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.The nations of the area werenot even consulted.It was we fight for oil imperial diplomacy at it'sugliest.To quiet the uproar occasioned by the rapacious oil companies, aconference was held in Lausanne, Switzerland in November 1922, butin advance of that event, British troops led a push into the Mosulwhile Secretary of State Hughes said the U.S.would not recognizeBritish claim to Mosul as it lacked validity.The British thought theyhad Mosul "in the bag" through occupation and the correspondent forthe London Times could not conceal his pleasure:We British have the satisfaction of knowing that three enormousfields situated within close proximity of each other, capable ofsupplying the oil requirements of the Empire for many years tocome are being almost entirely being developed by Britishenterprise.Turkish Petroleum geologists have confirmed theexistence of three large pools within the Mosul concession.Thenortheast pool runs from Hammama Ali through Kirkuk and TuzKharmati to Kind-I-shrin.A second extends south to Mosul fromKhaiyara through Kifri to Jebej Oniki Imam.Another pool startssouthwest of Mosul, and runs toward Baghdad along the Tigris toFet Haha Pass and Mandali.It was to take this rich prize that George Bush Sr.attacked Iraq in1991 after "failing to bring Hussein around" to paraphrase JohnPerkins.We can ignore the political speech-making about the Iraqipeople living under a dictator.We can forget the pious platitudesabout bringing democracy to Iraq.We can forget the lies that flowedfrom the White House in 1991 and forget the lies flowing from theWe Fight For Oil 55mouths of the oil junta in 2008.What one can seize on is the solidevidence that what the oil moguls are doing in Iraq today, and whatthey did, starting from 1914, is merely a continuation of theirimperialist quest for oil.This imperial quest for oil has never been sonakedly exposed as it was by the cruise missile attack on Baghdad onMarch 20, 2003.In violation of every tenet of international law andwithout one shred of authority from the U.S.Constitution, not tomention that the U.N.did not give sanction to the Bush-Cheney oiljunta to attack Iraq, a bombardment of Baghdad began.The pious platitudes of George Bush, the son, may be safelyconsigned to the trash can of history, as the Bush imperial family doesnot represent the American people.G.W.Bush was voted into officeby the U.S.Supreme Court.It is fair to say that had the SupremeCourt not elected George Bush there would be no war for oil today,because it is a known fact that Al Gore had openly stated that if hewon the election, there would be no attack on Iraq, nor would theAmerican people be forced to pay sky-high prices for gasoline at thepumps.The following ought to show how little the imperialists and theirantecedents care about people, how hollow did the words of GeorgeBush Jr.ring when he declared his love for the Iraqi people embodiedin his desire to get rid of "Saddam" who was oppressing them.Thebackground to this account from the saga of oil wars is that the U.S.ruthlessly rejected the rights of the Armenians to the Mosul and actedas if the more than 1 million Armenians were not of the slightestconsequence.Vahan Cardashian, attorney for the Delegation of the Armenianrepublic, tried to take this oversight of Armenian rights in anapplication for a Senate hearing and investigation.In his letter of March 14, 1928 to Senator Borah, he said if the ForeignRelations Committee failed to act favorably on his application, hewould request President Coolidge to present the American-Armeniandispute to the Hague Tribunal for adjudication.Cardashian's letter toSenator Borah read:Dr.John Coleman56I charge that two members of the President's Cabinet barteredaway the Armenian case at the Lausanne Conference andconspired to affect the expulsion of nearly 1,000,000 Armeniansfrom their ancestral homes of their victims.I charge that these men and their confederates in this outrage haveused and are using the Department of State as their willing tool tocarry out their infamous design, and that the Department of State,in an effort to cover up the tracks of those who have dictated itspolicy in this respect, has resorted to misrepresentations, intriguesand even terrorism, and has flooded the land with shamelessirresponsible propaganda.Under these circumstances, what then, is the motive, the purposebehind the Turkish policy of the Department of state? We chargethat it is oil
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