initiatives in too short a time.On must managechange and educate the organisation.Create themes, communicate andcreate small snowballs that grow to critical mass. Another theme was one of boundarylessness  a big, big idea.Not onlybetween industries but between role players eg trade unions, suppliers etcHard to describe and harder still to put into action.Three major areas ofbarriers need to be examined (1) internal vertical ie between layers ofmanagement (2) internal horizontal ie between divisions and SBU s and (3)external ie between customers, suppliers etc.Companies need overarching themes to create change.If it is just somebodypushing a gimmick or a programme, without an overarching theme, you can tget through the wall.Another two dominant themes in GE were that of a Thinking Company (notblind obedience) and the Fast Response to everything that was done.Ideas into action.Make business managers lead by taking total responsibilityfor their units.To change people s mindset, first seek to change their results.See the internet challenge through the eyes of a hungry competitor.Ask,  If Iwas not in the business already, would I enter it today if not, then leave.Introduce the  soft values that you want and make them become secondnature in the organisation.Never fall into the trap of having constantlychanging fads overtake a central theme or idea.Press for faster speed ofresponse as the key to competitive advantage [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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