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."Fetchen! Fetchen, old darling!"He pawed his way through a mound of rotting beluga caviar."Fetchen, speak up, old chap!"At long last, beneath six layers of unconscious houris, under a mound ofrotten fruit and decomposing food mixed with broken bottles and shards ofcrockery, Fetchen turned up.Thorsby hauled him out, laid him down, and began slapping his cheeks."Fetchen, old chap, come round.That's it, old bean, wake up! Wake up, there'sa good fellow."Fetchen said, "Wuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh." His lips were purple."There you go, good as new.Bit of a hangover, eh, old sport? Well, we've allhad a bally good laugh, but now it's time to go back to work.Let's be up anddoing, come on.""Uuuuuhhhhhhhhhh," Fetchen replied."There we go, there we go,""He's had it," came a voice behind Thorsby.It was the bald man, still smokinghis noxious cigar."No, he hasn't!" Thorsby snapped."He'll be just as good as new after I getsome coffee in him.You there! Fetch us a cup of coffee!""Drop dead, jerkoff.""Horrid little strumpet.Smelling salts! Yes, that's what we need.Please,have a little pity."The houri chuckled her reply."How cruel can you be? This man's dying!""My heart's bleedin', honey.""You'd let him die?""Betcha sweet ass.""Better it happens now," the bald man said, turning away.KEEP-HIGHER UPPEOPLE EVERYWHERE!Throngs of them, droves of them.People of every description decked out inevery sort of wild get-up.Kwip had never seen so many different varieties ofhuman creature.And they were all after his loot!"That's mine!" Kwip screamed at the man with the odd pill-shaped cap."How do you figure, mate?"Kwip grabbed at the sparkling sapphire ring.When the lanky sailor held it outof reach over his head, grinning, Kwip let him have a boot in the groin.Thesailor went down and Kwip had his ring back.The encircling crowd voiced itsdisapproval, hissing and booing."To the devil with all of you," Kwip snarled as he ran off, the bulky sack ofrecovered booty rattling against his back.First endless musicians, then big cats, then gladiators, and now this.He'dnearly lost his life to the cats-that last pair had chased him down sixflights of stairs-but Kwip almost preferred them to this horde ofsticky-fingered scavengers.Through a chink in the rush he spied a gold chalice lying on the stone floorPage 83 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlof the corridor; but he wasn't quick enough.Before he could reach it, thething got kicked.It skittered down the hall and ended up being punted into aside passage.Hefting the overstuffed sack, Kwip pushed and shoved his way after it, but thepress got ever greater.Someone stepped on his toe and he yelped.Then someonetrod on his heels; he let loose a punch to the kidney in answer.The man onthe receiving end collapsed against his neighbor, who in turn tripped up twounfortunate passers-by, who.and so forth.This domino effect generated aminor tussle, which Kwip struggled to get away from.At a safe distance, he resumed the pursuit.Drat.Now he'd lost sight of thechalice.He stooped and peered among the hosts of stamping feet, and for histrouble got goosed up the backside.He clouted the nearest suspect, who was infact completely innocent; but no matter.Kwip ducked the retaliatory blow,which landed on another bystander, who became justly aggrieved-and in no timea major brawl broke out between a construction gang and some gentlemen inleather vests and odd helmets.Kwip couldn't slip away from this quarrel.A giant of a man came at him and hehad to resort to whacking the brute with the sack, which promptly split open.A cascade of baubles and bangles splashed to the floor: bracelets, anklets,earrings, and chains;pins, brooches, chatelaines, torques.Out gushed gems and precious stones ofevery sort and value: diamonds, emeralds, agate, and heliotrope, onyx andamethyst, all clattering and tinkling and skittering into every nook andcorner.There ensued a mad scramble for the scattered treasure.Fist fights broke outall over.Shouts and curses.Fingers gouged at eyeballs, knees found their wayto sensitive parts.Elbows jabbed into solar plexuses [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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