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.“Big lunk’s still alive, I see.”He brushed past me and came inside, glancing around the room and picking up a book I had left on the coffee table.Carl watched his every move.“Come on in then,” I muttered, shutting the door.“Tiny place.”“Yeah, well, we can’t all live in a big house with a white picket fence.Wouldn’t do my reputation any good.So, did you want something in particular? Or were you just passing through and felt like hitting something?”His eyes narrowed.“I wanted to see where you live so I could kill the whole nest.But I see you’re a loner.”“You came to kill the whole nest and decided to knock first?”“Well, I knew there had to be humans here too.”I didn’t tell him he would never have found my place if he meant to do me harm, thanks to some of the protection spells scattered around my home.Instead I shrugged and sat down to try and eat the rest of my food.Peter smelled really good, and I was hungry.Best thing for me to do was distract myself with human gluttony.“Lunch for two? How sweet,” Peter said, but he was frowning.I wondered why until I realised that vampires probably couldn’t eat human food.I waited for him to speak, but he was too busy inspecting the room like he wanted to buy the place.He came across as cocky, but I caught an underlying scent of fear.A couple of minutes later, he had calmed down significantly.“Listen, I don’t know what your game is, but it isn’t fair to leave the big fella in the middle of it, seeing as he has no control over his actions.”I snapped my head up to meet his eyes, afraid to hope.He sounded deadly serious.“You’re going to help me? Really?” I said, still cautious.“Not you.Carl.He’s human.I help humans.They deserve it.”I lowered my head.“Of course,” I murmured.I didn’t care about his attitude, helping Carl would in turn help me.“I have to warn you; any sign of you misbehaving, and you’re dead.I’ve killed vamps before, doing it again won’t be a problem for me, alright?”I nodded, but I was thinking: who is this guy? “So do you know what I did? How I can fix it? Is there a spell I can do or something?”“I’m not sure how you managed to do it accidentally, but I have a friend who’s in the know,” Peter said.“What?” I couldn’t believe it; he didn’t have a clue either.“You’re supposed to be the man in the know.What the hell is this? You trying to set me up or something? Got a buddy who wants to punch a girl too?”To his credit, he looked momentarily ashamed, but then shook himself out of it.“I’m a hunter.I go after bad things.I’m not all up on the facts on vampires, alright? I know a good bit, but it isn’t like we have a friendly little chat before I stake them, you know? But the man I mean, he runs a bookshop.If he doesn’t know then I’m betting one of his books will help.You want to see him or not?”I chewed for a few minutes.I had nothing to lose, not really.He thought I was a full-on vampire, sure.But he didn’t know that things like holy water and silver crosses didn’t affect me, so even if he did attack me again, he might do something that wouldn’t hurt me.If I could run then he wouldn’t catch me.Besides, I had to do something about Carl.“Okay,” I said at last.“I’ll see your friend.But remember, if you hurt me then Carl will hurt himself trying to help me out.”Peter nodded, giving me a quick smile that jerked my insides upward.I was pretty disgusted with my reaction.Only I could be attracted to a man who hated my guts on sight.“Can we go today? I mean now so we can get back before dark?”“What’s the rush?”I cleared my throat and glanced over at Carl who was on the edge of his seat and glaring at Peter.“I really need this to be sorted out as soon as possible.I’m having some.trouble, being around him.”“You feel like you’re gonna bite me?” Peter said, his eyes too bright as he rubbed his wrists, drawing my attention to the small crosses tattooed on them.I wondered if it was a form of protection but pretended not to notice [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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