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.J.Eysenck (1957):Unless there is a gigantic conspiracy involving somethirty University departments all over the world, andseveral hundred highly respected scientists in variousThe Secret Behind Secret Societies 95fields, many of them originally hostile to the claims ofthe psychical researchers, the only conclusion theunbiased observer can come to must be that there doesexist a small number of people who obtain knowledgeexisting either in other people s minds, or in the outerworld, by means as yet unknown to science.Radin reviews what have popularly been called remote-viewing experiments, carried out with $20 million fromagencies of the U.S.government, between 1972 and 1994 atStanford Research Institute and at SAIC (Science ApplicationsInternational Corporation).Radin confirms that results in psychically locating anddescribing secretly selected geographical targets have beensuccessful.He cites a government report issued on SAICremote viewing studies done between 1989 and 1993.Anoversight committee, which included statistics experts, aNobel prize-winning physicist, and an Army major general,concluded that remote viewing ability is quite real.Even Ray Hyman, the dyed-in-the-wool skeptic on ganzfeldexperiments for six years, stated, I agree.that the effectsizes reported in the SAIC experiments probably cannot bedismissed as due to chance.So, I accept Professor Utt sassertion that the statistical results of the SAIC and other para-psychologists experiments are far beyond what is expectedby chance. Radin goes on to examine the history of mind-matterinteraction research, concluding that After sixty years ofexperiments using tossed dice and their modern progeny,electronic RNGs [random number generators], researchershave produced persuasive, consistent replicated evidencethat mental intention is associated with the behavior of thesephysical systems.What about mental interactions with living organisms?Radin recounts three separate studies done between 1962 and1972, in which researchers in New Jersey, France, and theNetherlands all observed significant changes in receiversfinger blood volume when a sender, located sometimesthousands of miles away, directed [stimulating or calming]96 Jon Rappoportemotional thoughts toward them.Psychologist William Braud is credited with having accu-mulated the largest systematic body of experiments in thisarea.His work of seventeen years at the Mind Science Founda-tion in San Antonio, Texas, consisted of 37 experiments (655sessions) using 602 people and animals, run by 13 researchers. The thirty-seven experiments combined, Radin summarizes, resulted in odds against chance of more than a hundredtrillion to one.Fifty-seven percent of the experiments wereindependently significant.where 5 percent would beexpected by chance.These experiments involved separated senders andreceivers, with the receiver hooked up to a monitor thatcontinuously measured skin conductivity electrodermalactivity. Such activity is associated with unconscious changesin emotion.The sender, at randomly chosen moments, wastold to think about the receiver with one of two motives: toemotionally arouse or calm him.The results of such attemptsare measured by electrodermal fluctuations.Clearly, the positive statistical results of these studies showthat contact, through thought, is being made between humanbeings at a distance.Radin concludes, The [positive] implications for distanthealing are clear.Although Paul Schuman was obviously not alive duringthe period of much of this research, he might have been awareof some earlier forerunners of it.Regardless, I felt certainthat the sorts of results which I have been discussing werepart of what was on his mind as he considered advancedpowers.Suppose, when he read Cave 4 documents of the DeadSea Scrolls, he was in fact seeing the so-called miracle testsfor a messiah in conjunction with this arena of paranormalactivity.That was reasonable.Of course, such a crossover similar-ity has been pointed out before.But for a man immersed inhealing, it can pique the interest in a compelling way.Forexample, Paul may have begun to conclude that many dif-ferent manifestations of the paranormal of which healingThe Secret Behind Secret Societies 97is one were connected by common threads.Threads ofawareness, of attuning to events and people, of imagination,of desire to surmount ordinary experience.In that case, he could have thought that new universeswere just over the horizon for him.After all, if he had alreadyfound one zone, healing, why wouldn t other zones becomeaccessible to him?And if he could expand in that way, perhaps many, manyother people could, too.30Giordano BrunoI continued my exploration of the clues Carol Schumanhad left me about her father Paul.I was, of course, aware that I was operating on supposition.But.why not? When that s the door that is presented, walkthrough it.Carol mentioned that Paul had an interest in GiordanoBruno, the 16th-century ex-monk who had left his positionwith the Catholic Church and taken to the road, so to speak.Teacher, philosopher, poet, dramatist, and outspoken criticof limitations of thought, Bruno traveled all over Europefearlessly spreading his ideas, in various venues, until hisarrest by the Church for heresy.Bruno s works are not easy to tackle.But you always feelyou are on the edge of discovery, and gems are planted alongthe way.He is a revolutionary thinker who straddles severalrealms.One of his masterworks, On the Infinite Universe andWorlds (1584), stretches the imagination as God, the indi-vidual, the infinite, the universe, planets, space and time areall thrown into a cosmic soup just as they are, almost atthe same time, subjected to close analysis to determine theirexact meanings and relationships.Bruno s simultaneous approaches tend to make the mind ofthe student ricochet like a ball bearing in a pinball machine
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