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.73International Atomic EnergyIndia 11, 12, 15, 139, 144Agency (IAEA) 196Indigenous Land Corporation (ILC)International Force East Timor64(InterFET) 112, 114Indonesia 5, 18, 70, 102 9, 135, 136International Monetary Fund (IMF)annexation of East Timor 101,8, 9, 119, 120, 132, 163, 173104, 109 11, 183Iran 14, 15, 169, 184, 195 6, 211and Australian aid programmes 141Iraq 145, 184, 190change of policy towards Easteconomic sanctions 185Timor 110 11invasion of Kuwait 184 5Communist Party (PKI) 102, 103,links with terrorism 189, 190181occupation 188 9, 190economic relations with Australiaoil resources 177, 195142, 143, 146 7, 163and weapons inspections 185intervention in Solomon IslandsIraq war 2003 5, 11, 13, 17, 19, 35,12842, 169, 175 6, 187 8, 227and Islam 6, 107 8benefits to US economy 177maritime boundaries 100civilian casualties 188and refugee boats 69and intelligence 25, 27religious fundamentalism 107role of Pine Gap 20 1as source of students 144see also Bali nightclub bombing torture of prisoners 175, 188,information technology (IT) sector 189, 190 132 as war against Islam 28 Index 253Isaacs, Isaac 2 Kerr, John 41Isatabu Freedom Movement (ISM) Khmer Rouge 183, 186, 211127 Kiernan, V.13Islam 6, 8, 28, 71, 107 8, 136, 170, King Gee 34193 King, Sir David 12Israel 188, 195 Kirby, Justice Michael 68Kiribati 131, 132, 137Jaba River 117 Kissinger, Henry 11, 104, 170, 215Japan 3 4, 6, 193, 210, 216 Klare, M.211 12and Asian fund proposal 153 Kojarena satellite station 124competition for US 176 Kopassus 68, 110, 192economic relations with 139, Korea 3, 4, 197, 208, 216143, 144, 146, 147, 154 Korean war 1950 53 13, 180and liquefi Kornhauser, W.59ed gas 33, 114and military interventions 11 Kowandi 18and North Korea 19, 24 KPMG financial services 223threat from 102, 180, 208 Krugman, P.178and US missile defence system Kuomintang (KMT) 209213 Kurds 190, 195in World War II 17, 198 Kuwait 145, 184 5Japan Australia LNG 144 Kwong, J.205Java 102, 106, 108 Kyoto Treaty 28 9, 176Jeffrey, Major-General Michael 49, Kyrghyzstan 212193 4Jemaah Islamiyah 107 Labor Holdings 58Jenkins, Merv 111 12 Laminaria-Corallina oilfield 114Jervis Bay 23 Lang, Dunmore 219, 227Jiang Zemin 202, 213 Langton, Marcia 50Johnson, C.9, 14, 152, 166, 174, Lansbury, Russell 7179 Laos 141, 183Johnson, Lyndon B.182, 224 Lapham, L.178 9Jordan 188 LaRouchite Citizens ElectoralJR Simplot 30 Council 222Judd, Kevin 223 Lasch, C.168, 175Judt, T.13 Laskar Jihad 107Latham, Mark 43, 226Kabui, Joseph 125 League of Nations 3, 122Kalimantan 107 Lebanon 188Kap-Gestapu movement 103 Lee Kuan Yew 111, 112, 162Kaplan, R.179 Lee Teng-hui 209Kashmir 212 LG Chem 146Kazakhstan 212 Liberal Party 54, 56Keating, Paul 42, 44, 53, 101, 105, Free Enterprise Foundation 57110, 139, 183 Millennium Forum 52Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR) 32 Lihir Gold 116, 117 18Kemakesa, Allan 127 List, Friedrich 164Kennedy, P.12, 176 Liu Binyan 203Kenny, Edward 102 3 live animal trade 145, 146 7Kenny, Justice 60 Lop Nor 206 254 Little AmericaLowy Institute 223 4 Meat Holdings 30Loy Yang 30 Medact 188Lucky Gold Star 147 media 61 2, 77Lunn, H.104 Melbourne 159, 160Melville, Herman 170 1MacArthur, General Douglas 4, 17 Mendes, P.221McCoy, A.18 mental illness 75, 94 5McDonald, Don 84 Menzies, Robert 22, 40, 182MacDonald Island 99 Metro Meat International 147Macfarlane, Ian 93 Michels, R.226Macintyre, S.18 Midway, Battle of 1942 17Mackay, H.92 Millmerran power station 148McKell Foundation 57 8 missile defence 22 3, 24, 28, 196,Mackie, J.210 213, 217 18Mackinder, Halford 23 Mission Energy 30McLachlan, Hugh 84 Mitsubishi Motors 149McLachlan, Ian 84 Mitsui 148McNamara, Robert 183 Mitsui Iron Ore 144Macquarie Island 99 Mohl, Andrew 83Macquarie University 223 Moluccas rebellion 1950s 102McQueen, H.41, 103 money laundering 90 1, 106, 132,Mailer, N.13, 179 146Maina, Michael 126 Mongolia 208Makira Island 127 Moomba 31Malacca Straits 211 Moontide South Pacific 129Malaita Eagle Force 127 Moore, B.202Malaya 4, 181 Morgan, Hugh 221Malaysia 122, 144, 152, 162, 181, Moro Liberation Front 193182, 193, 211 Motion Picture Association ofMaldina, Jimmy 119 America 36Malta 4 Moyers, B.12Maluku island chain 107, 109 Mulroney, Brian 39Maluku Sovereignty Front (FKM) 109 multiculturalism 76 7Manus Island 32, 104, 120, 135 Multimedia 145Mao Tse Tung 4, 199, 200 Multiplex 114Maoris 3 Munro, R.207 8Marcos, Subcomandante 11 Murdoch Press 129Marinetti, Filippo 61 Murdoch, Rupert 34, 36, 43, 61 2maritime boundaries 100 1, 103, Muslims, racist campaigns against110, 113 14 186, 193Mark One Apparel 129 MV Tampa 69, 70, 100market fundamentalism 5, 41, 44, Myers, N.13460, 61, 85, 139, 164, 174, 175see also economic rationalism; National Aeronautics and Spaceneoliberalism Administration (NASA) 167Markson Sparks 58 National Australia Bank (NAB) 83Master of Business Administration National Centre for Social(MBA) programmes 221 and Economic ModellingMearsheimer, J [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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