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.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlwith a chicken in its mouth."DP reserved the most difficult mission for himself.His task involved theacquisition of the services of MIT Professor Dillon Hughes.A leadingresearcher in directed electromagnetic propagation, Hughes had acquiredwell-established, worldwide connections to others in that and related fields.From time to time, Hughes articulated views that were antithetical to thePLAG's hegemonic policies, stating that the latter were unduly restrictive andneedlessly repressed human advancement.DP's plan, of necessity, was quite elaborate.By sending the Icarus divinginto the Atlantic Ocean far offshore in complete darkness, and then burrowingdeep into the oceanic crust, he hoped to eliminate any chance of detection bythe PLAG's aerial and naval surveillance systems.Once reaching his desireddepth, deep under the oceanic crust, he leveled out and tilted the shipslightly, thereby creating a larger horizontal profile than was needed by theship for lateral movement.He then proceeded slowly underground toward theProfessor's private quarters, using the PLAG's naval "extremely long wave"communications network as a navigational beacon.Once DP determined that he had reached a position directly under ProfessorHughes' quarters, he navigated the Icarus vertically.Gingerly, he penetratedinto the lowest basement level of the dwelling.Opening a small exit hatch onthe very top of the craft, he quickly disembarked, so as to make contact withthe professor.He found Professor Hughes sitting in his study, engrossed inwriting one of his research papers.Not knowing a really good way to approach the man, DP simply knocked on thedoorjamb of the study.Startled, Professor Hughes looked up with considerableapprehension and said, "Oh my! Who are you? How did you get in here? Whatcould you possibly want from me?""You have nothing to fear from me, Professor Hughes," DP replied calmly."I amSergeant Major Decker Payne.My employer has sent me here to offer you theopportunity of a lifetime.If you hear me out, I believe that you will find itthe most intriguing offer of your life."Professor Hughes eyed DP further and then said, "I know you.You're one of theinsurrectionists the PLAG is looking for.They have a fifty million dollarbounty on each one of you, you know!"Unabashedly, DP replied, "Only fifty million, you say? I am insulted! Ithought we were a bigger thorn in their side than that." On hearing this news,DP realized that the PLAG obviously did not regard them as strictly a localproblem, or the bounty would have been much larger.All things considered,this confirmed Crash's view that the problem they created on Earth with thePLAG was only a very small aspect of the entire situation.It also gavecredence to Chaelmic's suppositions.His conclusions provided fresh impetusfor DP to vigorously press his case with the Professor."Professor, I do not have time to waste, so I shall get right to the point.Iam sure that by now, you have heard of Dr.Isaac Tyson.He would like you tojoin our group as Head of Research - specifically, to conduct research ondirected-energy weapons.In order to proceed with your work, you will have atyour disposal facilities and resources the sophistication and power of whichyou cannot imagine."Startled, the Professor dropped his pen."You must be delusional to think youcan hide from the PLAG forever! They control practically every square inch ofthe planet, now.Why should I put myself in such foolish jeopardy? It would betantamount to suicide!"Prepared for such a response, DP replied, "Professor, we have, at this verymoment, a massive base and research facility operating completely outside thesphere of influence of the PLAG - a facility located where they can'tintervene.I can personally show you, if you would care to look.""I am sure you are aware, Sergeant," the Professor replied belligerently,"that I do not support the PLAG and its policies anymore than you do.But youare asking that I risk putting a bounty on my head, based solely on your word.You have to do better than that, Sergeant Major!"Page 150 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Professor, I can offer you irrefutable proof that what I say is true," DPdeclared fervently."If you will give me just a few hours of your time, youwill clearly see that what I am offering you is not a fantasy.After youwitness this proof for yourself, I believe that all of your doubts will beeliminated."Professor Hughes thought for several moments before replying to DP's offer.Having opened his scheduling book, he studied it for a moment before saying,"Very well, it seems that I am free for the rest of the day, Sergeant.I willtake the time to see this proof of yours.""Excellent, Professor.If you would please come with me, you will shortly seewhat we are offering you."DP took the Professor down into his basement.When they approached the hull ofthe Icarus, which protruded through the concrete floor, with its brightinterior lights streaming into the dark basement, Professor Hughes shouted,"What in God's name is this?"DP replied calmly, "Don't be alarmed Professor.This is the hatch to our ship:the Icarus.""What on Earth are you - mole people?" the Professor expostulated."How inhell did you get this so-called ship under my house? I'm not going anyfurther, until I get a reasonable explanation!"DP had planned for the possibility of such an emotional reaction."Please,Professor, I assure you that we will answer all of your questions in due time.But we cannot remain here for long.This ship, even at rest, generates sixgigawatts of power, which the PLAG can easily detect.We really need toleave!"Professor Hughes mumbled absentmindedly to himself, "Six gigawatts, you say!"Having stared in wonder at the hatch, he agreed to continue, and followed DPas he descended to the deck of the Icarus.Turning to Captain Parker, DP commanded, "Close her up.Then take us tothe Clark at best sub-light speed."Stunned by all that had just occurred, Professor Hughes glanced upwards.Thehatch in the top of the Icarus vanished, and seamless hull appeared right infront of his eyes."How did you do that?" he gasped.DP replied, "It is but a small thing, compared to what you are about towitness."Unsatisfied, the Professor then asked, "You also said best sub-light speed,Sergeant?""Yes, sir," DP replied."It will take us a few minutes to clear the Atlantic'ssurface and exit the atmosphere.After that, we can accelerate to point nineeight light-speed.We have to maintain that slow velocity so as to not drawany undue attention to ourselves."The Professor had a hard time accepting the reality of DP's casual statement.Once again, he turned a skeptical eye on him.Captain Parker skillfully guided the Icarus back through the tunnel they hadpreviously burrowed, only this time he proceeded at a much higher velocity.The ship exited the ocean's surface in a manner of minutes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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