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."Fagan," Mike said loudly."Coming," the colonel replied in a strained voice.He exited one of the cubicles a moment later, zipping his trousers."I don't care what that comedian said," Fagan noted."If he thinks there's noPage 149 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlsex in the champagne room, he's never been to Amsterdam."* * *They had hit two more strip joints, where Mike very pointedly had the colonelgo for a single lap dance while he took the champagne room, and were headed toanother when Mike's phone rang.He stepped into an alley to cloak the street noise and hit the connect."Ay-yup?" he said."The technician is on his way," Assadolah said."All is well?""Turr'ble," Mike replied."Jist turr'ble.Been sittin' here watchin' the copsgo by for the last few ahrs.Jist a wond'rin' when that techie'd show.""He will be there soon," Assadolah said."You can go, now.How is traffic?""Baid," Mike said."But Ah figur Ah kin git back in plenty of tahm fer theevenin' shows.""That is well," Assadolah said."Have a safe trip.""Bet on it," Mike replied, hitting the disconnect.He immediately dialed OSOLand went through the scramble routine."Got a call," Mike said."We were listening in real time," Pierson replied."One hour until the pope'smass.""He cut it kind of close," Mike said."That tech, whoever he is, isn't goingto have much time to get out of town.""The tech turned out to be a former IRA member," Pierson said."The bomb isnot only encased in lead, it's filled with booby traps.The French had neverseen anything like it but the British had; it was a fullIRA rig.IRA bombs are.""The toughest in the world," Mike finished."Fuck, I hate those Provobastards.Now they're selling their expertise to the mujahideen.""We talked to the Dutch police," Pierson said."They're willing to not floodthe place to find Assadolah, for obvious reasons.But there are a couple ofundercover cops moving around as well.And there's a tac team on standby ifyou need backup.""Nice to know," Mike said, walking back to the street."I have to keeplooking.""Terrible job, I know," Pierson said, chuckling blackly."Nero only fiddledwhile Rome burned.""You wouldn't believe the tab that Fagan is running up," Mike agreed, lookingover at the colonel."I'm surprised he can still stand with all the blowjobshe's been getting.""Oh, thanks very much," Fagan said, shaking his head."You realize all thosecalls are recorded.""So is most of what goes on in the lap dance rooms," Mike replied."I wish wecould get access to the tapes; it would make this a lot quicker."Back Next|ContentsFramedBack Next|ContentsChapter EightThey crossed the street, dodging traffic, and headed to the next strip joint.This one was rather seedy:the cover was only three euros and the girls were pretty worn out.The crowdwas also different, running a lot more to Middle Eastern males.Mike spottedone that looked a bit like Assadolah and did a double take.But he was prettysure it wasn't him.And there was no evidence of a phone on the guy.He lookedlike a day-laborer and was staring at the girl on stage like she was the HolyPage 150 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlGrail.He passed around the stage and back to the front, meeting up with Fagan, whohad also noticed the guy and dismissed him, then headed to the champagne roomwith one of the halfway decent-looking women.This champagne room had larger cubicles, with couches that were wide enough tobe beds, and Mike caught more than one guy going at it when he looked behindthe curtains.Most of them didn't notice, but the girls under them did.In thethird cubicle he saw the target.He was sitting on the couch, lying back withhis eyes closed, being fellated by a naked redhead.Her hair was obviously outof a bottle since her exposed pubic tuft was dark brown and flecked with gray.Mike dropped the curtain disinterestedly then took one step forward, drawinghis sidearm, and stepped back to the cubicle.He stepped through the curtain,took a double-handed grip and carefully shotAssadolah Shaath in the right shoulder, covering the whore in front of him inblood-splatter.The whore backed away, screaming, as Mike crossed the room and grabbed theterrorist by his shot arm, dragging him to the floor, face-down, as hescreamed in pain."Which one is the disconnect code?" Mike growled, stepping on the terrorist'swounded shoulder to hold him down and socketing the.45 into his ear."Whichone?""Fuck you!" Assadolah shouted, then switched to Arabic for a long, solid,curse.Mike plucked the phone off the terrorist's belt and pitched it across the roomas the first bouncer came into the cubicle in reaction to the shot andscreams."Back off," Mike said, pulling out his diplomatic passport and holding it up."This is a terrorist we've been looking for.Call the police, they know allabout it.""Put the gun down and I will," the man said, drawing his own sidearm."This is a diplomatic passport," Mike said, waving it at him and then tossingit across the room."You shoot me, for any reason, and you're going to jailfor the rest of your life.Put your own gun down, call the police, and in themeantime I'm going to talk to this gentleman." He leaned his weight into hisfoot as the terrorist screamed, and then shifted his pistol to the othershoulder."I can go for two.Which one is the disarm code?""ICE!" Assadolah screamed."Ice.Fire for the explosion, ice for the disarm.Ice.""Thank you," Mike said, lifting up his weight."Don't try to move or I'llgladly shoot you some more."* * *"He said 'Ice' was the disconnect." Mike was back in the airplane, his chairreclined, a drink in his hand and the headset of the sat phone plugged in hisear.The Dutch police had been less than happy about the shooting, not tomention the torture of the suspect.But it was amazing how well diplomaticpassports worked.He was, however, persona very non grata at the moment.Whichwas why he was sitting in an airfield in France, well away from Paris."So we heard," Pierson said."Along with how you got the information.You're aregular one-man coalition breaker, you know that?""Hell, the Dutch couldn't even hold Sbrenica," Mike said."What do we needthem for?""What's the chance the information was good?" Pierson asked."Zero," Mike admitted."I just wanted to see what he would say.Look somethingup for me on theInternet, will you? Google: 'Some say the world will end in fire.'""Robert Frost," Pierson replied."I know the poem: 'Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice.' That one?"Page 151 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"That's it," Mike said musingly."Both of them could be a disconnect, but Idon't think so.If the pope got held up, if something happened to slow downthe crowds, they'd want to wait.There's probably a timer, with the cellphones as backup controls.The output isn't going to him, is it?""Nope," Pierson said."It goes to a phone in Germany which is connected to awebserver.Then it posts a text message to the webserver.Anybody can view it.NSA cracked the server and took a look at who was visiting.All the links havebeen coming out of Iran.But we know some of the Al Qaeda leadership are stillthere.The circuit on the phone is set to detonate if the phone doesn'tconnect to the right number.The French are talking about spoofing the server and the phone output system,but it's a bit tricky [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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