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. And, oh, he wanted to be burned. If you ask nicely,yes, he said honestly. As long as you draw noblood. Fuck you. I hope so, he replied as his men returned, shakingtheir heads.No one was out there, and there was nosign of anyone having been there.He relaxed.His female was still choking out a breath. Never,she finally managed. Never is a long time.Perhaps we should negotiate.No reply.Instead, a look of intense concentrationclaimed her features.Her eyes narrowed, the bluesomehow darkening, becoming.golden?Impossible.Yet as he watched, her body seemed togrow taller and more muscled, her clothing ripping toaccommodate the new bulk.Within moments shewas his exact height, her features realigned to matchhis. He was gazing at his own face, he realized, mouthfalling open in shock.The green-eyed temptress wasstill underneath, still barely visible, but that didn tdampen the shock of seeing himself in place of thesweet-faced blond. How did you do that? What did you do?She peered down at her hands.No his hands.Turning them over, studying them.Big, golden,calloused.Reeling, he considered the rest of her.She no longer had breasts but was solid from headto toe.She even had a bulge between her hislegs.A nice sized one, if he did say so himself. Will I be able to move like you, do you think? sheasked, more of herself than of him.His voice.She did not merely look like him, she nowspoke with his voice.How was any of this possible?Breean reached out to touch that familiar visage.What would he feel? Warmth? Cold? Surely this wasan illusion.But just as his hand was about to make contact, the.whatever she was disappeared andhis hand swiped only air.He blinked.Confusion, anger, and more of thatshock pounded through him.He glanced left, thenright, but saw only the sway of trees and the swirl ofsnowflakes.Brow furrowed, he wheeled and confronted his men. Where did she I go? More to the point, how hadshe gone? If she had always been able to move asswiftly as him, why had she not done so before now?If she hadn t, and this was as new a development asher appearance.damn.She might posses all ofhis strengths now. Did you see her?Expressions as baffled as his must be, theysearched the clearing for some sign of her.From the corner of his eye, Breean caught a blur ofmovement, a flash of white and gold.That blurpaused directly in front of the first pyre-gun he dliberated from the woman.A second later, herdamn it, his image solidified.She wobbled on her feet as though dizzy, weariness glinting over her still-masculine features.A frown pulled at her brow whileshe rubbed her temple with one hand and snatchedup the weapon with the other.He pounded toward her, intent.Sensing him, shelooked up.Their gazes locked, gold against goldand, thankfully, that hint of ethereal green.Sweatbeaded her forehead, and she was panting.Withfright? Fatigue? Or with the thrill of the chase?A moment later, she grinned.Thrill of the chase,definitely, for that grin did not belong to a frightenedfemale but to a taunting agent.Surprisingly, thataroused him all the more, this new challenge of her.He didn t whisk to her, but stopped, continuing towatch her, curious about what this human alienwould do next.What race could assume another sappearance, as well as another s abilities?She threw an I m-the-boss look at his men andbarked,  Stay where you are.This is between thewoman and me. They had been inching toward her with determinedexpressions, but now they froze in place. Which one is which? one of the men asked,glancing between the two of them. Look at the clothing, someone said. Hers is adifferent material and ripped. But what if even that is a trick? Stay where you are, Breean told them, parrotingthe female. I will handle her. I will handle her and the prisoners, she said as ifshe truly were him.That intense glaze ofconcentration fell over her, and once more shedisappeared.His eyes narrowed as he searched the field, trying tozero in on a blur.seeing nothing.nothing.there! She materialized in front of the sleepingagents and crouched. Her back was to him, and she seemed to shrinkbefore his eyes.Her short golden hair lengthenedand paled, appearing exactly as before.One of herhands shot out, slapping a human across the face.Pause.Another slap.Pause.She leaned to the side,muttered something, and slapped a second agent.Who was she hitting? Slight as her body now was, itstill managed to block Breean s gaze.He was afraidto move, however.Afraid she d change personas orleap into motion again.Afraid he d lose her.A second later, she shoved to her feet and facedhim.Leveling two guns, she edged to the center ofthe clearing, her left shoulder toward him, her rightshoulder toward his men.When had she picked up the second gun? Why won t they wake up? she demanded angrily.As he soaked in her blue eyes and womanly form,relief was like a living entity inside him.Much as he relief was like a living entity inside him.Much as heliked himself, he didn t want to seduce himself.Well,not anymore.There d been enough of that over thepast two years to last a lifetime. They are merelysleeping. You had better wake them up.Or, to answer yourearlier question, I ll shoot you with this.Fierce, passionate, and now protective.Hisadmiration spiked, and yes, so did his desire, damnhis hot-blooded nature.And damn his abstinence [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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