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.I hope Fowler or Kalki does comeback.They'd save us a lot of chasing around."Tammy brushed her blond hair wearily away from her face."I'm exhausted, but I'll never sleep here," she complained."On the otherhand, how can you be sure you'll stay awake all night?""My strength is as the strength of ten because my heart is pure," Simonexplained."And the blood of Lancelot and Siegfried surges in my iron veins,reinforced by charms and talismans which make me impervious to all humanweakness." His eyes held hers for a moment."Or almost all."He went back downstairs, again checked the trussing of Shortwave, who stillshowed no signs of returning animation, and took off his coat and draped itover the back of a chair.Then he went outside and turned to the necessary jobthat was waiting for him.When he had finished almost an hour had passed, and his shoulders ached alittle from the unaccustomed effort of stirring wet cement and shovelling itinto the two big metal drums.One of the drums took more cement, becauseMahmud's body helped to fill up the other.In the second container the Saintput a partial stuffing of leafy twigs cut from nearby bushes, so as to makethe weight of the two drums not too greatly different.He left the two steel barrels brimming with concrete near the side door,where anybody arriving would see them right away and-assuming the arriver wasin on the plot- think that Shortwave and Mahmud had done their jobs accordingto plan.He mentally ran over the current situation: Kalki and Fowler on theirway to parts unknown, Fowler planning a "pick-up" at the end of the day whichwould presently be dawning, which undoubtedly meant the joyous arrival onEngland's shores of another misguided batch of reverse-order colonists.Meanwhile, a pair of minor pests had been taken out of circulation, one ofthem permanently, but the major miscreants still had their bill to pay-towhich, Simon reflected, could fairly be added the write-off of Tammy Rowan'scar.He pondered his next move as he watched the branches of the big trees behindthe boathouse quiver and flail in the wind against the barely perceptibleluminescent background of the sky.Once more in his miracle-punctuated life hewas standing with the good earth beneath his feet and sniffing the good airwhen by all acceptable guesses he ought to have shuffled off this mortal coiland-as the mystically minded might say-begun operations in another sphere.Hesavoured the sensation with the quiet gratitude of a man who has come toaccept marvels as a part of his everyday experience without ever losing hisrespectful appreciation of them.But while one such escape would have been more than enough in the life ofmost men, Simon Templar was already thinking of courses of action that wouldmore than likely bring him face to face with death again within twenty-fourhours.He could not afford to waste time.Men like Fowler, who apparently tookcare of the nautical end of the immigration game, were not likely to continuePage 70 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmltheir normal routine once persistent investigators started showing up inupsetting numbers.If the Saint was not able to trace Fowler and Kalki beforethis same time tomorrow, a lot more sunrises might follow before he was ableto pick up their trail again.Shortwave knew where Fowler would be during the crucial day that was now onits way towards dawning, so it was to Shortwave's health and immediate futurethat Simon turned his consideration.He picked up Mahmud's Winchester, which he had already emptied, tested, andreloaded for use in case he had been interrupted during his work, and wentback into the boathouse.The scrawny killer lay as still as ever in his windings of secondhand rope.The Saint began to fear that his two-legged kick might have had fatalconsequences, which would undoubtedly have brought satisfaction to the grimgods of justice, but not to anybody wanting to dredge Shortwave's transistorbrain for information.A brief medical examination told Simon that the worst his charge could besuffering was concussion, accompanied by minor modifications of the facialprofile which could be nothing but an improvement [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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