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.And when it had tarried there for a time it suddenlywithdrew itself, and it flew away to the country of Ethiopia, and it shonethere with exceedingly great brightness for ever, for it willed to dwellthere.And [the King said],  I waited [to see] if it would come back to Israel,but it did not return.And again while I waited a light rose up in theheavens, and a Sun came down from them in the country of Judah, and itsent forth light which was very much stronger than before. And29 Israel,because of the flame of that Sun entreated that Sun evilly and would notwalk in the light thereof.And that Sun paid no heed to Israel, and theIsraelites hated Him, and it became impossible that peace should existbetween them and the Sun.And they lifted up their hands against Himwith staves and knives, and they wished to extinguish that Sun.And theycast darkness upon the whole world with earthquake and thick darkness,29The remainder of this paragraph is a comment by the author of this work.31 Kebra Nagastand they imagined that that Sun would never more rise upon them.Andthey destroyed His light and cast themselves upon Him and they set aguard over His tomb wherein they had cast Him.And He came forthwhere they did not look for Him, and illumined the whole world, moreespecially the First Sea and the Last Sea, Ethiopia and Rôm.And He paidno heed whatsoever to Israel, and He ascended His former throne.And when Solomon the King saw this vision in his sleep, his soulbecame disturbed, and his understanding was snatched away as by [a flashof] lightning, and he woke up with an agitated mind.And moreover,Solomon marvelled concerning the Queen, for she was vigorous instrength, and beautiful of form, and she was undefiled in her virginity; andshe had reigned for six years in her own country, and, notwithstanding hergracious attraction and her splendid form, had preserved her body pure.And the Queen said unto Solomon,  Dismiss me, and let me depart to myown country. And he went into his house and gave unto her whatsoevershe wished for of splendid things and riches, and beautiful apparel whichbewitched the eyes, and everything on which great store was set in thecountry of Ethiopia, and camels and wagons, six thousand in number,which were laden with beautiful things of the most desirable kind, andwagons wherein loads were carried over the desert, and a vessel whereinone could travel over the sea, and a vessel wherein one could traverse theair (or winds), which Solomon had made by the wisdom that God hadgiven unto him.31.Concerning the Sign which Solomon Gave the QueenAnd the Queen rejoiced, and she went forth in order to depart, and theKing set her on her way with great pomp and ceremony.And Solomontook her aside so that they might be alone together, and he took off the ringthat was upon his little finger, and he gave it to the Queen, and said untoher,  Take [this] so that thou mayest not forget me.And if it happen that Iobtain seed from thee, this ring shall be unto it a sign; and if it be a manchild he shall come to me; and the peace of God be with thee! Whilst I wassleeping with thee I saw many visions in a dream, [and it seemed] as if a32 Kebra Nagastsun had risen upon Israel, but it snatched itself away and flew off andlighted up the country of Ethiopia; peradventure that country shall beblessed through thee; God knoweth.And as for thee, observe what I havetold thee, so that thou mayest worship God with all thy heart and performHis Will.For He punisheth those who are arrogant, and He showethcompassion upon those who are humble, and He removeth the thrones ofthe mighty, and He maketh to be honoured those who are needy.For deathand life are from Him, and riches and poverty are bestowed by His Will.For everything is His, and none can oppose His command and Hisjudgment in the heavens, or in the earth, or in the sea, or in the abysses.And may God be with thee! Go in peace. And they separated from eachother.32 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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